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  1. I don't know how Turkish is constructed, but the letters in English are divided into vowels and consonants. T is a consonant and many consonants come in pairs. The halves of the pair are called the voiced and unvoiced consonants of the pair. That is because the sound is formed partly by exhaling a puff of air through the voicebox and partly by the shape and configuration of the mouth and tongue. With a voiced and unvoiced consonants the mouth/tongue configuration is the same, but the voiced version is also sounded in the chest and voicebox. The voiced version is louder and more pronounced than the unvoiced version. So the t (teh) sound is the unvoiced version and the d (deh) sound the voiced counterpart. Other pairs include s and z; p and b. The voiced version is louder more pronounced than the unvoiced version.
    1 point
  2. Just a quick to add to the other (excellent) answers here - the "gravitational field" is described by tensor quantities, so you are free to choose whichever coordinate system is most convenient, since such quantities do not depend on your choice of coordinates. To put it differently - events and their relationships are physically real and everyone agrees on them, but what you call those events is largely arbitrary. In the same manner you could replace all the street names in your town or city, without affecting the physical layout of that town in any way. People might get confused, but life would go on as usual
    1 point
  3. I'm afraid you're still not getting the concept of electron spin. The electron is fundamental, so it is not made up of any constituents, nor does it have a radius ( considered a point particle ). You cannot identify a certain constituent and see it move around the electron, nor can you mark a point on its surface and see it spin around, as it has no surface. You may ask, then, how do we know it has 'spin' and what, exactly is meant by the term ? Now for a macroscopic object, like a spinning top, its angular momentum imparts a certain stability to it, such that the spinning top will not fall over in a gravitational field, but will 'wobble' and right itself. IOW, it demonstrates certain properties in that gravitational field. Similarly, an electron, without what we would normally consider spin, but with angular momentum, if placed in a magnetic field, will act like the spinning top in a gravitational field. But since we can't actually decide how it is spinning, we say it has 'intrinsic' angular momentum. Spin directions are then assigned depending on the behaviour demonstrated in that magnetic field. But again, nothing is actually/physically spinning.
    1 point
  4. Trump would have been a shoo-in if he had simply acted like a normal human being: Don't criticize gold star families. Don't criticize dead men (e.g. McCain). Don't call Hispanics 'rapists'. Don't be a misogynist in public. Don't be a racist in public. Don't steal children and put them in cages. Or the one that would have been enough all by itself: admit that a virus can make people sick and act accordingly. I"m sure there are many I didn't mention, but my point is that Trump has been shooting himself in the foot for years and if he would have paused just a bit he may have been able to start celebrating his next term late last night. I can't really convey how disappointed and embarrassed I am that so many of my fellow citizens accept, and even celebrate, his behavior.
    1 point
  5. This is business as usual, power corrupts and eventually they don't give a shit who knows... Edit. I should have said "power attracts the corruptible"
    1 point
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