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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/21 in all areas

  1. Tom Jones used to have women toss their panties at him on a regular basis while he was on stage, performing. His wife didn't care; in one interview she said "It doesn't matter who pumps up the tires, as long as I'm the only one who gets to ride the bike" Seems a practical philosophy.
    2 points
  2. Comes from the Nitrogen mainly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionized-air_glow You have an... interesting.. idea of 'fun' lol. Kills me visiting relatives up North during the winter.
    2 points
  3. An unconventional approch to "doing and interpreting science" is important in advancing the fronteirs of science. However, to gian those benefits it iessential that the scientists using that unconventional approach are imitimately familiar with the conventional position. Unfortunately this is rarely the case for persons promiting their ideas on science forums. Imagination + Dramatic Novelty + In Depth Knowledge = Scientific Advance Imagination + Dramatic Noverly + Flimsy Knowledge and Much Misunderstanding = Nonsense
    1 point
  4. It is stupid to assume that outbreaks will only happen in China. In fact, the assumption that outbreaks are limited to elsewhere is one of the reason we are in this mess. While most pandemic in recent times had low death tolls (well, H1N1 is estimated to have killed between 100 and over 500k people, which is not precisely low...) , it is a matter of chance until a more deadly one (like COVID-19) arises, with just the right combination of traits that also make them difficult to detect, especially in the early phase. The only effective strategy would be to restrict all travel. You'd be using the same logic. Why should convenience of, say, US travelers be more important than anyone's safety? Also it was lack of a pandemic plan and lack of political will, not capitalism that led to poor results. You should read up on how other countries responded. Also I reiterate that looking outward as the main or sole preparation for disease outbreaks and pandemic preparedness is a special type of short-sighted and annoys me to no end. Everyone with a little bit of background in infectious diseases observing the situation could tell where things were going early last year. Sure, there were a lot of uncertainties (the risk of asymptomatic spread being one important bit), but a lot of professionals in the field raised alarm (the early timeline could have been shifted by maybe few weeks at best). And then, while some countries activated their plans, plenty others did not (I am sparing you the details less MigL gets annoyed by reading it over and over again). There were plenty of measures to take and saying that it is capitalism, individualism, desire for freedom or culture (I have heard it all at this point) are just a piss-poor excuses for not taking the right measures. Most economists at this point agree that even hard lockdowns at the beginning would have been less costly then the reactive responses that were eventually implemented. Travel restrictions can slow things down but then you have to take measures in your own friggen country just as others have done in order to control spread. Yes it is annoying, but if you are unwillingly to be inconvenienced in a deadly pandemic then I do not know what to tell you.
    1 point
  5. Are you sure 'religion' opposes stem cell research. Or by religion do you mean certain subsets of some religions - particularly those vocal in America?
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Scuffing your feet on the carpet while holding a fluorescent bulb is another way to pass the time leveraging static electricity (My childhood was pre-Star Wars, so we didn't know to pretend it was a light saber)
    1 point
  8. Thanks, and the same to you 🙂
    1 point
  9. 1) How did "coal", which is by definition, fossilized organisms, exist before organisms? 2) How did viruses, which by definition require cellular hosts to replicate, replicate before the existence of cellular hosts? 3) SARS COV 2 is a recombinant derivative of two ancestral coronaviruses, with approximately 20 years of evolution between it and its nearest known relative. Conversely, tailed bacteriophages have been on earth for approximately 4.5 billion years. 4) SARS COV 2 arose through the recombination of disparate coronavirus strains and infected the respiratory system of a human in Wuhan province, China in late 2019. 5) There are 12 approved COVID19 vaccines, and 54 currently in various stages of clinical trial. 6) If there were 20 bacteria in every cell of your body, you'd be dead. It's a long held myth that the human body CONTAINS more bacterial cells than eukaryotic cells, but it turns out that's wrong and there are a similar number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in a human body, the vast majority of those prokaryotes housed in the gut. Not the cytoplasms of cells. Unless there is some very, very misused terminology, the entire "theory" is trivially dismissible as fundamentally flawed.
    1 point
  10. Just after Thanksgiving, I finally updated my 7+ year old computer to a new "gaming"* computer. This has allowed me to upgrade Blender to the latest build, which has a number of new features and tools, as well as driving the render times down significantly. For example. One of the Star Trek matte paintings I tried to duplicate with Blender was of Stratos, the cloud city. While modeling the buildings wasn't that difficult, the clouds became problematic. In order to get the right look, you had to create a light scattering volume. This means that the render engine has to take into account how light behaves as it passes through the whole volume of the cloud. With my old computer, this meant hrs and hrs of render time, during which time I couldn't use the computer for anything else. I kept putting it off, thinking I would set the render going while we were away from home. Then Covid hit, and we weren't going anywhere. With the new computer, I decided to start the whole project again from scratch. (Mainly because the new version of Blender had a different model for making clouds) This is the result: In contrast to my old system, this render only took a few minutes. * Not that I do much in the way of gaming. It is is just that best the specifications for running Blender (good GPU etc.) tend to match those used for gaming. Though my daughter and her boyfriend did get me the newest Microsoft Flight Sim for Christmas.)
