Your deadline is to close to perform any useful experiment in Biology for this project.
Perhaps you prefer Biology, but you say this is for a Chemistry grade so why not do some Chemistry?
From you description I am guessing you are in an urban area?
So what sort of pollutants could be in the soil?
Have you any nearby factories etc or were there any in the past, or is the school built on former landfill for waste disposal?
Is there a watercourse that could bring in pollutants?
If the school is basically built on ground only disturbed by the builders then the most likely pollutants will be from the building.
This can provide a source of chemical pollutants because many building products are alkaline (cement, plaster etc) so will change the soil acidity/alkalinity.
So there is something to look for.
Don't forget that you can test not only the soil itself but also the soil water.
Since you are studying Chemistry, you have presumably studied some chemical reactions.
Look at some of these, look up what what is in 'good soil' test your soil and water.
Look for lead, copper, iron, manganese ..........