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  1. I think the problem is that Trump is very much a Republican. For many in the GOP, he only just now crossed the line with sedition and insurrection (and for others, he hasn’t crossed it yet. Elected officials and the GOP base) The senate could have convicted him after he was impeached, but chose not to. The voters could have voted for someone else, or stayed home, but he got even more votes after 4 years of his actions being front and center. He’s been carrying out the GOP’s policies - restrictive immigration if you aren’t white and Christian, tax cuts for the rich, voter suppression, deregulation, no healthcare, abd fully-aligned with Mitch McConnell’s aim to un-do pretty much everything Obama did. No, the notion that Trump is not a Republican doesn’t hold water. To the extent that it appears to be, it’s because certain political views are reprehensible, and the site is biased towards views that reject them. That would give the appearance of this bias. White supremacy would be one example, or political stances that reject treating groups of people equally. The membership is slanted heavily toward those that are interested in science, and it’s not the site’s fault that some political groups reject science that they don’t like.
    3 points
  2. In the thread I started, 'Canadian Protests', in Feb 2020, where no actual violence occurred because police chose not to enforce the law, and allowed unlawful behaviour for months, your reply was "Like in Hong Kong, at some point we need to realize the protestors have a poor and that its worth fighting for." Phi for All replied "I don't know about Canadian law, but in the US, the courts don't overturn bad laws on their own, they need people to break them and then argue in court why it was the right thing to do." Dimreepr said "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter; it depends, in general, on which side of the poverty line he resides." Do I need to find you more ? I imagine D Trump thought that the reason for inciting this protest ... "Because that’s the only way enough people will begin paying the required attention to actually change things. If the status quo is too comfortable for you, you’ll act as an obstacle to the change" I assume the protesters, at D Trump's urging, attempted to make Democracy too uncomfortable for Americans. Oh, and I'm not suggesting any equivalence between the above mentioned Canadian protests, and what happened Wednesday in the Capital. But both were unlawful, and only differed by degree.
    3 points
  3. What, you don’t like rolling 3 month contracts completely contingent on obtaining a portion of the ever-dwindling pools of grant money available? Weird.
    3 points
  4. It's a long border. That would be pretty expensive...Can we just buy 12 days worth?
    2 points
  5. Three months? Gosh, you guys must be rolling in money!
    2 points
  6. Make the Confederacy Great Again!
    2 points
  7. I'm not sure if D Trump was the useful idiot of the GOP, or if the GOP were D Trump's useful idiots. Those people in INow's photos are there for D Trump, not the GOP. If anything, he seems to have fractured the GOP into the group that wants to cut him loose ( including M McConnell now ), and those who cling to his coat tails in the faint hope of retaining power ( no matter how crazy, and illegal, he gets ). Maybe the Democrats should be thanking D Trump, he has exposed the craziness of the current GOP, and may well end up wrecking their current organization.
    1 point
  8. I have to agree on that in this case; simple pictures without any written text did not seem to help them. Side note: In a general context, not regarding the issues this specific member had, I can see a point @HallsofIvy's comment: "smaller pennies" over here could be interpreted as something like "coins of smaller value" (such as 2€ vs 1€ coins). But I guess such an issue would be easy to solve if the member involved intended to have a fruitful discussion.
    1 point
  9. The 25th amendment would probably be a more likely scenario. It require just a majority of the cabinet and Pence to initiate. (And apparently Pence is furious with Trump, and it has been discussed by some cabinet members*.) Pence would then take over until the inauguration. While Trump could dispute it, the dispute would have to go to Congress where it would take a 2/3 majority to reject Trump's claim. However, Pence would remain in charge until Congress reaches a decision, and the Democratically controlled House could delay the vote until the end of Trump's term anyway. * And while this is mere speculation, I also wonder if they could just being using the mere threat as a "check" On Trump. He went from egging his supporters on just before the attack( "We will never concede!"), to a weak response right after, even rejecting repeated requests for him to call in the National Guard to regain control(somebody eventually did, but it's not clear who), to a condemnation of the attackers and an acceptance that Biden will be sworn in, all over a very short period. Could it be that someone went to him and basically said, "We have the 25th amendment ready and loaded. And while we'd rather not use it, If you continue to force our hand, we will."
