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  1. Ok supercooling/reheating. When inflation occurs the rapid change in volume and sudden reduction in density causes the supercooling from the initial hot dense state. Then inflation goes through a slow roll phase. The deceleration from the rapid inflation is the cause of the reheating. Now when inflation was first proposed in the False vacuum model. It was soon discovered that the model had a problem. That problem being Runaway inflation, once it started there was no way for it to stop. Later models then had to come up with a mechanism for inflation to stop. This is the slow roll graceful exit. This slow roll exit is also one of the primary contributors to the surface of last scattering in so far as the reheating causes certain particles to drop out of thermal equilibrium leading to the metalicity percentages we measure. Now as this process has very anistropic characteristics and very rapid it is believed that GW waves should be present in the CMB. BICEP2 once thought they had spotted them but it wasn't conclusive enough. This paper presents another possible direction to look for GW waves that the model predicts should be present. It would be another confirmation, but science never stops looking for other evidence so its never final confirmation lol
    2 points
  2. LOL sloppy terminology can oft be in avoidable when trying to explain things as heuristic as possible lol. Good point on the curved spacetime examples provided.
    1 point
  3. I don’t know what you mean by “elastic” - a reference frame has no such property as elasticity, it’s essentially just a way to set up a coordinate system. Yes, I do indeed mean a small enough patch of spacetime - my terminology was a little sloppy here. A patch is usually considered “small” if its dimensions are on the order of 1/a, where a is the proper acceleration. However, this is just a rule of thumb, not an exact definition, and it does very much depend on the specific scenario at hand. This is quite a broad area of study - is there a specific question you have? Gravity in close vicinity of a black hole substantially deviates from the Newtonian theory, so in most cases you will not be able to use the inverse square law. Tidal distortions in particular vary with an inverse cube law, in Schwarzschild spacetime.
    1 point
  4. @icarus2 I know it's more attractive to respond only to the guy with the flashy colour pictures, but I am still waiting for a proper response with mathematics to my last posts. May I remind you that the rules of this forum require this?
    1 point
  5. I don't want to pre-emp what Marcus has to say, but if he means what I think he means then the correct term is 'patches' not small frames. And yes that would correspond to his comment about local since patches are locally flat and thus locally SR can be e.mployed. But then that begs the question How small is local or when is the extent too large?
    1 point
  6. That was my "sprinkling of other countries". Isn't it delicious revenge, after being raped and pillaged for so long by so many countries, English is so ubiquitous.
    1 point
  7. Proteins are constantly breaking down and cells need to produce more of them at a more or less constant rate. Proteins aren't particularly stable, they denaturate at a rate depending on temperature, and the body temperature of mamals is at a balance to ensure constant readiness for action and low protein denaturaration rate. Muscles aren't action ready beneath a certain temperature. And, of course, they also need energy to reproduce. I don't know which takes up more energy of the two. But protein recycling is a non-negligible aspect of metabolic upkeep. Proteins can be processed for energy, as can other energy-rich substances. Pretty much any intermediary product of the celular respiration chain https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_respiration like acetic and citric acid can be directly be processed for ATP recovery.
    1 point
  8. You are correct, it would depend on the radius also. Sorry for not explicitly mentioning that!
    1 point
  9. Actually, you can, at least in principle. The equivalence principle tells us that uniform acceleration is locally equivalent to a uniform gravitational field - this is just the elevator example you brought. However, gravity due to sources of energy-momentum - such as planets, stars, etc etc - is not uniform, but tidal. Hence, if you are under the apparent influence of gravity, you can look for tidal effects to see whether this is gravity due to a source of energy-momentum, or just acceleration. Of course, if your reference frame is small enough, it will be difficult to detect the difference, so the equivalence principle always holds locally in a small enough patch of spacetime.
    1 point
  10. Both our federal Conservative government and our provincial Liberal government invested heavily in the economic recovery following the 2008 crash; and our economy had one of the fastest comebacks in the world. However the federal Conservatives made an effort to return to balanced budgets and were booted out of office, the provincial Liberals did not, and continued spending like drunken sailors. I'm glad that our health care system is envied by Americans, Phi, but it can be quickly rendered ineffective, either by massive cuts, as Conservatives are claimed to want, or, if money has to be diverted from health care because its needed to service a massive debit, as the Liberals have done. I will agree that privatizing certain services is detrimental. Hydro in Ontario is private now, and the PCs have promised to change that ( we'll see if it actually happens ). The CEO earns 6 million ( don't get excited, its Canadian dollars ) and we have exorbitant prices for hydro. On the other hand our liquor and beer are under provincial control and heavily taxed; we pay $40 for a case of 24 beer. The PCs have also promised 'buck a beer' prices, i.e. $24 for a case of beer ( we Canadians like our beer )
