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Today I learned the US Civil War was not as far back in history as I thought. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/civil-war-veteran-widow-helen-jackson-030518406.html2 points
ARE WE GOING ABOUT COVID-19 THE WRONG WAY Should we not be developing a vaccine that tells our immune systems to ignore the virus, not fight it. After all the virus can't harm us, our own immune systems do that by cytokine storms and leaving infected part of the body to fight the virus that can't harm us any how. we are festooned with viruses that have took millions of years for us to ignore.1 point
I'm not in a position of power, so I can not be making threats. So your post is childish nonsense. On the other hand, I still have a very simple and useful thing I can do. I can keep on pointing out that you are wrong, and why you are wrong. And, let's try counting them. One Two Three. So, it looks like, in addition to not knowing science, you can't count to three. Isn't it time you faced the fact that you are wrong?1 point
Yusef has been banned, since they could not keep from preaching and claiming their religious ideas are scientifically "proven".1 point
First, that is a very incomplete reading of how SARS-CoV-2 affects our bodies. Damages are not exclusively to cytokine storms, and there has been some discussions whether it is really relevant to the observed damages. There seems to be an association with severity but then there is also the question of the triggers. That being said, there are always interactions with the immune system in vivo but it is not the sole source of damage. What is known is that the virus attacks several organs, including the brain stem and at in vitro studies show that cellular damages also occur. Moreover, there have been immunomodulating therapies which in some cases improve outcome, but as it turns out, it only works for a fraction of the folks. Others still die under that treatment (or get secondary infections and die from that). And very obvious examples are immunocomprised folks that die from COVID-19. In fact, they can also suffer severe consequences from otherwise fairly harmlesss viruses, so no, making the immune system blind to a virus is generally not a great idea. In addition, the viruses that we carry and which do not make us sick anymore often have mutations that reduces their virulence- our immune system has not changed in that regard (and again, except for inactive ones, they are generally only harmless if your immune system still works). As such an one-sided view that viruses do not harm us only our own immune system is simply wrong or at best misleading. It is like saying electricity does not kill us, it is the heart failure. Or the fall is harmless, just the landing happens to be lethal. To be clear, SARS-CoV-2 can be lethal for many folks and let it roam through your body without an immune system to keep it in check is pretty certainly deadly. There is no evidence that rapidly proliferating viruses in your bloodstream, organs and nervous system are in fact harmless. Moreover, the immune system is easily one of the most complex regulatory system in our body. All mechanisms to modulate our immune system are blunt instrument, including vaccines. While many, many folks are working on it, precision modulation of the immune system is still science fiction. It is probably also the closest to a panacea that we could get, if we get it. As you mentioned, this is not the time for high-flying dreams. If folks are unable to the simple things to keep each other safe, a vaccine is really our only option. We (i.e. most countries and their population) failed to take it seriously and since this is not a movie, there won't be a sudden miracle cure delivered by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In fact, if we had taken it more seriously we would not have needed a vaccine. But obviously that was too much to ask. Folks are dying, and if folks would just keep their friggen distance instead of dreaming about sunshine, bleach or magic we would not be here. Edit: if that sounds angry, it is because I am. A good friend lost a parent. I am afraid for my parents and things go exactly as everyone said it would if we are complacent and mess up. And now some folks are surprised and some are protesting the need to do the absolute minimum to protect your neighbour and community. Plus there are students that do not care because they are effing young and do not care that they potentially kill folks around them.1 point
It helped that he was like one of two total newscasters speaking. Today, any fool with a phone can be a "newscaster." The cycle here is consistent in terms of belief there's been voter fraud. I mentioned the term "astroturfing" above. They claim there's fraud despite any obvious evidence. They then keep repeating those claims and work in a systematic fashion to spread them through influencer channels and social media. They manufacture the concerns, then use the approach, "there's a lot of distrust in the election results out there so we need to be responsible and follow-up... investigate it more." Never mind that they were the ones who created the distrust. Lather, rinse, repeat. Throughout much of Trump's presidency, he and his allies have been arsonists who set the fire then go in to talk about how dangerous the fires are and attempt to take credit for putting it out... never mind that there would never have been a fire in the first place had they not arrived with matches and gasoline and bullhorns shouting about the danger of fires. Swarm of bees strategy, too1 point
I think a big factor here will be point of manufacture... where they do the refining, as it were. If they can setup facilities on the ground in multiple locations, then that's promising. I just don't yet know the front-end costs of setting up those facilities to produce at scale, or if it will be cost-effective / business worthy to do so. Cool tech for sure, though!1 point
