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  1. https://www.definitions.net/definition/metametaphysics
    3 points
  2. My tables don't give me anything for Boron Nitride, so you will have to trawl throug very modern articles. Good search terms are Fermi Levels of Boron Nitride https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=727lXYrWJoikUoC6uogO&q=Fermi+levels+in+Biron+Nitride&oq=Fermi+levels+in+Biron+Nitride&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i10i160.1000.8308..8706...0.0..0.972.9484.9j5j1j3j4j3j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0j0i10j33i160j33i21.w5c8iCB1P4s&ved=0ahUKEwjKiYCA4pfmAhUIkhQKHQCdDuEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5 Band structure of Boron Nitride https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=42_lXcK2MPeE1fAP9ciUmAE&q=band+structure+of+boron+nitride&oq=band+structure+of+boron+nitride&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i8i30.52984.55868..57892...0.2..0.170.1562.14j3......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i7i30j0i13j0i7i10i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i7i10i30j0i7i5i30j0i30j0i5i30.2iHT0ogxWLw&ved=0ahUKEwiCtLb04pfmAhV3QhUIHXUkBRMQ4dUDCAo&uact=5 Can you see where I'm going with this? try also doping B N https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=rG_lXfnPBN-U1fAP0_aNiAE&q=doping+boron+nitride&oq=doping+boron+nitride&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i7i30j0i30j0i7i5i30l2j0i5i30j0i7i5i30.51262.52462..53248...0.2..0.170.594.5j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i8i7i30j0i13i5i30j0i13i30.NW-OVvtnlHA&ved=0ahUKEwj51e3Z4pfmAhVfShUIHVN7AxEQ4dUDCAo&uact=5 Perhaps also carrier mobility in B N
    1 point
  3. Wiki has a good roundup of the properties that have been known for a long time such as its hardness and lubricating abilities. But it sounds like you are interested in electronic uses? It's possible uses as a semiconductor are still being studied https://www.nature.com/articles/nphoton.2015.277 (Wiki give the bandgap values) Does this help as a start?
    1 point
  4. I think you must be careful about what belongs to 'philosophy of science' and to 'metaphysics'. Most points you mention would be from philosophy of science. Here I cite a part of Curious layman's citation: It is not everybody's beer of course. But sometimes these kind of questions pop up in discussions that can be important. E.g. the question 'Does every event have a cause?' can be relevant for the discussion of free will. And what one thinks about free will in its turn can be important how we treat criminals (do we punish or do we heal them?). So anybody who thinks nobody needs philosophy, read my disclaimer (just citing it here because I might change it one day): There is no such thing as philosophy-free science; there is only science whose philosophical baggage is taken on board without examination. Daniel Dennet, Darwin's dangerous idea And it is not just true for science, but also for art, morality, politics etc etc. Stick to Curious layman's definition. It is quite good, I think. And just to add: mistermack's viewpoint about metaphysics is as valuable as his viewpoint on climate change...
    1 point
  5. Nor have I but I agree with your comment. Also +1 both for discussing the title question accurately. My comment is about the meaning attributed to the prefix 'meta', which does not signify 'beyond' but something a bit less distinct. For example 'metastable equilibrium'. So meta-metaphysics means something that is similar to metaphysics, but not quite the same in some way. So I call upon @Devries to clarify please.
