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Dr. Michio Kaku “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence."


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The operative words are 'theoretical' and 'physical evidence'.

As in "THEORETICAL particles known as 'primitive semi-radius tachyons' are PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that the universe was created by a higher intelligence.

How can something which is only theorized be physical proof ?

Should he not wait until these particles are actually found before calling them proof of a controversial viewpoint ?

Or is he just a publicity hound ?

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You know i really cant add much here other than does this at least bring the discussion about god to the mainstream? Michio is quite a large figure in science, will this announcement allow people to discuss the possibility the universe was created?


I also wonder how miciho feels about geocentrism and the cosmic microwave background? I am not gonna start up a whole other thread on the topic, i am just curious what his thoughts on the subject are. I know he was interviewed in the principle movie, but i cant seem to play it on my computer (tried to rent it, it failed somehow).

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For the love of money is the root of all evil.


Not sure what this even means lol. Are you accusing michio as being a money grubber and that is his lifes goal? I dont have any stake in the guy, im just only aware of him because he presents well to the general public.

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Michio is quite a large figure in science



I get the impression that there are more threads about bad science that refer to Michio Kaku than any other individual.


Don't just take what he says with a pinch of salt, ignore it.

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I get the impression that there are more threads about bad science that refer to Michio Kaku than any other individual.


Don't just take what he says with a pinch of salt, ignore it.


First off i know almost nothing about this man, all i know is string theory is a legitimate theory and along with brian green (is that his name?) he was at the forefront. My only question here is does this at least legitimize the question of a created universe to be talked about in public arenas etc?


Kind of curious tho, if michio is so unpopular with scientists (or at least this forum) how is he so popular with people? Where is the disconnect?

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Kind of curious tho, if michio is so unpopular with scientists (or at least this forum) how is he so popular with people? Where is the disconnect?



I have no idea what other scientist think of ok Kaku. I have never seen any comments about him.


I guess he is popular with people because he writes the sort of stuff that people like to hear.

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Not sure what this even means lol. Are you accusing michio as being a money grubber and that is his lifes goal? I dont have any stake in the guy, im just only aware of him because he presents well to the general public.

Just because someone comes up with an accepted idea doesn't mean that they are all viable.

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Just because someone comes up with an accepted idea doesn't mean that they are all viable.


I didnt link the post because it was michio kaku, i posted it because of string theory. Is string theory not an accepted theory on this forum?

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I have no idea what other scientist think of ok Kaku. I have never seen any comments about him.

He is known for his work on string field theory. He has also written several okay textbooks in string theory and quantum field theory. I don't hear much about his recent work, just that he has some crazy ideas he writes in his popular science books.


As the the article linked in the OP, it is short and rather unclear. Kaku may claim that string theory -- which right now is the 'best game in town' for a theory of quantum gravity -- points to a god. Many others disagree.



Michio is quite a large figure in science, will this announcement allow people to discuss the possibility the universe was created?

Kaku does not have much influence on how string theory is done. He is much more famous for his publicity seeking. Not that this is a bad thing, he is making string theory a household name.



I didnt link the post because it was michio kaku, i posted it because of string theory. Is string theory not an accepted theory on this forum?

So we should discuss string theory and not so much Kaku's personal ideas that string theory needs god.

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Fair enough on your last point, but if he is one of (if not the) leading proponents of the theory how do you not talk about his latest conclusion?



It is not scientific at all, it is just philosophical. No way to really test if string theory needs god or vice versa. We should discuss things that appear in the literature rather than strange suggestions found in pop-sci and philosophical articles.

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But aren't we completely stuck in contemporary physics right now? Isnt string theory viewed as the leading theory to get out of the rut? If i am not wrong isn't science trying to get away from dark matter and dark energy?

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But aren't we completely stuck in contemporary physics right now? Isnt string theory viewed as the leading theory to get out of the rut?



Many people think it is, which is why so many people are working on it. But there are other approaches being looked at as well.




If i am not wrong isn't science trying to get away from dark matter and dark energy?


Science is trying to understand them, not get rid of them.

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But aren't we completely stuck in contemporary physics right now? Isnt string theory viewed as the leading theory to get out of the rut? If i am not wrong isn't science trying to get away from dark matter and dark energy?



String theory, right now, is the best framework we have to unify the forces of nature, cover the standard model of particle physics, and give a quantum theory of gravity.


There are also many nice links with pure mathematics.

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Then why did you say this:


Don't just take what he says with a pinch of salt, ignore it.



Should we not take all theories into account and not shut anything out? Is this forum now about politics more than anything? Its just really offputting when someone tells me to ignore something, it almost puts a bullseye on you as having an agenda.

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Then why did you say this:



Should we not take all theories into account and not shut anything out? Is this forum now about politics more than anything? Its just really offputting when someone tells me to ignore something, it almost puts a bullseye on you as having an agenda.



I am saying you should ignore (most) of what Kaku says, not string theory.

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Should we not take all theories into account and not shut anything out?

Well, what theories are you talking about?


Not all of what Kaku says about string theory is string theory ;-)

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Here is the thing guys, he is one of the creators of the theory.

Kaku is one of the early developers of string field theory back in 1974. We acknowledge his contributions.



I dont understand how you can accept a theory yet dismiss the man who co founder'd it in the same breath.



We don't dismiss Kaku's work in string theory, we just don't agree with all his philosophical ideas on what string theory means. There is no problem with this.

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Then who do you go with?

I don't understand the question. Theoretical and mathematical physics is not a popularity contest.


Who is now the leading proprietor of string theory nowadays?

Witten is considered to be the influencial person in string theory and related subjects. He has said something about almost everything.


There are of course many other big names in string theory.


Not that I understand what this has to do with the OP.

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Here is the thing guys, he is one of the creators of the theory. I dont understand how you can accept a theory yet dismiss the man who co founder'd it in the same breath.



You have to separate the man from his work (in all areas of science). This is something that popular science is really bad at.


Popular science articles talk about Einstein or Darwin while science is about GR or evolution.


Scientists often (always) have opinions that have nothing to do with science.

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