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ScienceForums.net reserves to right to enforce this policy as we see fit so that people may not use the letter of the rule to defeat the spirit of the rule.

Section 1: Purpose Statement
ScienceForums.net is dedicated to providing a forum for the discussion of all things scientific with the highest degree of integrity and respectability. We aim to provide all individuals, regardless of their education level, a forum to express their ideas and love of science.

Section 2: Posting
To maintain civility in discussions on SFN, the following rules are enforced:

  1. Be civil.
    • No flaming. Refrain from insulting or attacking users in a discussion.
    • Avoid the use of vulgar language.
    • Slurs or prejudice against any group of people (or person) are prohibited.
    • Please refer to SFN's etiquette guide before posting.
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  3. Keep posts legal.
    • References to the personal commitment of an illegal activity are forbidden, with the following qualifications:
      • References to drug use are not permissible unless the references are scientific or otherwise useful as part of a discussion.
      • References involving felonies are not acceptable and will be removed.
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  4. The use of logical fallacies to prove a point is prohibited. The use of fallacies undermines an argument, and the constant use of them is simply irritating.
  5. Stay on topic. Posts should be relevant to the discussion at hand. This means that you shouldn't use scientific threads to advertise your own personal theory, or post only to incite a hostile argument.
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  10. Keep alternative science and your own personal conjecture to the appropriate forum (Speculations). Threads in the ordinary science forums should be answered with ordinary science, not your own personal hypothesis. Posting pet "theories" in mainstream science forums is considered thread hijacking.
  11. Solicitations requiring non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements, or insisting that discussions must take place privately, are not permitted. We are here to discuss science, in the open (and "I have an idea, can someone do the math for me" typically woefully underestimates the amount of effort this involves).
  12. We expect arguments to be made in good faith. Honest discussions, backed up by evidence when necessary. Example of tactics that are not in good faith include misrepresentation, arguments based on distraction, attempts to omit or ignore information, advancing an ideology or agenda at the expense of the science being discussed, general appeals to science being flawed or dogmatic, conspiracies, and trolling.
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    Since LLMs do not generally check for veracity, AI content can only be discussed in Speculations. It can’t be used to support an argument in discussions. 

    Owing to the propensity for AI to fabricate citations, we strongly encourage links to citations be included as a best practice. Mods and experts might demand these if there are questions about their legitimacy. A fabricated citation is bad-faith posting.

    Posters are responsible for any rules violations from posting AI-generated content.

Please note that the above rules apply to all sections of the forum, including private messages.

Section 3: Rule Violations
Violations of the rules will be dealt with as follows:

  1. Removal of post, if necessary, and personal message or post from staff giving a warning.
  2. When an offense is committed despite repeated warnings, the user can be suspended from SFN for several days.
  3. Further repeat offenses may result in a permanent ban from SFN.

Section 4: Contacting Staff
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staff [at] scienceforums [dot] net

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