    1 point
  11. I think you are right. You used it correctly.
    1 point
  12. Than you must not understand how political affiliation works. I do not suspect you to change your view. Your position often seems to be that while you don't agree with Trump, White Supremacists, Nazis, and etc it is important not lump those who enable them together. You have enough sense to know such people and groups are beyond defense so you passively tug toward some imaginary point where all these competing ideas merge. However the tug is always in the same direction and only every benefits one ideology. From all your posts I have read your concept of centrism has a very strong bias. You could say the exact same about me only I do not put up the facade of being a centrist. I acknowledge I am a progressive and accept the good and bad which goes along with that. This gets to what this thread is about. The way language is used in an attempt to manipulate political discussions. Conservatives do not speak in concise language which outlines political ideas but rather code their speak as a means of influencing and manipulating matters. I feel you do this often. You'll quote me or someone else who has criticized Conservatives with an appeal not to lump everyone together while positioning yourself as a "fiscal conservative" imply some significant difference among types of Conservatives. Such posts are empty. They defend Conservatism as a whole yet fail to every actually justify a policy or action by the Conservatives which are the subject of discussion. You are providing all conservatives cover broadly by arguing the can't be all criticized broadly. You can say all you want that when Trump calls someone an "Animal" you don't hear it as racial. Good for you.The Bigots with legions of followers like David Duke make no secret that they are hearing Trump loud and clear. I am not going to ignore the torch burning mob chanting racial slurs in my streets or the families being separated at the border just because you make a plausible deniability argument. Seems to me that you were referencing perspective. Either way I think what is right vs wrong matters more. No one every come into these threads and argues that there are good and bad things about Dictatorships and that we can't lump all Authoritarians together. That an anti Dictator position is bias less it includes voices from with their regimes. No, we are able to use their history of abuse and failure to form an opinion about them. Likewise I am capable of form opinions about conservative policies in Western Democracies without myself being one. You it is about "time-honored methods". I challenge you to list what those are specifically as policies. It is off topic for this thread but feel free to do so in the thread I created asking for examples of successful Conservative policies.
    1 point
  13. Obviously not. The whole reason that dark matter is proposed is to provide the missing mass in and around galaxies. This requires it to have normal (positive) mass. It causes gravitational lensing, which requires it to have normal (positive) mass. So your idea is dead in the water. Which is good because it means I don't have to wade through your incoherent and error filled nonsense.
    1 point
  14. I just gave you an example in my previous post, Ten oz. Maybe you should read other people's posts before prejudicially assuming racism , hate and intolerance. Must be tough living in your world, where everyone is evil and you are the only one who's seen the light.
    0 points
  15. All new discoveries were called new discoveries because they were not found until then. Throughout the history of science, among the things that have not yet been discovered, new discoveries have had many examples. In other words, it does not guarantee that undiscovered findings of any physical object will be undiscovered in the future. The history of physics, and even the history of science. Some phenomena of relativity and quantum mechanics are against common sense. Already, accelerating expansion of universe is not what we expected. The rotation curves of galaxies were not what we expected. It is a phenomenon that conflicts with common sense in some aspects. Already, an uncommon event has occurred. In this situation, what we need to focus on is not common sense but does the newly introduced physical quantity explain the phenomenon? To date, no one has ever observed dark matter directly. We do not yet know what the source of the (gravitational) phenomenon we observed. We have observed that the rotation curve of the galaxy is different from that of the solar system, and we are looking for ways to explain it. This may be explained by the presence of additional gravitational sources and may be explained by the presence of additional gravitational effects. There are other ways, of course. In general, we presume that dark matter is something with a positive mass. However, I would like to try a different explanation. Dark matter is Negative mass! 1. Negative mass is an object whose existence is required by the law of the conservation of energy. If the conservation of energy that “energy will be always conserved” is applied to the initial state of the universe, this gives rise to the question of “where the energy of our universe did come from?” The most natural answer to this question is the assumption that the energy itself was not something created and that zero-energy state went through phase transition keeping conservation of energy and generating negative and positive energy. Therefore, in order to offset the known positive energy of matter, negative energy (mass) is needed. 