    1 point
  10. It is irrelevant whether Sharia law is 'compatible' with Western law or not: you cannot have a single country that runs one system of laws for some of its citizens and another system of law for others. That way lies anarchy. This is known as the no true scotsman fallacy - rather than actually confront why Islam can be interpreted in nefarious ways, the problems are just waved away as not being 'true' Islam. Of course, they will say the same thing about your interpretation of Islam.
    1 point
  11. Dear all, Unfortunately, I cannot answer your questions and carry on the conversation in this post at the moment. Since the start of school online, I have been extremely busy and my laptop is overflowing with homework(stangly, not any science!). Due to this, I will be absent indefinitely, so I ask you guys to carry on the conversation. Once again, I am sorry. I hope you have fun meanwhile. Yours sincerely, Salik Imran. (I will get an email and reply to anything to do with my ideas for theories as that is part of my work at the moment. It is in the specuations section. See you soon!)
    1 point
  12. This, and almost everything else in that post, is most certainly not mainstream, whatever you might think.
    1 point
  13. What you are describing here is very different what you claimed before. You specifically mentioned that folks here would condone to some degree violent protests. Yet here you conflate it with "unlawful behaviour". I think most people here do not condone violence but support the democratic right to demonstrate and protest. In fact, based on your description it appears that due to police behaviour actual violence did not occur, which seems like a great outcome to me. Again we have got different levels of actions that are conflated. First, are civil protests. These are enshrined to various degrees in the right of speech and assembly (typically peaceful is added to that). If one has an issue with that (regardless whether they are BLM or MAGA folks), you have an issue with democracy. The second are the risks associated with those assemblies. There is always the risk that folks that take part may have violence in mind. These include opportunistic looters, hooligans but also, as it turns out in the BLM protests, right-wing agitators. These are not condoned by anyone, including BLM folks, who have been very vocal about it. However, it should be noted that if the protest in itself was peaceful and had a peaceful goal, it is to some degree the cost of freedom of assembly. The third, and which are talking here, are those that are not protesting or demonstrating for something, but which have a specific violent agenda in mind. If folks set out to enter the capitol to do a sit-in, to protest something, it would be a different matter. But here, the idea was to overturn a process and it was in essence non-peaceful. It was not a small fringe within the group that demanded the overthrow of the government. If you do not see a difference between those three groups and just consider them all unlawful an hence equal, I do not think that there is a common basis for further discussion of this matter (I mean you kind of acknowledge it, but I still have trouble to get the point). If your point, however, was that some folks can use demonstrations of the groups with other views as a threat to themselves and then react to such a perceived threat, then yes, you are correct. Many folks that would, for example, call police on a black person in a neighbourhood would are no doubt afraid of a whole bunch of them protesting against being shot. But at the same time, I will re-iterate that this is the price of democracy. It is easy to say that there are platforms and rules that folks should follow in order to be heard. The issue is that the rules have been made by folks in part to specifically make it harder for certain folks to be heard. In all democratic societies protests, strikes and demonstrations have been an outlet for these grievances.
    1 point
  14. In a Democracy , everyone has the right to cast a vote for the Government of his/her choosing. And everyone has the right to peacefully protest what they see as unjust. No-one has the right to violent protest, although far too many ( some on this very forum ) will excuse, or turn a blind eye, to the violence and rationalize it as 'the protesters are powerless and have no other option'; but only when they agree with the cause of the protest. We have now seen how rationalizing violence, no matter how noble the cause, can be corrupted by a self-serving, unscrupulous President, in an attempt to deprive people of their Democratic right to a vote. The good thing is that D Trump has ruined the current incarnation of the Republican party; almost half of Republicans are shocked and dismayed by Wednesday's insurrection, or attempt at a coup. Quite a few of his Cabinet have already resigned. I would think a lot of D Trump backers will have trouble getting re-elected, and the GOP will have to do some searching, before they can find the next 'R Reagan' that will make them contenders for the Presidency again. And it would be an even better thing if the person responsible for this coup attempt ( America is now officially a 3rd world country ) is removed from office ( either 25th or another impeachment ), and does some serious jail time.
    1 point
  15. You are correct. Just not consistently by everyone. Carry on with plan A. I might be overrating civil discourse.
    1 point
  16. ! Moderator Note Nope.Your “new model of the universe” discussion was closed. You don’t get to invoke it here - you used up your chances to support that idea already, and you didn’t.
