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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/20 in all areas

  1. Suffice to say that there was some action behind the scenes. You only saw part of what was going on, and that snapshot was biased. Staff is not in the habit of divulging the contents of private communications, and it's disappointing when others do it. It is (ironically, considering the circumstances) a matter of ethics.
    2 points
  2. thnx. Most devices these days have some sort of charge status indicator. The 500 charge/discharge rating refers to charging until that indicator says full and the recharging until that indicator says recharge. Note el cheapo replacement batteries usually have a lower life expectancy - around 350 cycles is common. Again String Junkie's advice is spot on think of your average cellphone. A simple phone will require recharging every 3 days to a week so the batery will last several years. A heavily used smartphone may run out before the end of the day many find this because they have too many apps or the machine keeps activating with wifi data roaming switched on. Such a battery may not last much beyond one year. Since some folks change their phone like I change my socks, they never see this problem. (Does the Zen Master rigout include socks ? I can't tell from the avatar). I always try to get a spare battery and a charger (these are available for most devices) at or near purchase.
    2 points
  3. For some reason what appears to be a world wide prank of some sort is being reported on. A monolith was found in Utah and now what are though tto be copies have been found around the world from eastern europe to columbia 4 or five have been found. If it's a prank it must be rather expensive to place stainless steel monoliths around the globe. Anyone have any ideas or new reports? My fave take!
    1 point
  4. The UK government have updated 'The Green Book' with chapter 14a which provides reliable information about Covid vaccines and vaccination proceedures. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/941450/Greenbook_chapter_14a_v2.pdf Bote the grren book itself is a good source of information on vaccines in general. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/immunisation-against-infectious-disease-the-green-book
    1 point
  5. Be...sure...to...drink...your...Ovaltine
    1 point
  6. The UK one is reported here on the BBC's children's channel/site. It was produced by a local man who was amused by the Utah one. Plus this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-55227034 and on Glastonbury Tor: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-55248257
    1 point
  7. To say it was actuated means that's how they started the motion or oscillation. They used different frequencies so they could measure the response and determine the resonance - the frequency where energy was added to the oscillator most efficiently. Using a PZT (piezoelectric transducer) makes sense, as certain piezos have a range of frequencies where they will respond. As an analogy, if you wanted to ring a bell and find its resonant frequency, you could use a frequency generator and a speaker, slowly ramp the frequency and detect the bell's response. That's basically what's being described, except they are using mechanical stimulus with a PZT.
    1 point
  8. I think what's being discussed is a plant that needs e.g. zinc (or some similar situation). There's nothing you're going to plant that's going to introduce zinc to the soil. You need to introduce it by other means, as you have described - bring in soil from elsewhere or add fertilizer that has it.
    1 point
  9. Have you considered growing plants that add nutrients to the soil? I am rather fond of crimson clover..
    1 point
  10. What narrow minded simplistic nonsense. Instead of spending our hours struggling to survive and avoid sickness and starvation, mass manufacturing and agriculture has freed humanity from immeasurable suffering and strife. Literally billions of lives have been saved through one scientific advancement in wheat crops alone, and the advancements extend well beyond that one item. Your glasses are rather rose colored... or just cloudy... glasses also being an advancement which stand counter to your “natural = wholesome” narrative
    1 point
  11. I agree. I also agree that the battery university is a reliable site. Markus you also need to know that charging techniques are different for different types of battery. So I'm glad you mentioned Lithium-Ion. The practice of taking discharging the battery pretty fully before recharge and even taking it down to deep discharge occasionally applies to old fashioned accumulators- lead acid batteries and also to NiCads. More recent Nickel - metal hydride batteries can be safely recharged at any state of charge without detriment and can also sustain quite high rates of recharge, such as would destroy the Nicads that preceded them. More modern are the lithium ion technologies which are implemented in several ways. In particular the low current drain 'polymer' batteries are very sensitive to abuse as the charge is spread out over a large area on a very thin film. This can easily be punctured by heat or excessively fast or just excessive charging or discharging. For your digital device these are most likely to be the types meant. Power tool Li-ion batteries have a different 3D construction and are more robust so can be fast charged and supply high currents (fast discharge). So use the correct charger or charge lead if USB powered and keep within String Junkie's limits.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for the reply. Your request seems outside the scope of the forums and seem to require more time than I wish to invest in this specific topic. Maybe you could get a mentor familiar with the project and its objective? Maybe you could post more specific questions? Here is a quick example to highlight. Let's assume I would be mentoring or hired as a consultant / architect. I would ask very different questions when applying my experience in case A) and B) in my previous post. Note: there is no need to try to answer the questions below, they are examples and I have no use for the answers. A) Why is there "," in the training data when "," is considered end of sentence? That seems to be a bug or a miscommunication regarding the design. B) Is there a ballpark number for the project budget? Do you have an organization in mind regarding the maintenance and re-training of the bot? Do you have architectural or technical constraints such as usage of certain vendors? Have you sorted out any legal issues such as GDPR or Privacy Shield? If not, should we arrange a workshop with your legal department? Do you have a test environment or tech-lab or similar where we can do some quick prototyping and get stakeholder and end user feedback? Yes the code to have presented is intended to give odd and unpredictable results. How is that an advantage? Good to hear that there is a demand. I do not see a the connection between physicians' demands and the random text generation program you have posted.
