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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/21 in all areas

  1. Makes you wonder how 4.1 million solar masses could be concentrated within a radius equivalent to the orbit of Uranus, in the region Sagittarius A, of our galaxy. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermassive_black_hole "The star S2 follows an elliptical orbit with a period of 15.2 years and a pericenter (closest distance) of 17 light-hours (1.8×1013 m or 120 AU) from the center of the central object. From the motion of star S2, the object's mass can be estimated as 4.1 million M☉,[73][74] or about 8.2×1036 kg. The radius of the central object must be less than 17 light-hours, because otherwise S2 would collide with it. Observations of the star S14[75] indicate that the radius is no more than 6.25 light-hours, about the diameter of Uranus' orbit. No known astronomical object other than a black hole can contain 4.1 million M☉ in this volume of space." Or how they could possibly take a picture of one https://www.space.com/first-black-hole-photo-by-event-horizon-telescope.html I need a Dimreepr to Human dictionary.
    2 points
  2. A further thought, he should consider adding an electric car charging point. That would add to the value of the property and he may be able to get a grant for it (about £500 I believe). That would definitely have to come off the main dist board as it is nearly equivalent to two ring mains by itself.
    1 point
  3. Sorry not directly no. You can have more than one spur off a ring main but only to one outlet (remember that can be a double) You cannot extend the spur to another socket. But there are some ways round this as in the hasty attachment.
    1 point
  4. How nice it is to have a pleasant converstaion with someone. Yes I am too old and lazy to learn LaTex or MathML properly so I use a commercial program called MathType. Here is a screenshot of me setting out a 3 x 3 array MathType give the option of copy/pasting in various versions of LaTex or other markup languages such as MathML. I use the MathML output on SF. Unfortunately MathML is quite expensive. So here are some sites which offer free online Tex you can copy/[paste from http://www.sciweavers.org/free-online-latex-equation-editor https://latex.codecogs.com/eqneditor/editor.php The only forum I have come across which offered direct LaTex in the editor was AllaboutCircuits dot com, when one of the administrators here at SF was administrator there. It was a bit 1990s clumsy but could be made to work. So come on @Dave and introduce it here. Final thing, Due to a glitch in SF software preview doesn't render Tex properly, you also have to refresh your page when viewing Tex initially. Hope this all helps.
    1 point
  5. Americans are not only unilingual, they can't even pronounce names that aren't "American". Easier to say "AOC".
    1 point
  6. That doesn't make it ideal though, but rather a case of dealing with an existing structure in the best way available in that particular scenario. It doesn't negate the validity of the soundness of the principle he presented.
    1 point
  7. It's a bit confusing because it's not a valid sentence with all of those question marks, but if they're changed to commas, one solution is Is this the easier solution? Oh I see, just by trying some things out:
    1 point
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