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No, I’m not. You could stay home. No reason to subject yourself to “the risk of being run over.” It’s your decision to go out and walk in the street that makes you part of the problem. Your points across threads are so consistently absurd that I believe you’re either very young, very stupid, trolling, or not human.2 points
Let me clarify what the CMB is. The universe started off very hot. For a couple of hundred thousand years, the radiation that permeated the whole universe was hot enough that, if an electron were to attach to a proton ( hydrogen nucleus ) or a Helium nucleus, a gamma, or x, ray would soon come along and hit it with enough energy to cause it to escape. The whole universe was permeated by this plasma, where Hydrogen and Helium nuclei, as well as electrons, are kept from combining in this sea of high energy radiation. This is like conditions on the Sun, where temperatures keep elements in a plasma state, and atoms dissociated; you cannot see through plasma, the glow of scattering makes it opaque. But the universe kept expanding and cooling ( according to gas laws ), and at a certain point ( about 30000 K, temperature of last scattering ), the radiation was cool enough that it could no longer knock electrons loose, after they formed an atom. The glow of the plasma stopped, and the universe became transparent because radiation was no longer scattered, but free to travel to any observer ( even future ones like us ). Over the last 13 1/2 billion years, the universe has expanded by about a factor of 1040 times, and cooled by the same factor ( again according to gas laws ), which means that we would expect to see the afterglow of that plasma radiation about 1040 times cooler ( see Gamow ), and sure enough, but purely accidentally, two Bell Labs employees detected this much weaker afterglow ( see Penzias and Wilson ) at 2.70 K. That is the farthest we can see back in time electromagnetically, as before that the universe was opaque, and, we see it in all directions because it permeated the whole universe. Actually it was 'heard' in all directions because it is shifted to 1040 times longer wavelength/ lower frequency, by a square horn antenna in the 50s.2 points
Don't let the artificially colored pictures fool you. The CMB is isotropic ( same in all directions ) to 2 parts in 10 000. You would start seeing deviations from 2.70 K after the 4th decimal place.1 point
I don't understand what you are after, at all. Maybe you should work on your question posing skills. If you are at all unsure of what a term means, don't use it in your question. Or maybe keep it really simple, ask only one question, like "What does this term mean ? " I'm almost afraid to answer ( what I think ) your question, because you don't seem to understand people's responses, and go in all other directions. The function you are considering F(x) =x2 is NOT equivalent to x/x ( which is equivalent to 1 ), it is actually equivalent to x*x ( x times x, if you don't know what the little star means ). the x is a variable, which means it takes the place of any one number, just like the x axis on a graph has all the numbers on that axis.1 point
I realize everyone is probably isolating due to the virus, but I do hope everyone and their families have a very merry Christmas. Give thanks for what you have, be happy, and stay safe.1 point
Here is the way I envision it working. The nuclear power plant is sized to provide a median output, between the low draw periods ( like at night ), and the peak draw periods ( during the day ). The excess power generated during the low draw periods is used to charge a battery, heat steam, or pump water to a higher reservoir. When power isn't enough to supply the peak draw, it is topped-up from the battery, steam driven turbines, or water driven hydroelectric from the elevated reservoir ( dam ? ) The same can be done with renewables, but instead of high and low power draws, you have to consider high and low power generation. You generate more when wind/sun/tides are favorable, store the excess, and draw from it when conditions are unfavorable. As I said, I can see batteries for small scale applications, but to power a city they might not be feasible.1 point
DraftScience has been banned. Frankly, sports fans, he used a phrase that's a no-no with umpires.1 point
1 point
How far have you got with trying to answer it yourself? Post your thought process and I might be able to give you some pointers.1 point
You should be using the latest ubuntu for a start as 18.04 is unsupported. NVM can be used to install the latest npm which will be able to install web3. curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" nvm install node npm install -g web31 point
Oops sorry I was referring to the default base of ten, I should have mentioned this.. But isn't that "still" a relavant question to the OP?? So only one value may be used each time you use the equation.. Let's say f(x) where x is a distance variable and y is a time variable.. As in distance/time = a quantity at some rate per unit of time.... In this sceneraio what is x then?? Its seems to be "distance, time and rate" There is a logic to why I ask about something so simple, yet seldom talked about or at least I've noticed... Should x just be a rate of base 10??? That is the default of algebra and is the reason for ""like terms"" such as x/x = 1 or x^2....All bundled up together?? Something does not appear correct here..-1 points
"HOOOOLLLDD ON THERE ""PLEASE""" -1 Means -16 as in 1/1e-4 = -1 Just like you said 1 and -1 Of 2 input values or opposites? Distance and Time??? Can I see an example??? Neither do I, and that's what I'm asking... Everything even in chemistry has a ,"base." A default a template... Understood, I think I may need to invest more time in acoustic sound waves because your mount Everest Anology appears to be similar with numbers, I'm seeing this all over the place, no joke!-1 points
If x^2 = x/x = 1, why does 1 depend on 2 input values??? I get this idea from y' = 2x What if an input value was 3, does that make x cubed?????? y' =x^3 I'm totally confused..-1 points
-1 points
This reminds me of my original post.. What's the point of Calculus?? Maybe I should have asked this.. But anyway... Is Math and Physics "Interchangeable?"-2 points