2. Rejection logic of negative mass is wrong. One of physics' fundamental principles, "lower energy state is associated with stability'' can be only applied to positive mass. However, both negative mass and negative energy level have been denied, as it has been wrongly applied to negative mass. F = - m_a (m_ >0) a = - (F/m_) When negative mass exists within potential with maximal and minimal points, different directions of force and acceleration should be considered for negative mass. The acceleration of negative mass is opposite to the direction of force. Therefore, the negative mass has harmonic oscillation at the maximum point and it is also stable at the maximum point. In the case of positive mass, it was stable at the minimum point at which energy is the low. However, in case of negative mass, stable equilibrium is a point of maximum value, not a point of minimum value. It is stable at a low energy state in the case of positive mass. However, it is stable at a high energy state in the case of negative mass. Due to this, "the problem of transition to minus infinite energy level (vacuum instability problem?)" does not occur, therefore negative mass(energy) and positive mass(energy) can exist stably in our universe. 3. Negative mass was found but … From the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe, people generally claim the existence of cosmological constants or vacuum energy. However, by borrowing their logic, the accelerating expansion of the universe can be interpreted as evidence for the existence of negative mass. In the discovery of accelerating expansion of universe in 1998, negative mass and negative energy were the first result of the field equation and Friedmann equations. Since those who received the first result had the wrong stereotype of negative mass and negative energy, so they rather modified the field equation. They resurrected the cosmological constant and modified the equation. Nobel lecture by Adam Riess : Nobel Lecture by Adam G. Riess Refer to 10m : 50s ~ ===== "Negative Mass? Actually the first indication of the discovery! " "Days later… What does this mean? There cannot be negative mass, but would Einstein’s Cosmological Constant explain this acceleration? " ===== Let's remove his preoccupation and step back and look at the accelerating expansion of the universe. This is a phenomenon that can also be explained by the presence of negative masses. We have to know that not the field equation has disposed the negative mass, but our stereotype disposed that negative mass. And we have to know that rejection logic of negative energy (mass), which is the root of stereotype, is wrong. Negative mass is not dismissed through a fair validation process, so it needs to be reviewed. Moreover 1)We considered vacuum energy as the source of dark energy, but the current result of calculation shows difference of 10^120 times between the two values (observation and calculation), which is unprecedented even in the history of Physics. 2)The model also has a CCC(Cosmological Constant Coincidence) problem. 3)The notion created by the mainstream does not conserve energy. 4)It violates the principle of equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass, which is the basis of general relativity theory. Physicists and astronomers have a sense of rejection of negative mass (energy), so they use a trick to introduce negative pressure~ P = - ρ, the pressure term of the vacuum energy, suggests that the pressure P is the energy density -ρ, and its dimension is the energy density. The notion created by the mainstream has an inertial mass of +1(ρ), with gravitational mass of -2(ρ). Not only different signs, but different values. It violates the principle of equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass, which is the basis of general relativity theory. (-2ρ) = (ρ + 3P) = (ρ +3(-ρ)) = (-2ρ) Their rejection of negative mass has created this logic or trick. If we accepted the concept of negative mass, we did not have to make these logic or trick. Anyway, negative mass (energy) is a valid solution for accelerating expansion of the universe. And the negative mass (energy) can also explain the dark matter effect. Most people think that dark matter and dark energy are completely different phenomena and therefore have different sources. Since one is an attractive term and the other is a repulsive term, we generally think that two properties are difficult to come from one source. However, the source of dark matter and dark energy is one, and it is the negative mass! 4. Dark matter is Negative mass Negative mass is an object whose existence is required by the law of the conservation of energy. The fundamental properties of negative mass can explain important characteristics of dark matter. 4–1. Additional centripetal force effect Centripetal force effect that negative mass outside the galaxy creates inside it If negative mass(energy) and positive mass(energy) were came into being together at the beginning of universe, since positive masses have attractive gravitational effects with each other, so it forms stars and galaxy. However, negative masses have repulsive gravitational effects towards each other, so it cannot form any giant structure and may spread out almost uniformly across the whole area of universe. Owing to the effect of negative mass and positive mass, negative mass disappears near massive positive mass structures (such as the galaxy, etc.) after meeting positive mass. However, negative mass, which came into existence at the beginning of universe, can still exist in a vacuum state outside of general galaxy. One of problems regarding movement of negative mass, which researchers are likely to misunderstand is that if there are negative mass particles around the earth (or galaxy), large positive mass, they may not fly to the universe, but freely fall to the earth (or galaxy). Because the acceleration is determined by the magnitude of the other's mass. Thus negative masses are clustered outside positive mass galaxy or cluster of positive mass galaxies. Figure. The structure of the galaxy surrounded by negative mass that is distributed equally.(fig. a)) The white area is the area where negative mass almost does not exist.(fig. a)) Let's examine the effect of the centripetal force of negative mass that is outside the galaxy on mass m, which is located within the galaxy. 