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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/20 in all areas

  1. Trump would have been a shoo-in if he had simply acted like a normal human being: Don't criticize gold star families. Don't criticize dead men (e.g. McCain). Don't call Hispanics 'rapists'. Don't be a misogynist in public. Don't be a racist in public. Don't steal children and put them in cages. Or the one that would have been enough all by itself: admit that a virus can make people sick and act accordingly. I"m sure there are many I didn't mention, but my point is that Trump has been shooting himself in the foot for years and if he would have paused just a bit he may have been able to start celebrating his next term late last night. I can't really convey how disappointed and embarrassed I am that so many of my fellow citizens accept, and even celebrate, his behavior.
    1 point
  2. ! Moderator Note Edited the strikethroughs. Not sure what happened, but I had to use an editor and copy it back in.
    1 point
  3. When a grid's misaligned with another behind, that's a Moiré https://xkcd.com/1814/
    1 point
  4. I’d break it down into individual states (you almost certainly need to regardless) and pull some polling data as a start to get probabilities. You’ll also need data about each states views on the issues at hand in order to properly account for them otherwise you’re just guessing. I would start with modeling an individual state (e.g. Texas) and building a backtester to verify results. Once you get that down add a couple of other states to guarantee you aren’t overfitting and scale up from there.
    1 point
  5. They're known as Moiré patterns
    1 point
  6. First of all, there is acceleration. Racing cars can accelerate very quickly, so they can reach takeoff speed in a short time and a short distance. Secondly, you could put 2 turbofans on the left and right rear of a racing car. Turbofans don't use a lot of fuel, and they don't hurt the environment very much. They can also rotate very quickly, providing a large amount of thrust. Third, there's only 1 person in the car (the driver), so not much force is needed to get airborne. Fourth, racing cars are very safe, and that's why they cost millions of dollars. You could reduce the cost by reducing the number of safety features, but keep some of them, like using a parachute if one of the turbofans fails. You could also use an assembly line to make the cars, which would reduce the cost, and use less dense materials such as plastic, which also cost less, and would fly off the car in case of an accident, which happens with real racing cars. Another way to reduce the cost is to put advertising on the car, like they do with real racing cars. Fifth, the car would have wings instead of spoilers to give the car lift, and wings could spread out from the bottom of the car to create lift. You could steer the car by putting 2 flaps on the back, which would make the car turn left and right, You could ascend by spreading the underside wings more or by increasing the speed of the turbofans. You could descend by closing the underside wings a little or by decreasing the speed of the turbofans. I'm not an engineer or a physicist, which is why I'm giving you a general outline of what the flying racing car would be like. I consider myself to be an amateur scientist, and I've been making up ideas as I go along, so I can answer questions. I would appreciate your comments on the areas I have outlined. Thank you.
    -1 points
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