"Thats a big risk to you and to Ryan your lawyer" "I'm notifying you, you're letting it happen" I just wish they asked him what exactly is the risk, for whom and why. Trump carefuly weighs his words to avoid black mail accusations, why the lawyer didn't ask for details after being directly threatened by a pscyho rich guy who also happens to still be POTUS, is beyond me.1 point
It was an arbitrary choice. We know who made the decision. And we even make jokes about him getting it wrong. https://xkcd.com/567/ The biggest problem with your "evidence" is that it involves currents flowing through things like air or water where the situation is more complex because both charges are involved- the current is carried by both positive and negative ions. You have been told this before. Please do not keep posting the same mistakes.1 point
Relativity already predicts this. Can you derive the Lorentz factor for time dilation from quantum theory? Otherwise this path has no substance to it. It’s all hand-waving.1 point
But on topic "I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” is asking to counter election fraud with election fraud if his challenges are only due to suspect illegal Democrat votes, and don't include at least a claim of 11780 or more GOP votes being illegally discounted. Even if he believes the "we won the state" part, I would think that would be illegal, but at the same time I wouldn't bet money that Trump would realize it.1 point
In the end, it doesn't really matter what he believes, but due to the way he phrases his comments like he's "just asking questions" suggests he knows very well he's lying. It's intentional. It's virtue signaling to his supporters. It's an attempt to delegitimize Biden (like the birther issue was used to delegitimize Obama). It's laying the groundwork for a possible 2nd Trump term in 2024. It's setting him up as the leader of the party speaking out and setting the narrative... or to be the leader of the new "Trump-party" which might split from the Republican party in upcoming years... Trump republicans versus the rest of the republicans. It's also about rejecting the Georgia Senate race... if the Democrats win, they'll simply say that was rigged/fraudulent too and push every lever they can to prevent the winning Senators from being seated. After all... if there was fraud in Georgia during the presidential election, it only stands to reason there was fraud in the senate runoff... Repeat it enough times and people will believe it. In the end, it doesn't really matter what Trump believes. What matters is the above outcomes of his actions, but yes. I do think he knows full well he's lying. It's sort of been par for the course for him his entire life, similar to the "reality distortion field" so often attributed to Steve Jobs... If only you pretend hard enough and refuse to let thoughts of failure into your mind then it will come true... that is the basic essence of it.1 point
Is it? Scientists can be very critical of other's theories, but I am not aware that this is treated especially badly. I don't believe you. There is no religious-like orthodoxy. Cyclic universe models are Big Bang models. They are based on the universe expanding from a hot dense state; i.e. the Big Bang model. There are many different attempts to question what happened before the notional Big Bang event (which may never have happened). Lots of people don't like inflation much. Including Steinhardt who did a lot of the original work on the idea. There are lots of alternative hypotheses. It is very difficult to find evidence for any of them. Science is not about beliefs, but about evidence. Penrose claimed that there was evidence for this model in patterns in the CMB, but this has not been confirmed. There are other models that avoid inflation, such as the universe being infinitely old in a meta-stable state before expansion started. But there is no solid evidence for them either yet. So the rational position is to say "we don't know" and hope for some evidence one way or another.1 point
It became quite clear after the first dozen or so posts to this thread that the insight I was looking for to answer the OP was not going to emerge. However I am actually quite grateful for this relentless exercise in mudslinging at my methodologies that you and your partner in crime have been engaged in over the last few days. They're not often questioned when employed in my professional activities, but there's always the chance that they might be and it's as well to be forewarned what arguments might be presented, whether these arguments have any significant validity, and what the most effective counter-arguments are. So thanks for that. As things stand, I'm learning more from those who are not posting and could, than from those who are, so as I've made all the points I felt like making and you're just arguing for the sake of it, perhaps it's time to draw this process to a close? Rhetorical question. You're not obliged to respond.-1 points
Then read the thread once again. I have explained it. Why? Is there a rule that I cannot post a link to my thread? I think you give yourself too much power.-1 points
I like Feynman because he tries to make nature understandable, but that inevitably leads to errors which books that merely quote equations avoid. If your time was valuable you would not be on here sneering. I only read the thread today since my last post, because I had other things to do with my valuable time. Actually people posting on here should enjoy my book, because just about everything they have said, is said by a character in my book. Interesting that you started as my harshest critic, but are apparently now the only person interested. You posted my blog several days ago, but according to Wordpress I have had only 1 visitor. The point is that special relativity is based on the 3 Lorentz transformations, that is all that is needed for the principle of relativity to hold. You can easily derive the E² equation from the Einstein??? mass dilation formula, but only if you start off by assuming E=MC². However why go out of your way to make things more complicated? The thread is about to be closed, but it is boring anyway because I pretty much know what people are going to say before they say it. But anybody can always contact me via my blog.-2 points