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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/18 in all areas

  1. You don't seem that evil to me... My Avatar and my name are derived from some grand-grand-...-grand-cousin, named Eise Eisinga. He built (a still working!) giant orrery through the ceiling of his living room in 1781, in Franeker, the Netherlands, to show that a conjunction of planets did not mean they would collide. So he was a debunker of superstition.
    2 points
  2. I disagree with this. Humans are not "just good enough". Prior to creating agricultural and large civilizations Humans spread out and successfully inhabited every continent on earth. Humans have very high level of dexterity. Thumbs and ball & socket joints are every bit useful as fur, sharp teeth, horns, or etc. The diversity of our diet, what we can eat, is/was also a major evolutionary advantage. Our dexterity and diets allow(ed) us to eat food collected from underwater up to food located atop trees. Human also have tremendous endurance and mobility. We can cover very large amounts of ground in a day. Our eyesight has depth and is in color. That is much better than merely "good enough". A lot of animals have poor color vision and depth. The list goes on and on. Humans are excellent swimmers, we are able to vocalize (trick prey or intimidate predators), we are naturally great at carrying things thanks to being bipedal, and etc, etc, etc.
    1 point
  3. Very well. Let's start with the questions Strange, Studiot, and I have asked about your idea specifically. You've replied to the general lack of accepted terminology (there is no model in your paper though you mention it several times; models are just about all maths), so now please reply here as well: Also, you never answered me about basing your idea on laws of creation you made up yourself. Shouldn't you spend some time supporting those laws, rather than just assuming you've gotten them right? Also, we'd all appreciate you dropping the "general abuse" charges. There's been nothing personal in attacking the extraordinary claims you've put forth.
    1 point
  4. I've got a different name for it...
    1 point
  5. The paradox lays in the way it's proposed. If you think in terms of speed instead it appears more comprehensible: you can divide the lenght of the track in infinite many segments but the sum of all of them is always the total lenght of the track. If you are travelling at a constant speed it will take you t=s/v to reach the end, independently on how many segments you traverse.
    1 point
  6. I'll see if I can find it. I think it's still at the controversial stage in high-level. discussions
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. "The sense of pansexual that is most often encountered today is defined as “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual desire or attraction that is not limited to people of a particular gender identity or sexual orientation.” " https://www.merriam-webster.com/news-trend-watch/janelle-monae-out-as-pansexual-20180426
    1 point
  9. No, he's not. He's trying to belittle, both the people who feel compelled to face surgery (with all the risks) to become themselves (which is essentially a cosmetic surgery) and the many governments around the world, that has deemed this procedure ethically acceptable.
    1 point
  10. Why don't we just use one word: transmorphic.
    1 point
  11. Considering Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen has found himself the subject of investigation is it easy for me to image Cobb may have either been asked to do something or became aware of things that led him to fear the same fate. Giuliani who recently joined Trump's legal team has taken a different approach attempting to clarify previous lies. Giuliani concedes that Trump paid Cohen back the $130,000 which went to Porn Star Stormy Daniels. While the pay off isn't related to collusion the admission shows Giuliani appears to understand that lying publicly about matters which are under investigation is problematic. Meanwhile the questions Mueller would ask Trump pointedly address what Trump new about the hacks, his team meeting with Assange, outreach to Putin by his team, what potential assurances Trump made Russia about sanctions and shift U.S. policy in Ukraine. All of which definitely appear to happened. Manafort, Flynn, Coats, Stone, and Gates have already been indicted. The questions are about what Trump knew and when he knew it. Whether or not it happened appears to have been decided.
    1 point
  12. I had assumed it was because you were a fan of string theory. Mine came about because I want to call myself Oji [old man] on the first forum I joined but the software wouldn't let me. So I borrowed the title of the famous (?) song "Henna Oji-san" [strange old geezer] but people started shortening it to Henna, which didn't make any sense. So I changed it to Strange. Avatar? I just loved the character and that scene from the movie so I added the caption because it seemed appropriate to a lot of threads here. (There was also a thing on a forum - not sure if it was this one or somewhere else - where several people switched to female avatars to highlight a problem with how some female [or female-avatared] members were being treated by a few posters.)
    1 point
  13. K Thorne could be making an analogy... Consider a 2D representation of 3D space, and stack these sheets, or foliations, on top of each other in the third dimension ( as time advances ). If time is advancing at different rates in different areas of these 2D foliations, we notice a 'depression' in the stack of foliations where time is advancing slower. In effect, the top of the stack of foliations, with its depression where time is advancing slower, resembles the stretched rubber sheet with a bowling ball analogy of gravity. .
    1 point
  14. I don't think so. I have never understood why anyone takes Zeno's paradoxes seriously. They obviously don't apply to the real world. However, if you do take them seriously, then you can prove they are wrong but it means using some rather advanced maths (calculus and the mathematics of limits and infinitesimals) which you probably would know unless you had done an A-level.
    1 point
  15. OK. But did you hear about the agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac who lay awake all night wondering if there was a dog?
    1 point
  16. Italian's look like Neanderthal's and quality tech has come from Italian's... so why do we need to clone them?
    -1 points
  17. The first guy was Canadian, and still lived in Canada. The second was from Austrailia. However, I'm assuming you mean in regards to legal framework around that. What happens when they start pushing for legal rights and equality? Yes. Eventually, there will be a push for legal framework around this if it continues. I assure you. 4 years ago, if I told people a man was going to win the Woman of the Year award, I would have been called a lunatic. It happened. Since this is happening, what's going to happen when there are mass protests for equal rights for those of Trans-age and Trans-Species. Or are you telling me they aren't actually Trans-age/Trans-species? Because I've been notified that's considered bigotry to ASSUME what species they are and how old they are. Fair enough. Agreed.
    -1 points
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