    1 point
  17. It looks like he could get served with breaching the US code on insurrection.
    1 point
  18. I know everyone insists I'm equally hard on each side...but I'll just point out that I saw some Democ"rats" one's as well.😛 In Trump's defence though...it seems he was actually robbed of a landslide victory: "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long," Trump tweeted. "Go home with love & peace." We all would be a little upset if that happened to us... Sure, but I'm going to vote for the party that insists the US will foot the bill.😉
    1 point
  19. Hi, There are at least two choices Jabr: God Forces everything. How!? Before creating everything God Was Written their predestination Ikhtiyar: God CreatED everything and LetS everything work anyhow themselves will, work. I researched and found some beliefs Jabr, and some other, Ikhtiyar. But i wanna introduce "Bada'" بداء that it seems there is in Shi'a-Islam alone. Well, I made connection between several concepts of the Religion with today's science that there are specially within Shi'a alone, and even some other beliefs CONDEMN us for that!! And we discuss/debate here for find and access to other parts of the Crossword i proved! These are: 1. Bada' (predestination/ freewill&forcing) 2. Bodily Ascension (of the prophet/ curving the time) 3. Rij'at (a series of resurrection in the same world) 4. Invisible God forever (not material God like gods of indians or new christians) 5. Race (not racism) 6. Following scientists (bcz of they discover the facts faster than others) 7. Kingdom (against republic[voting], in system of government) These are the beliefs which other beliefs condemn us and we debate/discuss for find the truer for if they are truer we engage them in that concept It's the better that be through the science! Discuss/Debate based on your own experiences/study not based on your minds! but if you admit that it will be your opinion not the more. Thanks. Well, I forgot write about Bada' I created a thread https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/123951-before-the-big-bang/ and I showed a clear scientific reason to others that there is a thing before everything that Has To Be Existing! The Same Thing Has all descriptions that God of Shi'a-Islam Has! He Is Invisible at all He Has Intelligence He Is The Greatest Everything be created after Him, those are include the creatures. even if He Will Make any face/body/voice/size/place/time for Himself, He Can't! because those will be include the next things after Him Anddddd.... here about the Bada'!! As you see, He Is Extended all the TIME from start/beginning to the End! The number 5 proves the Bada' which Shi'a-Islam says! According to the doctrines of Shi'a: The default is Ikhtiyar[FreeWill], Then God May Edit[Force] bit by bit of the Timeline! And Bada' means each point of the Timeline that God Made/Makes/Will Edit! For example, Someone said according to the Mayan calendar the world should be ended!! but is hasn't been done!! Shi'a Hadith: One day prophet Solayman[pbuh] stands in his palace and tells people ask everything they will.. One came to him and asked: o' Solomon, a man came to me and was angry and i afraid him! Who is he!? - He was the Angle Izra'il[Azrael pbuh] - Wow!! God Has Given you key of everything! Could I ask you take me far from here - Okay Then the prophet moved him to jungles of India at the moment After some day Azrael[pbuh] came to the prophet Solomon[pbuh]: - O' Azrael, why did you make him worried!? that servant of God!? - Nooo!! He misunderstood! Because i wasn't angry! And i was wondering that God Was Commanded me to get his soul in the jungle of India at that time! Take a while i met him in Israel a few minutes before death!! Then i was wonderful that how can he go from Israel to India during few minutes even if he has had many wings!!! And i mentioned that The Science is such as an infinity circle crossword puzzle that each concept you solve, it will access you to connect at least two new concepts Now i eat my launch then use these connections to the above thread and continue together... Write your Or Opinions, Or Knowledges, Or Experiences
    1 point
  20. Both of your questions have filled tables of the Crossword in that post and we arrived to a row/column of the Crossword that your questions make them filled! In that post we arrived at a series of informations that the Heaviest object of the Cosmos is the Arsh[Throne of God] but in the Qur'an says: 'Allaho TSamad' means the Throne of God is TSamad! Not mean Himself![i think- and or maybe wrong] And in that post we proved by science that God Has To Be Existing. Also Has To Be One. Also Has To Be The First/Last. Also Has To Have Knowledge of whole the Timeline. Also Has To Be Existing everywhere. Also Can't Make any face/place/body/ for Himself but as they will be include His Creatures! If we ask Him to Explain about Existence of Himself, He at very very least will Say: "I don't know why/how i am!" And at very very least if we ask Him about His Will to creating everything, He will Say: "all of the creatures have been created automatically but I am upon whole the Timeline and I am able to change anything I will! [Exactly such as the example of the laptop/smart phone i brought] or other example that you are watching a dead rat is a corner of a room and a group of ants are running from this corner of the room and you predict that they will be arrived to the rat at the end of the room! but you are able to change their path or kill some of them... etc... This is a scientific forum that I say these informations! And you are all scientists or science lovers! And are able to realize/recognise what i say.. otherwise the rest of people[non-scientific] will be crazy if read these concepts! If God Wanna Speak with prophet Moses, He Should Make a fire and Move the molecules of air for Make His Voice simulation. And by the same fire Shows to the prophet that he look at that place! I'm sure 99% that it's about all scientists especially the astronomers
    1 point
  21. But look at how many Republicans are convinced that SOMETHING fraudulent happened under the very noses of their own supposedly vigilant party? I don't much care how they think politically, but this is a breakdown of reasoning skills, and I think it's due in part to wishful thinking, but mostly due to all the idiotic claims that have been repeated and allowed to avoid assessment by a media uninterested in actually informing the public.
