Thanks. It is fantastic to have finally found somebody who appreciates my sense of humour.
What a pity you spoilt your post by reverting to type at the end. Also a shame that you are not an etymologist, because then you could have ascertained the origin of the name Isaac Frogton, and reached the opposite conclusion.
Have you found many errors?
If you could share your solution that would be very interesting.
“Dimensionally inconsistent” was not a good choice of words, as by definition it implies in-correctness. I should have confined myself to giving you your due for spotting the issue with so little to go on.
There may be some dark corner of your mind panicking about the catastrophic possibility that the Frogton Universal Force Law might be correct, but the title of the thread is “Is E=MC² the optimal description of nature?”
Thank you for rushing in where Swansont feared to tread, with that monstrous equation. But you are doing what I object to, by trying to impress with jargon.
To demonstrate that you understand nature, and are not just repeating what you have read, derive that equation, explain how it relates to E=MC², and reveal the true meaning of 'petitio principii'.
No. I do not know why I put a dot there, but to my untrained eye it looks neater.
You need to consider just the first 3 paragraphs of my post together, and say what you disagree with. I do not have unlimited time to reply to everything.