1) If we assume that the empty space is filled with both negative mass and positive mass of the same density then, Total energy of the white empty space = 0 = ( + mc^2 ) + ( - mc^2 ) = 0 2) Negative mass is now uniformly distributed over the whole area so the effect of negative mass on mass m becomes 0. (fig. b)) 3) The remaining positive mass is distributed over the white area at the density of negative mass. (fig. c)) Gravity that uniformly distributes positive mass works on positive mass m located on radius r is worked upon only by the distribution of mass within radius r. -Shell Theorem.(fig. d)) Therefore, the effect of negative mass that remains outside of the galaxy is compressive to the distribution of positive mass within the radius r in the galaxy. This means that the dark matter, consisting of negative mass outside galaxy, has additional effect of centripetal force on stars within the galaxy. This effect suggests that the further from the center of the galaxy, the more mass effect exists and agrees with the current situation where the further from the center of the galaxy, the more dark matter exists. Consider a thin uniform circular ring of radius a and negative mass M. A test mass m is placed in the plane of the ring. If r << a, This model explains the presence of additional gravitational effects in the galaxy and the reason why the dark matter is not found on the earth or in the vicinity of the solar system. *Recent XENO1T experiments fail to detect WIMP. https://www.space.com/40766-dark-matter-particles-smaller-than-thought.html?utm_source=quora&utm_medium=referral In this model, dark matter (negative mass) exists outside the galaxy, and there is only a gravitational effect in the galaxy that is not affected by the local gravitational source (such as solar system) in the galaxy. We observed only the effect of matter in the Earth. However, it is presumed that the observation of the gravitational effect of dark matter and dark energy at the galactic scale or above, is due to the existence of negative energy and negative mass outside the galactic structure. 4) The model above is a principle explanation. We assumed a uniform distribution for simple calculations, but in reality, the density of negative mass is higher as it is closer to galaxy or galaxy cluster, and is lower as it is farther. If the density of the negative mass changes to 1 /r^2 or the distribution of the negative mass corresponds to the isothermal sphere, the V = constant expression can also be satisfied. Moreover, axisymmetric distribution due to rotation of the galaxy should be also considered. It is also possible to consider repulsive force affected by negative mass as well as negative mass’s free fall onto the center of the galaxy. 5) Computer simulation If the negative mass is disposed at the outline, the positive mass vibrates. Therefore a kind of centripetal force exists. This corresponds to the "centripetal force” when considering rotation of the galaxy. 4–2. Negative energy (mass) does not have positive energy to produce charges, so is unlikely to have electromagnetic interaction. Since all charge Q is a set of infinitesimal charge dQs and each dQ is electromagnetic source, too, there exists electrostatic potential energy among each of dQs. (When charge Q is present, is there an electrostatic potential energy? Think about it ~ ● = ◐ + ◑ Q = (1/2)Q+(1/2)Q : Since there is a distance between two charges (Q/2), there is an electrostatic potential energy.) However, electrostatic self-energy has positive values for both positive and negative charges. Positive energy (mass) can has charges, since a part of its positive energy or mass is able to be transformed into electrostatic self-energy of charges. However, negative energy (mass) does not have positive energy to produce charges, so it is very unlikely to have charges. This inference suggests that negative energy is unlikely have charges, because electrostatic self-energy is positive mass (energy), which provides an evidence about the fact that electromagnetic interaction does not occur. This corresponds to characteristics required for the dark matter, and also gives some explanations to “why does the dark matter not have electromagnetic interaction?'” 4–3. Repulsive gravity ensuring almost even distribution and lower interaction of dark matter. If dark matter is exist in the galaxy, dark matter will be affected by the distribution of stars and interstellar gas in the galaxy. That is, the density of dark matter around the solar system will be higher than the average of the galaxy. The existing CDM model suggests that there is a local distribution of dark matter around the local gravitational source (such as solar system). The existing CDM models argue that dark matters are almost evenly distributed as they only have gravitational interaction, except for electromagnetic one, even though dark matters are five times or hundreds times more than other masses. However, is this process true? There are more certain explanations and rules in the model of negative mass. Positive masses have attractive gravitational effects with each other, so it forms stars and galaxy. However, negative masses have repulsive gravitational effects towards each other, so it cannot form any giant structure and may spread out almost uniformly across the whole area of universe. Also, negative mass exists outside the galaxy, and there is only a gravitational effect inside the galaxy. This provides strong explanations to the phenomenon that current dark matters do not strongly interact with each other, but are almost evenly distributed. In this model, dark matter (negative mass) exists outside the galaxy, and there is only a gravitational effect in the galaxy that is not affected by the local gravitational source (such as solar system) in the galaxy. 4-4. Gravitational lens effect ~~~~ 4-5. Accelerating expansion of the universe can be explained with negative mass. ~~~~ #Paper : Dark Matter is Negative mass! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324525352
    -1 points
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