    1 point
  6. First I never heard of it. But thinking would it could mean, the answer of Curious Layman is very to the point.
    1 point
  7. To me, a half truth is a lie. "I gave $1000 to a poor kid with cancer. Okay. I didn't give $1000. I gave $500. Same thing." Additionally, I didn't cite statistics on lying because the statistics on lying seemed implicit to me. I.E. Trump tells the truth just 15% of the time. I.E. he lies 85% of the time. For future reference to any one else reading this thread, that is how I intended it, even though it was badly clarified. Also, how does including half truths as truths make Trump look even worse? Included half truths as "truth" makes Trump seem better actually, because now he's only lying 71% of the time as opposed to 85% of the time by considering half truths as what they are, lies. "The best lies are actually the truth, but tweaked a little." (or something like that) - Somebody I forget. And your doubt is well founded. Which is why I stated as follows: Additionally, trying to be nice hasn't gotten results? I have not been on this earth very long, but I cannot remember a time where the two parties were particularly.......decent to one another. Let alone nice. Two statements on this. Firstly, Fox news is not representative of all Trump Voters. Just because you don't hear a right wing reality show complaining about trump, doesn't mean nobody is. Secondly, if you want to hear some Trump supports who lament about Trump being an asshole, watch some videos of Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, or really most conservative talk show hosts excluding some widely accepted lunatics, led Ted Nuget or Alex Jones. None of those talk show hows represent all Trump voters. I'd also venture to say that all of them combined likely don't represent a majority of Trump supports. But there is plenty of lamenting about how much of an asshole he is. Again, this is a baseless assertion against 100 million people. This is not how we're going to get public support behind impeachment. I've yet to meet a person who says they voted from Trump because he's a skilled con. I have however, met a lot of people who voted for him DESPITE them knowing he's a skilled con. Most of those people hated Hillary Clinton with a passion. Whether hating her is right or not, is not up for debate. But that is a major reason some people voted for Trump. "Lesser of two evils" voters, as I think they're typically referred to. I get that it can seem like that sometimes, but remember, the squeaky wheel get's the oil. Or in this case, the media coverage. Confirmation bias plays a HUGE role here as well. I.E. "I think Trump voters are racist assholes." *Racist asshole who happens to be Trump support does something.* "See?!?!? I told you so." Be sure not to dismiss the opinions of the many because of the actions of a few. None.
    1 point
  8. And to shed heat, it requires the surroundings be at a lower temperature.
    1 point
  9. ! Moderator Note General warning: Don't let this thread bring out the worst in you. One of our main rules is politeness.
    1 point
  10. What's the big deal? When we see pain in another our own pain pathways can become active. Good little article here. There's variation at every level in biology so there's no surprise if some are more able to feel this than others. And given our shared evolutionary past it would also be no surprise if they could be activated by some animals (came across an article a while ago suggesting dogs specifically evolved to play on these pathways, making it more likely humans would feed them).
    1 point
  11. ! Moderator Note You might want to drop the attitude and insults. You may be an empath, but you don't seem to have much empathy for others' feelings. If you can't be polite then this thread will be closed.
    1 point
  12. Your question is simply too vague. Find the equation of a line given what information? Most common is "find the equation of the line through two given points". But you could also be asked to "find the equation of the line through a given point having a given slope" or "find the equation othf the line through a given point parallel to a given line" or "find the equation of the line through a given point perpendicular to a given line". Any (non-vertical) line can be written "y= ax+ b". If you are given two points you can put the x, y coordinates into that equation to get two equations to solve for a and b. For example, if the two points are (3, 5) and (7, 9) then we have 5= 3a+ b and 9= 7a+ b. Subtracting the first equation from the second, 4= 4a so a= 1. Then 5= 3+ b so b= 5- 3= 2. The line is given by y= x+ 2. If you are given the point (3, 5) and slope 3 then, because the "a" in "y= ax+ b" is the slope, a= 3. Putting the x= 3, y= 5 in y= 3x+ b we have 5= 3(3)+ b so b= 5- 9= -4. The line is given by y= 3x- 4. If you are given the point (3, 5) and are told that the line is parallel to the line y= 7x+ 9 then the slope is the same as the slope of the given line, 7, so we have the previous problem: 5= 7(3)+ b. b= 5- 21= -16. The line is given by y= 7x- 16. If you are given the point (3, 6) and are told that the line is perpendicular to the line y= 4x- 5 then the slope is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the given line, -1/4, so we gave 6= (-1/4)(3)+ b. b= 6+ 3/4= 27/4. The line is given by y= (-1/4)x+ 27/4. We can also write that as 4y= 27- x or x+ 4y= 27. (Any vertical line can be written x= constant. The x-value of a given point on the line gives you the constant.)
    1 point
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