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  1. Kindly summarize Benjamin Franklin's contribution to the discipline of Philosophy. Also note that strangely, pretty much everyone reading your and Eise's post side by side, comes to the conclusion that Eise more likely knows more about philosophy. Reasons include differences in the clarity of writing (especially outlining the subject), stronger focus on the argument itself rather than building straw men or discussion peripheral aspects with no obvious connections to the subject at hand (including the need to remind everyone that one is a philosopher). Dismissal of a whole body of knowledge without any indication of having studied them is another serious blow to ones' credentials. Take this for example: Who has ever claimed that? What is the relevance (other than just being plain wrong?). Just like the other bio-inspired arguments in this thread they just exemplify a lack of understanding of biological systems. Even worse, if one at the same time claims expertise and the authority to define terms on that subject (i.e. defining what "philosophical" viewpoint on consciousness is, which, as far as I can tell, is pulled straight from nowhere). However, from the post it appears that your definition of "philosophy" is actually expounding on subjects one has little knoweldge about. In that case I declare myself a philosopher with special non-knowledge in astrophysics. And before the bloody toaster is brought up, I believe Bender was just trying to make the point that being reactive to stimuli is not a sufficient criterion for consciousness (though we could have left it at cells, too, same applies there).
    3 points
  2. Because money isn't based in reality, it's based on a promise and it's all too easy to break a promise even if you don't want to; which is a reality just not a conserved one That depends on "the" why?
    1 point
  3. Speaking of for the record... you did a far better job of supporting your positions than me, you introduced extremely valid criticisms of my posts and new concepts I'd not previously considered, and highlighted some of my blindspots. I haven't entirely changed my stance on the subject we discussed, but I respect you for it and greatly appreciate the exchanges we've shared. I like that you've in some small way helped to make me better and that you illuminated topics that were previously for me lit only dimly, if at all. Gees - Any "power" I wield in this forum comes from consistently high quality posts, an ability to challenge sensitive topics in a forceful way, while also remaining respectful of others. I speak out forcefully for what is right, and most of my reputation comes from battles on hot topics like gay marriage, climate change, and similar culturally important circumstances. Now, admittedly there are countless times I've failed badly, have not even begun to closely live up to the ideals highlighted above, and there were even many years when I was probably far more brutal and eviscerating with my posts than respectful, but I've improved over time and have a history of defending ideas and people. I assure you, though, I can be and have been multiple times been censored, warned, and even banned just like any other member. What is god? An ill-defined 3-letter word that matches remarkably each of our own individual self-images. It's a broadly ambiguous placeholder that we often use until better and more accurate descriptions of nature are realized.
    1 point
  4. Far as I have seen there is only one poster in this thread falling out and it is is their modus operandi to do so in seemingly every thread they participate in. Everyone else, yourself include, appear to be having reasonable discussion. What are the expectations of the Palestinian Authority and how do they differ from Hamas? Within Israel what are Netanyahu's expectations and how do they differ from opposition leader Gabbay's expectations?
    1 point
  5. If you mean the distance where recessional speed is c, then the answer is the Hubble distance: c / H0 = 14 billion light years (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble's_law#Hubble_length) My mistake, I thought you meant c. So what is your C a measure of? In other words "what" PER length? Yes. That follows from its definition. (It would be exactly equal if H were constant over time.)
    1 point
  6. GR predicts Black Holes are singular, which means infinite density at the singularity, and is obviously an impossibility for any type of SM matter. We have no other workable theory of BH formation, so until we do, the best we can say is that theory predicts that BHs are not made of SM matter. That would be the only thing I could say with our present understanding.
