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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/18 in all areas

  1. Here is the finished product used a light oak stain with an outdoor gloss protective coat
    2 points
  2. I don’t use emoji’s when spending a saturday at mother in law’s.
    2 points
  3. In Euclidean geometry a point has no dimensions, no volume or area. A good practical example of this is a focal point on a camera lens - it has no size so it's not a unit of space but it's very much a point. In QM an electron (point particle) cannot be spatially localized because Heisenberg...and its size is zero...but it has mass so it has volume. Only interactions of electrons can be localized so in that context a point can be a unit of space - kinda but not really because super-strings...but the bottom line is that we don't know if spacetime is pixelated at it's smallest scale.
    2 points
  4. Hickory,dickory,dock.........
    1 point
  5. But you did...and rather smugly, I felt....say that Einstein's opus of work and thus his Laws and Theories were merely one guy's opinion. And that for whatever reason, science just decided to jump on his bandwagon. This claim hints that much if not all of science is on a tenuous and maybe even biased...or just plain wrong...footing. Reasons that also explain why what you think about the nature of the universe and its center and outer edges are wrong can be found by anyone with moderate Google skills in about five minutes. Take it from a relative newcomer here, as well as one of the less-hard science savvy guys on this forum...you ain't gonna get far or learn much from these people by strolling in with a chip on your shoulder and immediately denigrating past science greats. Like another member suggested, it's prolly best for all if you just say from the gitgo what you don't like about the current state of science. Or where you think current theories are wrong. Then let them retort and explain. Then digest their answers and try to disprove if you can. And just tell us how you debunked them. That right there is pretty much science. Cheers.
    1 point
  6. You should have something called 'Night Shift' on there. https://www.wikihow.com/Adjust-Night-Shift-Color-Temperature-on-an-iPhone If you've got iPhone 8 or higher there is True Tone as well which will adjust for the ambient light: https://www.imore.com/true-tone Or you can Google 'iphone change colour temperature' for other possibilities. Redder is lower temperature and bluer is higher.
    1 point
  7. Then why don't you correct the points we have been making so your paper stands a better chance of getting attention. The points being raised here will be raised by others not just on this forum. In other words you should be addressing the valid arguments raised here so you can improve the accuracy and quality of your paper to have a better chance of passing a professional peer review. Physics is extremely stingent upon terminology usage and definitions particularly on mass and energy terms.
    1 point
  8. I would. There is no centre to the universe. And I don't know what you mean by the "outer" universe. Also, none of this defends your claim that Einstein was wrong. Or that Einstein's theory is an "opinion". Or that there is a "universal now". All of which are wrong.
    1 point
  9. Hello and welcome Sakshi. A better statement would be to say No bond is 100% covalent in character. It has some percentage of ionic character. You understand this you need to think about comparing covalent and ionic bonds. Covalent bonds are all about sharing electrons. Both molecules involved in the bond have an influence or share in the bonding electrons. The actual bond is due to the lowering of electron energy that one or both bonding molecules experience as a result of the sharing as compared to not sharing. Ionic bonds are all about transferring electrons. The bond is due to the electrostatic forces between the newly created entities - the ions. However these ions are not free to go on their travels. As soon as that happens (eg in solution) there is no bond at all, although there electrostatic forces still operate. So two bonded ions are not the same as two free ions. The crystal structure and bond angles of a covalent material is governed by the disposition of the atomic orbitals of the parent molecules. Water and diamond are good examples of this. One important feature is that there are no free electrons kicking about so covalent materials are poor conductors of electricity at best. (Yes pure water is a poor conductor) But in an ionic compound the crystal structure and bond angles are governed by electrostatic force laws between positive and negative entities. This becomes a balance between like charges wanting maximum distance and the unlike ones wanting minimum distance apart. However in answer to your original question the observed crystal structures and bond angles are rarely exactly as calculated from the above simplified principles. The result shows some compromise between the two extremes. The metallic bond fits in intermediate between these two extremes .