    1 point
  22. Salam, This is a scientific forum and we say anything based on the science and if we will say a thing that haven't had any reason for that, therefore we QUOTE from the scientists and we just analyze their sayings. I said my English is very week and I wrote 'paladox' in the dictionary and it wrote the same 'paradolf' 😹 At all connection between God and 'Bada'' is such as a Laptop that a company for example Dell makes, and lets us any thing install in that we will! And it depends on ourselves that what thing we install and what duty we run in that.. But the maker is able and has complete power to change anything you have entered in that.. 1. You see your child and say him/her preaching that IF he continue his behavior, then his life will be X manner! Then he listens to your preaching and changes himself Then the thing you predicted for his future, won't be done! 2. A predictor foretell a thing for you! Then you change yourself and or pray to God to cancel the prediction! 3. Shi'a-Hadith God punished Jews for 400 years be under tyrannies of Egyptians then they cried and prayed a lot.. Then God Forgave their 130years and after 270years prophet Moses[pbuh] came. It's not against the Knowledge of God! And God Himself Knew that they will pray purely after the 270year of their slavery It's Bada' that others specially Sunni-muslims condemn us because their imams hadn't had any knowledge about that
    1 point
  23. In this post you claim Islam is responsible for these good things. In this post you claim Islam is not responsible for these bad things.
    1 point
  24. I do not like living in a society where Religious leaders 'interpret' scriptures to govern people, instead of people choosing their representatives to govern them. So I choose to live in the Western world, governed by elected Governments; not ruled by Religious Clerics, Kings, or Dictators. Apparently a lot of Muslims do also, as they are emigrating to Europe and North America in large numbers. I guess they don't like that 'way of life' either. By the way, most of us know 'jihad' means struggle, or effort, but what does it have to do with Sharia Law in the US, and how has 'jihad' been used in the past ? Words take on new meaning according to what they describe; if you use 'jihad' to describe religious wars, or violent actions, eventually that is what it comes to mean. PS Quite a bit of the Middle Age Islamic science was 'old' Greek science, which Muslims preserved, but Europe did not.