    1 point
  13. Hi Markus. The Battery University site is the place to look. Practical strategy. Try and keep your battery above 20% before recharging, so use no more than 80% of the battery if possible. Topping up everyday is much kinder than fully discharging until the device switches off. Never leave your battery empty for significant amounts of time....like days. The battery's safe voltage range is 3.2v to 4.2v. A lot of devices will switch off by default at around 3.2v. This saves some residual charge to keep the battery in safe condition. The 'ideal' range is to keep it between 20-90% charged. Most devices don't actually charge to 100%... overcharging is problematic from a safety point of view, If you use the device everyday, charge at the end of the day or after use. Regular discharging to exhaustion really shortens the battery life. Bear in mind practical realities will dictate that you will run it it down now and again to off... you can't avoid it. I get about 2-3 years of everyday use before I think the maximum charge capacity has fallen by half. If battery life matters, don't use quick charging and don't use the device straight after charging, if possible. These are things to aim for but life dictates otherwise sometimes. Avoiding excessive discharge and heat are the main things. To summarize: daily charging is much better for battery life and safety than running flat then charging. Long term device storage when not in use wants to be around 50% filled.
    1 point
  14. This isn’t a “make up any stupid thing you want” forum or “argue in bad faith” forum. It’s a science forum. This site also attracts many highly intelligent people. Some individuals feel intimidated and insecure in these environments because it shines a bright burning light on their own flaws and limitations so leave. I look at it like this... if I want to get good at tennis, I could play against a bunch of kindergartners and feel really good about all the winning I’m doing, or I could play against the best in the world getting my ass kicked every time and come away a FAR better player than when I started.
    1 point
  15. To my psychiatrist. I paid him good money to stop these delusions.
    1 point
  16. This is a very good idea. I just hope when/if they read the message, they don't mistranslate it to "Hey, there's food and other usable energy here."
    1 point
  17. I would suggest the way the question is phrased misses a trick from our own historical experience. You suggest one language, and each language on Earth is unique because it doesn't need to be otherwise. Yet it is known both from deciphering codes and the experience with the Rosetta Stone that having more than one different representation of the sme thing in the single most useful thing to have. Consequently our communication attempt should contain not one, but many, 'languages' for comparison. Edit cross posted this this. +1
    1 point
  18. Hard work is refreshing and replenishing and rejuvenating. Your opinion is narrow minded.
    -1 points
  19. When one human disrespects another, you won't get the utmost respect in return. 50% at least, of products purchased are packaged somewhat in plastic, or something not so biodegradable. The product itself is often refuse to the environment. The net product of the economy is hurtful, not helpful. There's plenty of earth stuff for the whole population to flourish. The only earth people shift around is for so-called development. If half the "work" being done for this kind of progress were done for food production locally, to restore land to what it was, people would be healthier and happier. The "have to for money" aspect depreciates the value of work. The value of work is for the works sake.
    -1 points
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