    1 point
  11. ! Moderator Note It does not seem that the discussion is progressing, mostly because there seems to be a lack of understanding of basic principles. As I suspect that a discussing or reading up on said basics are more beneficial than wild speculations and off-topic tangents, I am going to lock the thread for now.
    0 points
  12. Please don't be biased. It is different from the information you have been taught before. Therefore, I understand your strange reception. I suggest you review my Youtube channel. Examine the biological combination theory as a whole. The Biological Combination theory is a huge advance in science.
    -1 points
  13. Most information you see as science is only assumptions. It has not been understood where the Coronavirus is transmitted from. Look, I'm explaining where you got it. Do research on this and debunk my theory. There has been research about viruses in the seas and oceans recently. Do not deny my theory from where you sit. Oil and coal are not the remains of ancient creatures. There is oil and coal 10 km below the ground. Is it possible to live 10 km below ground? It is very sad that you do a lynch campaign using the forum rules as an excuse. It seems that you are connected to the theory of evolution in the form of belief through an emotional connection. But there can be no sentimentality and faith in science.
    -1 points
  14. -1 points
  15. What is the Biological Combination Theory? Biological Combination Theory: While the Earth was formed in the black hole, the biological elements (coal dust) were randomly scatter to earth surface and to the lower layers of the earth. Living Things have formed on the earth's surface and in the soil close to the earth's surface. The biological elements that are far below the earth's crust remained as coal dust because they could not form living thing. Viruses have formed from the elements in coal dust. Viruses caused the formation of bacteria. Viruses and bacteria caused the formation of the cell of living things. Where do new viruses come from ? While the Earth was formed in the black hole, the biological elements were randomly scatter to earth surface and to the lower layers of the earth. Living Things have formed on the earth's surface and in the soil close to the earth's surface. The biological elements that are far below the earth's crust remained as coal dust because they could not form living thing. Coals are the seeds of the first life in the world. It is therefore the ancestor of all living things. Viruses are found in coal dust that cannot find life. Viruses that have been inactive since the formation of the earth can occur in 4 ways. 1-) Oil and natural gas exploration works in the seas : With sounding, viruses and bacteria that are passive thousands of meters below ground are activated with sea water. 2-) Deep earthquake cracks in the sea bottom layer : With Deep earthquake cracks, viruses and bacteria that are passive thousands of meters below ground are activated with sea water. Check out scientific research and articles on about viruses in the seas and oceans. You will understand that I am right. 3-) Global Warming : There are viruses and bacteria that are passive in the poles. With global warming, viruses and bacteria meet with sea water and become active. 4-) Water Wells : With sounding, viruses and bacteria that are passive below ground are activated with well water. According to the research, it is understood that human DNA consists of 5-8% Endogenous retro viruses. There are 20 bacteria in a human cell. In these research, he proved the accuracy of the Biological Combination Theory. Viruses have formed from the elements in coal dust. Viruses caused the formation of bacteria. Viruses and bacteria caused the formation of the cell of living things. Viruses are about 100 times smaller than bacteria. Bacteria are about 1000 times smaller than living cells. All living things, including plants, contain DNA and RNA. Viruses contain DNA or RNA nucleic acid. Bacteria are made up of endless combinations of viruses. Living cells, on the other hand, consist of an infinite combination of bacteria and viruses. The first living things were formed in this way as a result of biological combinations, each separately. They reproduced by reproduction after the formation of the first living things. After the first living things were completed separately, they did not turn into a different living things. The theory of evolution is also invalid in this respect. Today, living things formations in the ocean and sea bottoms continue. Covid 19 Samples taken from natural gas and oil wells should be examined in laboratories. Coronavirus is the most primitive, oldest and unknown virus. If it is not known how a virus originated and how it first got infected, it is very difficult to find the vaccine and control the virus. For this reason, scientists should consider The Biological Combination Theory to find the vaccine and control the corona virus. Origin Of Humans • Coals are not the old living remains, but the seeds of living creatures that have no chance to live. • Coals are the seeds of the first life in the world. It is therefore the ancestor of all living things. • During the formation of the Earth in the black hole, the biological elements were randomly scattered on the earth and near the earth's crust. The biological elements scattered on the earth have created living things. • The biological elements that are well below the earth's crust do not form alive, but remain as coal dust. • The deeper coal came into contact with the leaked gas from the center of the earth and turned into crude oil. • The chemical composition of the coals varies according to their location and atmospheric effects. Coals consist of two parts, organic and inorganic. • Now let's examine the elements that make up Oil, Coal and Human. These examinations clearly show that the origin of all living things, including humans, is coal. These examinations show that coal is exposed to various gases and converted to oil. According to recent researches, chlorophyll derivatives and hemoglobin were found in the content of oil. Chlorophyll is found in plants. Hemoglobin gives blood color. This research proves that oil is the first source of living things. Biological Combination Theory Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BiologicalCombinationTheory Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biologicalcombinationtheory/ Pinterest: https://no.pinterest.com/Biologicalcombinationtheory/
    -1 points
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