    1 point
  25. He wasn't had that dream but wanted to kidding the prophet means wanted to Yusef's interpretation be untrue but God Made his saying true![FORCE] Bada' is such as when you see a girl in a street and tell her: - I am seeing you after 10years are sleeping in a corner of a W.C and dogs and cats are pissing on you!😠 - Why do i drug /drinking wine/ being slut/x/y.... that he told me such these things😢 And the girl changes herself and upgrades then after 10years you will see her has been a doctor! engineer! teacher! Or counter. Well, What the better if we use a series political methods that make all the evil events cancelled! 3th world wars, Armageddon wars, Etc... Or at least make them the weakest! But if our ideas be satanic, then God DeceiveS us and Programs how the events will be against ourselves! I wrote all of this post for say this! And that opens our minds to the theory i brought link to other topic removed by moderator
    1 point
  26. I see you are smoking all times in the scientific site!! Doesn't your cigarette be end!?? I had mistaken here.. Except God, the same people can make Bada' for the events have been predicted! Others condemn us and say like the same narration: One came to Imam Sadiq[S.A.A] and said: - With Bada' you say that an event shall be happening, then it won't be done and God is not aware for that!!!! - O' folks,[fools], isn't that that you say 'God Willing[If God Will]!??? - Yes - But we don't say 'If God Know'! You should look at the scientific thread to realize what here were said 1400years ago! 'God Willing' is not against 'God Knowing'! Exactly the science explains that God Is Upon the Timeline and SeeS bit by bit of from the beginning to the last! May God Bless the great scientist Albert Einstein that opened our minds to find the facts more and more... Opened our minds to realize what the ancient scientists were said.. Also the concept Barzakh[Purgatory] that has been detected scientifically! That showed the same 'Curving the Time' Well, An other example: Well, <ALGORITHM> IF They didn't attack, they wouldn't attack them too! Well, God Lets all be Free. One is able to change one other's future [But God Knows!] One wants to make one's life lost, but God KnowS that and SeeS on the Timeline that it will be useful for him and Laughs[Therefore LetS him to act] - such as prophet Yusef[pbuh] that his brothers threw him to the well and by this act they made him King of Egypt.. Although God LetS people free! But He Can Force bit by bit on the Timeline.. And God Is on whole the Timeline and Himself Knew that they will connect their houses together! At all this thread and the thread of the link are both complete makers of each other! And only mixing these both makes the Crossword solved!
    1 point
  27. ! Moderator Note So it’s not evidence that supports your conjecture, to the exclusion of other hypotheses. IOW, it’s not support - it doesn’t show SR to be wrong. So you have no model, and no evidence. You can’t satisfy the requirements of speculations. We’re done. Don’t bring this up again.
    0 points
  28. I guess you do horoscopes. How much do you charge? Phi for All Chief Executive Offworlder Moderators 5862 20399 posts Location: CO, USA Report post Posted 6 hours ago ! Moderator Note Olorin, it's against our rules for you to assume your unevidenced, non-mainstream aether concept is a valid argument in the mainstream sections. Either open up a thread defending your idea in Speculations, or stop posting about it. You can't use these ideas in discussion until they're supported. "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred!" -- Super Chicken "One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government." -- Donald Trump Now you really do have my attention. What part of this post is not Mainstream? I am defining the Aether frame as the electric field that remains unmanifest until a potential difference is applied. That potential difference is caused by charged particles, when these are brought into manifestation by pair production, always in perfect balance and with zero sum charge creation. The pair production requires E = 2mc^2 = hf frequency gamma ray and a second mass for conservation likewise. The gamma ray may result from a charged particle oscillating at f, or in another inertial frame frame, moving in circular motion. In either case, acceleration of the moving charge is involved. Without acceleration, only relative velocity, only a magnetic field is created, the result of flux imbalance due to Special Relativistic considerations. With acceleration, General Relativistic considerations are involved again producing a resultant force which, were it likewise analysed, would have the properties of Gravitation rather than Magnetism. This we see gravitational lensing and other such phenomena, like stars around an eclipsed sun displaced. The Aether frame so defined remains unmanifest until disturbed, one way or another, by the mechanics of charged particles, creating the very properties of time and space to cause c = x/t to appear constant in every frame by accordingly causing the phenomena which we measure all things by, x & t, and even (dare I say it) m, which is defined by Newton's Third Law plus a standard, in terms of the individual time and space as created by the aether frame rate of propagation of electric field disturbances relative to the frame in question. In other words, George Lucas' "The Force" is none other than the electric field, which can only be detected by its effect on a charged particle placed in that field. Other than using the word "Aether" to illustrate this concept of space-time, it is fully defined in Mainstream terms, by any other name. I have simply tried to provide an intuitive concept of the nature of time and space as a thing created by electric forces acting on charged particles and otherwise non-existent. But if so, then we do have an anomaly in the case of uncharged particles unless they are either a form of the energy itself, or composed of balanced charged particles, or both. Otherwise the forces creating time and space (always relative to an observer) as outlined would have no effect on them. This is plainly true of the neutron, with its 10.3 minute half-life as essentially, like it or not, an unstable nucleus isotope that cannot hold an electron shell. As far as po' li'l me can see, this is nothing but Mainstream + logic. Would you consider that you might be playing a little rough?
    -1 points
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