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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/21 in all areas

  1. Worrying about unanswerable futures is a waste of the present, and that is the only part that matters.
    2 points
  2. Sadly, I once upset a student of Philosophy when I quoted "science is what we know: Philosophy is what we don't know:" Bertrand Russell from memory. I love philosophizing myself. I often think whether a BH leads to a ERB [Einstein Rosen Bridge] and wormhole, then to a hypothetical White Hole. eg: Our BB could be a WH and at the arse end of another BH in another universe! 😜 Then as my brain gets further frazzled, I just say WTF and go do some gardening or down the local for a schooner of VB!
    1 point
  3. The experiment is so easy that it's done "by accident". If there was an effect of the radio waves from 5G transmitters then there would be a change in the growth of the green algae that grows on exposed surfaces. Any inhibition of growth would be pretty obvious because the algae would be exposed at close range and 24/7 The experiment has been done, and the answer is that we don't have algae clear patches round antennae. So we know there isn't an effect on cells..
    1 point
  4. If you put a potato in your trousers, you may not need the phone. -- Groucho Marx, I think
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I demonstrated the concept of subtraction to my children by eating their French fries. It worked quite well, and served the parallel purpose of being an education in social interaction with people more powerful,than you... that life isn’t always fair. Sorry... yours is a weird OP
    1 point
  7. Because without that paralyzing fear, comprehension could just all of a sudden strike a person, and they'd have to completely change for the better. Good heavens, man, what a suggestion!
    1 point
  8. Oh the memories! I got this in college (don’t you guys say anything...!), and was one of the unlucky ones who get very severely ill with it, to the point where hospital attendance was required. And this was despite the fact that I was perfectly healthy, fit, and athletic at the time, and rarely if ever got sick at all. It was nasty and painful, and took a long time (several months) to fully clear. Point being, even very common pathogens shouldn’t be trivialised - even when in perfect health, you can catch a bad dose of something “common”. Common does not imply harmless.
    1 point
  9. You need only look at the very first equation: a=0. When you are in free fall, you experience no acceleration and thus no forces act on you - and yet you are under the influence of gravity. That’s why gravity isn’t fundamentally a force in the Newtonian sense. That’s all there is to it. The other equations are simply different ways to write that same statement; so there’s more than one way to look at it, but ultimately it always comes back to the geometry of spacetime, which is the fundamental “object” underlying all of this. No, because both matter and anti-matter have positive energy density (roughly speaking, technicalities aside for now) - so gravitationally they behave the exact same. To get repulsive gravity, you would need to create a region of negative energy density - this is called exotic matter (which isn’t the same as anti-matter), and there is no evidence that such a thing exists. No, the photon is its own anti-particle. It’s kind of difficult to explain why this is so (and must be so) in a non-mathematical way; just suffice to say here that the fact can be shown mathematically. They are not. Neutrinos are much more closely related to electrons than to photons, and they form their own class of particles. There are three types of neutrinos and three types of anti-neutrinos, and (as being fermions) they have no direct relationship to photons. The Standard Model is in excellent agreement with experiment and observation, so unfortunately its level of complexity is necessary.
    1 point
  10. If the cube is floating (not resting on anything), then it must displace its mass in water (just like a floating boat displaces its mass in water). When it melts, it still displaces its mass in water so no change in water level. All floating ice has about 10% of its volume above the surface since that's the density difference. If it is resting on the bottom of the glass, some of the weight is supported by the glass and not water, so the water level would be low and would rise as the ice melts. This rise ends once the ice stops resting on anything. If the ice is held under the water (by a lid on the glass say), then the water level will lower as it melts until the ice stops touching the lid.
    1 point
  11. Again, my apologies to all, including Phi. This didn't need to be public; I should have taken it to PM.
    1 point
  12. There's eternal inflation theory in all its variants which suggest that inflation never ends but forms fractal regions where inflation ceases thus forming bubbles that can be described as 'universes' with varying properties (different physical laws, constants, numbers of dimensions, etc.). In such a model, the universes don't 'disappear' since they're all bounded by inflation still going on. The model does not posit an initial condition for the inflation itself, so an infinite 'past' (if such a word is meaningful there) is not off the table. The 'theory' is an excellent counter to the fine-tuning argument since these bubbles of every conceivable tuning are all inevitable. I put 'theory' in quotes because lacking any empirical predictions (the fine-tuning thing isn't one??), it can be argued that it doesn't meet the definition of a theory.
    1 point
  13. No, it's not really proof of anything. Tight trousers are associated with reduced fertility. Stuffing a phone into your pocket would tighten them. It's possible that it's something altogether different. If shirts with pockets are more expensive and fertility is related to good foo0d (and thus, to wealth) the correlation may be nothing to do with phones.
    1 point
  14. Doesn't sound like a bad person. A little misinformed, and ignorant of what is actually happening, but just a regular Joe, with a few problems like many of us, who expects either a little help from his Government, or to get out of his way. There are many such people; liberal in some ways, conservative in others. That doesn't make them good or bad; what does is when unscrupulous, self serving 'leaders' and news organizations start feeding them lies, conspiracies, label them as one of their own, and introduce doubts about the 'other side', such as election fraud, QAnon, Hillary's eMail, etc. There were Conservatives in the 50s and 60s, and even the ones in the 70s and 80s were nowhere near as bad as what Conservatism, actually the Republican Party, has become in the US; Hell, George W Bush looks like a champ next to the current chump. This is a new phenomenon of the last couple of decades. And I fear a lot of Democrats, or Liberals, are falling for the Republican party/leader ruse. Just like they used 'fear' of Muslims after 9/11, they are using fear against the American people, the left fearing Republicans, and the right fearing Democrats, further sowing discord. If the Democrats fall for it, and hate all conservatives, America will never get past this. The answer is to approach any 'reasonable' Republican leaders that may be left, and working together to restore trust by the populace. Let them understand that the Government is concerned with the well being of the country, not simply staying in power. And shut out ( if not convict ) those Republicans who supported the worst President in American history If the Democrats start acting like the current Republicans, this will never end. In 100 years, Democrats and Republicans will still be blaming each other, like Palestinians and Israelis, living to 'avenge' the past, and doing nothing for the future. I notice a little 'understanding' in you above post, Phi. I'm glad you used a 'detail' brush, instead of that wide brush you usually use to describe Conservatives.
    1 point
  15. There's a damned strong correlation..
    1 point
  16. Where would countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA be without immigration?
    1 point
  17. People have already been arrested for stealing the lecterns and stuff like that, but I haven't heard of people being arrested specifically for shouting "hang Mike Pence." If it wasn't protected under freedom of speech, wouldn't putting away people who aren't above inciting violence take priority over putting away people who aren't above stealing? No, the impeachment is not off topic. It is closely tied to whether or not what these people did constitutes protected speech.
    -1 points
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