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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/18 in all areas

  1. Good afternoon everyone. There is a surprisingly polarizing debate within the snowmobiling community regarding the final drive ratio of snowmobiles as it relates to size of the lugs on the track. For the non-rider here the tracks have paddles that stick out from the track and they are called lugs. They extend into the snow and provide the traction to move the machine forward. Assume you are on asphalt, will the final drive ratio be affected simply by changing the length/depth of the lug?
    1 point
  2. I brought up this idea earlier but I suggested a billionaire buying and destroying the gun manufacturer. This one suggests modifying its purpose.
    1 point
  3. Didn't I? Oh fuck, I meant too.
    1 point
  4. You can say that it’s pure, and that something with that mass is in your sample, but mass spec - particularly low res mass spec such as what you have used - isn’t something I would rely on by itself for structural confirmation / characterisation (even if it gives you what you want). I’m sure it is correct, but if you want to be completely sure then I’d get an NMR.
    1 point
  5. I would get a 1H NMR and match it to literature. Personally, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with low res mass spec (or HPLC if it’s for use in synthesis) if all you’re doing is confirming the structure of a commercial product for later use, and if that product has already been characterised; 1H NMR is a better tool for comparison in that case.
    1 point
  6. Some people will be comfortable with this, some not. You shouldn't worry about couples that are comfortable, just bear this in mind that you are not when choosing your partner. All that matters is that you are on the same wavelength as your partner on this issue.
    1 point
  7. Your deadline is to close to perform any useful experiment in Biology for this project. Perhaps you prefer Biology, but you say this is for a Chemistry grade so why not do some Chemistry? From you description I am guessing you are in an urban area? So what sort of pollutants could be in the soil? Have you any nearby factories etc or were there any in the past, or is the school built on former landfill for waste disposal? Is there a watercourse that could bring in pollutants? If the school is basically built on ground only disturbed by the builders then the most likely pollutants will be from the building. This can provide a source of chemical pollutants because many building products are alkaline (cement, plaster etc) so will change the soil acidity/alkalinity. So there is something to look for. Don't forget that you can test not only the soil itself but also the soil water. Since you are studying Chemistry, you have presumably studied some chemical reactions. Look at some of these, look up what what is in 'good soil' test your soil and water. Look for lead, copper, iron, manganese ..........
    1 point
  8. Well. It appears you probably got yourself involved in a debate way past your paygrade and intellect. However, while I am sure this reading will not suite your relativel low comprehension threshold, try this: Race genetics.pdf
    1 point
  9. This has so little relevance, you might as well have told us that you can make linguine by thinly slicing courgettes
    1 point
  10. I always found that Gattaca would have been a better story if the story was more about getting health care or similar fundamental things denied based on genetic information rather than a trip to space.
    1 point
  11. I do. I use it a bit like wiki, which gives me a general outline and it gives me ideas for pursuing things deeper elsewhere, if I need to. It''s not FOS anyway.
    1 point
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