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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/20 in all areas

  1. Perhaps you’re right. I do find it interesting how through the years though, almost no matter the issue, you seem to find ways of placing all ownership and the entirety of responsibility for outcomes solely at the feet of Democrats.
    4 points
  2. Except that Britain along with Vietnam, France, Japan, China and later the US were all involved in the Vietnam war. It's interesting how Brexit talks are influencing the Irish-American vote. All thanks to our 'special relationship'. As for chlorinated chicken, the House of Lords have recently blocked the move to import food that yields lower (than our current) animal welfare standards... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-food-standards-house-lords-government-deal-b537450.html
    2 points
  3. Reminds me of a fix we did a long time ago at my parents' place. We dug down to a broken pipe at both ends and guided a slightly smaller hose through the pipe. That worked since the pipe had a larger than required dimension and the pipe wasn't too long.
    2 points
  4. Yes-- frustrating-- but not without purpose. It facilitates part numbering. For example, 787ST-24 is a model 787 hose, super tough cover, 24/16 ID. Virtually every industry over the years has faced the issue of creating meaningful part numbers primarily intended to be intelligible to professionals in their industry. This is just one example.
    1 point
  5. What is wrong with you? Seriously, what is wrong with you?? You ask the same questions and get the same answers. Wierd, isn't it? Why do you think the answers to your questions are consistent? Your not satisfied with the answers, but for some reason nobody will change their answers to satisfy you! I guess you will just have to keep asking the same questions; the answers are bound to change eventually and satisfy you, right?
    1 point
  6. Dandelions and Homo are genetically similar enough to be connected, but that doesn't mean that either is descended from the other. It just means we share a common ancestor at some point. The more recent that common ancestor, the closer we are related to a thing.
    1 point
  7. No. Earth; Giant Causeway: Saturn: Finding something geometrically similar on mars would not make me think intelligent life. Or, maybe something like this would: The above may help you on your scientific endeavour. The purpose is to give some exempts of why it's important to be rigorous in these kind of discussions. Especially when novel ideas, new concepts and claims you side of the mainstream is introduced. If you start from this: "What experiment can I perform that falsifies my idea?" If no such experiment exists, even in principle, your idea is not scientific. As your idea is based on planets and the sun being alive and performing calculations I would be more interested in the evidence for that first. Then, once that part of the idea is established, we may move on to the stellar movement. So what evidence is there for living planets? How do we verify that they are alive or not? Picture sources: https://www.ireland.com/en-gb/campaign/jump-into-ireland-beyond-belfast/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn's_hexagon https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/p17208coll11/id/204/
    1 point
  8. If it’s creationist it’s bullshit. You’re welcome
    1 point
  9. Since michel123456 just asks the same questions over and over I think I will look through his threads to copy and paste the answers to his questions to one post. I can then number the answers so that when he asks one of his group of repeating questions you can just write down the number. It will take some time up front but in the long run it will save time for everybody.
    1 point
  10. 😄 Yes, maybe. You recognised what was in the back of my head when I wrote that... Let him sleep on it … He'll give you an answer in the morning.
    1 point
  11. Fate is a strange dice that we do not control. We jump and try our best. I was born very poor. A family of survivors from the Second World War purge, not a Jew, nor a Kossac, not a Gipsy but part of them, só, no sides to shelter my grand parents. I was borm very poor and remeber starving. Brasil is not for amateurs! On the other side, the college is for free and you can get food and some clothes, só, I could attend the university amongst very rich kids. Do not know how but my grades very high enough to be there. It was a game, like jumping a circle of fire. Maybe I was able to jump but, after some jumps, there was nothing but stress, poverity and decepcion. I am not telling a personal history as if it were a glorious fight. I saw fights in my place. Native fight against miners, againt diseases. I saw poor girls fighting against misery and winning all the odds in an “male world”. I like Carlos Castañeda books. Once I was told he is totally fake but I like Don juan most of all and Don Juan says that a warrior must grab the 1mm³ of chances he/she got. I am very pragmatic. I do not mind my role in that teather. I am going to do my best and extract the fully joy of that act. I believe we are very talented and able to do the best face to the rules of the game we have to play I know people that cannot be that clever. I know people that complain the husband they choose (there is no arranged matrimonies im my place for 200 years!), they complain the age, no matter how old are they, the lack of courage or the lack opportunities, spite you spare them the best piece of that play. You are a warrior and I sense that. Just wanted to say that I know you did the best and grabbed all the chances. Best /\/ /\/
    1 point
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