    1 point
  10. Indeed, no reason to think you have access to government secrets; every capable country has every reason to keep a forensic eye on their airspace, and absolutely no reasons not to and cosmologically science has investigated in every possible way.
    1 point
  11. Unfortunately I don't agree with this. I do not believe DOD, FAA, NASA, NOAA, and etc do not take the issue serious. Unidentified fly objects in U.S. air space, or any industrialized nations airspace, are investigated to the fullest degree possible. An unidentified flying object could potentially be new technology from an adversary or contain technology which one day make be developed by an adversary. Every federal agency involved in avionics and aviation have legit reasons to take unidentified flying objects seriously. I do not believe groups of Generals are sitting around the pentagon rolling their eyes if and or when Commanders out in the field route up reports outline anomalous interaction via radar, thermal imagine, eyewitness sightings, or etc. Not because I have unwavering trust in bureaucracy but because there are simply for more reasons to investigate than not. I think that the reality is that the official reports on the Phoenix lights, Battle Los Angeles, and etc are mostly accurate minus any classified information (protecting military secrets). They weren't merely "not taken seriously".
    1 point
  12. Various private industries involved in education make billions a year and heavily lobby the govt to ensure their interests. Things like standard test scores in turn impact home values. The down stream impact of that impacts everything from tax revenue, profits for builders and lenders, and etc. It isn't a conspiracy to point out that entities with something to gain actively influence the system. This all puts a lot of pressure on schools to alter their curriculum's to teach the test and focus test preparation. Those who do not focus heavily on test prep risk negative impacts to funding and overall economy of their locality over time. This is just ONE example of the way private industry lobbying impacts public education.
    1 point
  13. Two other inspiring books I wish I had acces to at that age are The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry David Wells The Self Made Tapestry Philip Ball Incidentally all these books can be found second hand at sensible prices, and some for free online as PDFs. Perhaps you have noticed that I have been concentrating on Geometry. At age 12 your son will not yet have learned enough algebra to look forward to more formal maths. All these books have the added advantage that they widen horizons, connecting Maths to the wider world.
    1 point
  14. “I have no idea why you think my wish should be your command...”
    1 point
  15. So E = hf is wrong, according to you? You're contradicting a whole lot of physics, with no actual experimental evidence in sight
    1 point
  16. Space stops everything from being together: Time stops everything from happening together. Time is a series of events. And if we want to specify any particular event we need the exact coordinates of space, and of course the coordinate of time. Let me answer that with a quote: "Science is simply common sense at its best that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic". Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) English biologist.
    1 point
  17. Science is a method of exploring the universe in a manner that minimizes the influence of our own biases.
    1 point
  18. The coordinates (x,y,z,t) define the location of a single (zero-dimensional) point in space-time. If you have a line in space-time then it is a line: a one dimensional entity. A point in space could well be represented by a line (its world-line) in space-time. (which could be of finite length, or infinite.) On the other hand, it could just be a point in space-time as well.
    1 point
  19. If somebody wants to learn how to program robots (or other external hardware) starting from buying Arduino Uno Starter Kit is definitely way to go .e.g. https://www.ebay.com/bhp/arduino-kit Equivalent of "hello world" in regular computer programming (initial the most basic project), in robotics is making computer controlled LED flashes. Search YouTube for Arduino projects, and unboxing videos, e.g. I attached two videos, show them to your son.
    1 point
  20. math.stackexchange.com might prove interesting and challenging.
    1 point
  21. ! Moderator Note fiveworlds, your posts are disappearing for a reason. I have said you are off topic, so please stop.
    1 point
  22. Talking of nitrogen compounds... http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2016/09/27/what-this-here-compound-needs-is-some-hydrogen-peroxide
    1 point
  23. I can imagine one way would be to bubble the gas through the molten alkali. One of the "usual ways" would be electrolysis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorine#Production
    1 point
  24. I'm talking about writing about it. this is a science forum and already i have to listen to losers preach to me about dangers. I'm just looking for knowledge. but this looks like another dead end.
    -1 points
  25. oh! very nice to see............. there is no comments .................wonderful.
    -1 points
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