    1 point
  7. This seems fair but lacks proportionality. Israel started with just over 8k square miles in 1948 and has since come to occupy another 2,700 square miles. So nearly 11k square miles total under their control. By contrast Palestinian's have just 2,400 square miles. Israel has a population of 8.5 million and Palestinians have a population of 5.1 million. Population density in Palestinian areas is more than double that of Israel. In Israel GDP is 38k per capita and in Palestinian territories GDP is just under 3k per capita. Unemployment in Israel is under 5% while unemployment in Palestinian territories is 40%. Israel spends 21 billion dollars on its military per year and Palestinians spend 100 million a year what military infrastructure they have. I could go on and on but I am sure you get the idea. Israel has the land, the money, and the fire power. Palestinians are a stateless people fenced in and without any real control over their govt or land. I have no doubt some ignorant folks might argue that its the Palestinian's people own fault they are poor and without sovereignty but that isn't how power works. It isn't as though Israel would allow the Palestinian Authority or Hamas to create their own trade agreements, build there own nuclear facilities, and all the various things sovereign nations do to establish themselves. Now that doesn't excuse suicide bombings. Does excuse evil acts. It also doesn't mesh with the "bothsides" platitude either though because to be clear only one side has any juice. Other than their anger and protests the Palestinians have nothing else. Meanwhile Israel is a wealthy a Nuclear power. From the outside it is easy to lament who the Palestinians elect but at the end of the day whomever they elect will face the same restraints. Palestinian is not a sovereign nation. From their banking system to the energy grid Palestinians are constrained by what Israelis are comfortable letting them have/do. Israel has a right to exist but that existence shouldn't have to come at the subjugation of others in the name of protectionism. End of the day Israel has the money, the land, military might, and backing of the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world. We all know the saying "with great power comes great responsibility".
    1 point
  8. I don't usually give downvotes for content. But this post is so indescribably stupid ...
    1 point
  9. I concur Studiot, nice post Koti the quality and accuracy of your posts has greatly improved in the last few years. This seems to me a good time to introduce Compactification and the concept of Dimensional reduction. These are two important techniques to understand for a great number of theories. Particularly in understanding higher dimensions such as the Kaluzu Klien mentioned in the latter link. In modern treatment the compact dimension is the U(1) symmetry group and describes a circular motion too small to be measurable (under symmetry treatments) hence the U(1) gauge is oft described as the circle group. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compactification_(physics) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_reduction edit oops first link not second lol anyways the term cylinder that Kaluzu originally used is under gauge groups treatnent now referred to as a circle bundle as described in the following link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaluza–Klein_theory
    1 point
  10. Okay. I will go straight to the point. Just like a male ejaculation process. its starts by the constant activity around the penis which aggravate the sperm. okay I don't know how to explain this but with this theory. speculation /theory =============================================== What is the anatomy of the penis? The penis is made up of: Two chambers called the corpora cavernosa, which run the length of the organ and contain a maze of blood vessels shaped like cavernous spaces (like a sponge) The urethra, or channel for urine and sperm, which runs along the underside of the corpora cavernosa Erectile tissue, which surrounds the urethra, two main arteries and several veins and nerves The shaft, the longest part of the penis The head (glans), which is at the end of the shaft The meatus, or opening at the tip of the head where urine and semen are discharged How does an erection occur? When the blood vessels of the corpora cavernosa relax and open up, blood rushes in through the cavernosus arteries to fill them. The blood then gets trapped under high pressure, creating an erection. An erection begins with sensory and mental stimulation. During sexual arousal, nerve messages begin to stimulate the penis. Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the open spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand and creating an erection. The tunica albuginea (the membrane surrounding the corpora cavernosa), helps to trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, sustaining the erection. Erection is reversed when muscles in the penis contract, stopping the inflow of blood and opening outflow channels. How does ejaculation occur? Sexual stimulation and friction provide the impulses that are delivered to the spinal cord and into the brain. Ejaculation is a reflex action controlled by the central nervous system. It is triggered when the sexual act reaches a critical level of excitement. It has two phases. In the first phase, the vas deferens (the tubes that store and transport sperm from the testes) contract to squeeze the sperm toward the base of the penis and the prostate gland and seminal vesicles release secretions to make semen. At this stage, the ejaculation is unstoppable. In the second phase, muscles at the base of penis contract every 0.8 seconds and force the semen out of the penis in up to 5 spurts. ========================================================== In essence Hawaii is soil is sensitive just like the penis. 1. every duty cursing vibration going on there must be stopped. 2. It could spend less or more days to stop due to the modernization. but few days more than it recent occurrence or less. GOD help me. AMEN
    -1 points
  11. iNow; Well, I am happy that you are flattered, but in all honesty I must explain that it was Eise, who brought up your name. I was just responding. Actually you have made seven posts in this thread. The first post was on topic. One post was about a toaster, which is a stretch of the imagination to think that toasters have anything to do with "God". One post was to whine about a down vote you received. Four posts were about me, so I am the one who is flattered. Although I am certain that you are enamored of the "power" of your words, I find that research and evidence have some worth. Being able to read also helps. Gee
    -1 points
  12. Is everyone here afraid of the Rice Experiment? Real scientists are truth seekers.
    -1 points
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