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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/21 in all areas

  1. Sounds like a stroboscopic effect. Have you tried it in natural or incandescent light? A spinning ring/disk will not reverse direction, but the spin goes anti-clockwise and the precession of the primary axis turns clockwise and the latter becomes more noticeable as the spin flattens.
    2 points
  2. My contribution to the meme: "I'm still cold!" P.S. This was the only good picture of a sauna that I could find that would work. It is a bit fancy compared to the ones I grew up frequenting, which were a bit more "rustic". They more closely resembled this: This image is pixelated because it is from a Youtube video and the original was not well lit. This is the best result I could get in lightening it up. This particular Sauna is also a bit on the small size, as it is one for a summer cabin. Just imagine it a bit wider and deeper, with a two tier bench rather than the single bench, and you'd have a pretty good idea of what I was used to.
    1 point
  3. Emphasis mine. f^^king hell StringJunky, I use the conversion and calculator all the time, the dictionary too. This is the first time I've noticed those other sites. Had no idea they existed, why would I, I mean It's free on the internet, what's the point? Its just a little thing, but thanks for pointing that out.
    1 point
  4. Got it. Yes, I can clearly see that as a problem for the owner of the content. Thanks.
    1 point
  5. It doesn't just pinpoint the page but may show the desired contents on the search. If I put "pounds to dollars" in Google an inputable convertor app will show directly on the page first, then lists other conversion websites. These are just examples of the pernicious takeover of information and services by these companies. I can't even tell what a sponsored ad is anymore on their search pages... this shit runs deep.
    1 point
  6. And? Since the article made no claim about dark matter, you need more than a hand-wave to say that it does. Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one https://home.cern/science/physics/dark-matter So unless the research the article refers to is claiming a 6x discrepancy in how much normal matter is out there (it isn’t), you aren’t getting rid of dark matter. The article points out two data sets just outside our solar system. Your claim, vague as it is, is a massive and unfounded over-extrapolation of the report.
    1 point
  7. That seems to be a misconception of what you consider a 'cure' ( lobotomies ? really ? ) I know one really nice homeless guy, Frank M., who hangs around the area. He lost his way when his sister committed suicide, is paranoid, and hears voices. His dad worked with mine, and he has a fantastic memory, recalling events from when we were both young in the 70s. I have often given him money, and when his Government check comes in, he always insists on repaying it. He could live at home with his mother and live a fairly 'normal' life ( he has at times ), but he chooses to live on the streets and not take his 'cure'. His cure consists of medication, not a lobotomy. Often times the 'cure' may only consist of counselling.
    1 point
  8. And off he went with a Trumpety Trump; Trump, Trump Trump. For those unaware of the original... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_the_Elephant
    1 point
  9. Google isn't just a search engine, it collects and monetizes information, just as the other big names do. They are all in exactly the same game. Whether they are a "search engine" or "social media site", it is just a front to that goal. If they are complicit in harming the financial health of media/information creation sites, they need to pay for it. If they starve those original content entities of income they will have to create the news... even more monopoly. In that direction lies commercial tryanny.
    1 point
  10. Well, they are useful to represent the perspective of a stationary observer at infinity. The crucial point to realise is that that is the only situation where measurements of space and time made in Schwarzschild coordinates actually coincide with what physically happens, since such measurements are always purely local in curved spacetimes. Anywhere else other than for a stationary observer at infinity, Schwarzschild coordinates are only a bookkeeping device, but they do not necessarily reflect what actually happens there, locally speaking. They also don’t cover the entirety of the spacetime. Many students of GR either do not understand this, or refuse to acknowledge it, since it goes against Newtonian intuition. The unfortunate result is all manner of misconceptions and misunderstandings. So you have good reason to mistrust Schwarzschild coordinates - they can be useful in certain circumstances, but they are also dangerous if not understood correctly. I think the only reason why pretty much every GR text uses them is because they are algebraically simple.
    1 point
  11. The voters and republicans in state houses around the nation might not like that. Liz Cheney was unanimously censored by Wyoming for failing to represent them when voting in favor of impeachment last week.
    1 point
  12. This may be relevant to the topic at hand --especially 0:00 to 2:30--: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Disappointment Maybe QAnon believers will recycle the leftovers of their faith into a makeshift second-coming kind of faith. Adventists of 2024. That's why it's so important to impeach Trump --so that he can't run again. That and stopping him from getting a pension for life from American tax payers.
    1 point
  13. There are two ways to look at it... 1 - It is a deviation from the normal, and, being unpredictable, could result in danger to themselves, or others. 2 - It is part of a 'spectrum', and until there is demonstrated danger to themselves, or others, they should be left to live as they see fit. The first way, results in people trying to 'cure' homosexuality, as it is also a deviation from the norm. The second results in mentally challenged, homeless people being left on the streets to freeze in -20o temps, because they refuse to go to homeless shelters. I don't know which of th two is more cruel, but I do know that this is not a simple question with a yes/no answer.
    1 point
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