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No, it means that if the OP was somewhat difficult to address, then your post is a complete disaster.2 points
If the existence of 'being' is in question, for how many of those fancy words you are using is the existence of their meaning in even greater question ? 🙂2 points
1 point
This is the Canadian Conservation Institute's take on it: https://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute/services/conservation-preservation-publications/canadian-conservation-institute-notes/longevity-recordable-cds-dvds.html1 point
I was talking to a second hand bookshop owner a couple of days ago. She told me that there has been a sharp rise in sales of academic books lately, particularly mathematical ones. She has been sending these all round the world during the Covid outbreak. Second hand is often a good way to keep the ridiculous prices of books in the UK down.1 point
I am happy to provide all the detail you like since there is a lot of twaddle still being promoted about these things. The costs in my first post are simply the payments to the gas and electric companies, including their dramatically increasing standing charges and the VAT that the EU forced a former Chancellor to levy. In 2016 my old boiler, which had been staggering on for quite a few years, conked out completely. So I had to replace it anyway. This would have cost around £3,000 I chose an air to hot water system since I already had a hot water radiator system. However I took the opportunity to upgrade the plumbing for a couple of reasons. The gas boiler, originally installed in 1988 was the then largest instaneous heater on the market. No heat pump can match that performance, so all require some form of buffer tank. I added two 500L tanks, one for the CH and on efor the DHW, and all the asscoiated pipework, pumps and automated valves and controls. Heat pump radiaters typically operate at lower water temperatures so some rads were also upgraded to larger ones. So I engaged out wonderful governments preferred 'installer of the year' to manufacture and install a British made one for £8,000. Sadly that is an accolade to avoid and they went bust in 2018. I also received one of the alternative energy installation grants of £5600, receivable over 7 years. So by the end of that I will have spent about the same in capital terms as if I had simply replaced the boiler. For the first 3 years the combined electricity and gas costs were lower with the heat pump. This year has been the first with the pump markedly more expensive. @Danijel Gorupec Up to 2016 the principal consumer in the house was the gas boiler, but we also have a gas hob. Now the heat pump is the principal energy consumer and I only need about 10 cubic feet of gas a year. It is actually rather galling to receive a gas bill bot £1.50 worth of gas plus £28.50 worth of standing charge.1 point
You may be deaf (sorry to hear that) But you seem to have no trouble reading and writing. And you seem to have a genuine interest in sensible ideas rather than outlandish nonsense, even if your ideas are not yet developed. So I am not going to enter any discussion about the rules here. But I will offer discussion about your idea of Natural processes. Firstly you seem to have restriced natural process to living things. Non living things, of course don't die. Further they may or may not 'grow'. Would you for instance declare that the process of melting is not a natural one ? Or perhaps you might like to consider that your definition is unneccessarily restrictive and could be expanded. OK so what about processes caried out by (some) living things ? Would you say flying is a natural process ? I recently posted a thread here referring to the fact we have only just dicovered how and why butterflies can fly. I am going to offer two books that should be of interest. You also mention patterns so The Self Made Tapestry - pattern formation in nature Philip Ball (He has also written some other books on this subject but this is the best one) Here he ranges over animate to inaminate patterns (eg the zebra stripes evolved and how rivers evolve) to what is the best % filling of a cement mixer and even brushes lightly on some comments about entropy. https://www.abebooks.co.uk/Self-Made-Tapestry-Pattern-Formation-Nature-Ball/22872534828/bd?cm_mmc=ggl-_-UK_Shopp_Tradestandard-_-product_id=COUK9780198505068USED-_-keyword=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkuzUieaR7wIVENPtCh3M6QsbEAQYAyABEgL_w_D_BwE and Cats Paws and Catapaults by Steven Vogel. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/223609.Cats_Paws_and_Catapults Steven compares the way Nature and Man achieve the same objective by different methods (processes). Both can be obtained second hand quite cheaply and both are delightful reading that you do not have to readd chapters 1, 2,3 ..etc to follow what is going on as in a textbook. You can dip in and out of both. I hope this will pull this thread round for you to achieve something productive. 🙂1 point
Let me start by saying that these subjects overlap my main interests and I don't know how much maths / physics you can tolerate. However judging by your first three posts here you seem to have you head well screwed on so here are some thoughtss Cambridge University publishes a series in the Earth and Cosmological Sciences. 1) Galaxies and Cosmology Jones and Lambourne (editors) This is an OU set book 2)Thermodynamics of the Earth and Planets. Alberto Douce 3) Planet Earth, Cosmology, Geology, and the evolution of Life and the Environment. Cesare Emiliane Fourthly a book by a gifted amateur who taught himself the subject when he was somewhat in your position A Most incomprehensible Thing - Notes towards a very general Introduction the mathematics of relativity. Peter Collier Incomprehensible Books ISBN 3rd Ed 2017 978-0-9573894-6-5 Let us know if you need any more 'overlap' areas We wish you well in whatever is to come.1 point
! Moderator Note Simply repeating your assertions is not a valid substitute for the model and evidence that we require for discussion. As you have not provided the necessary level of rigor as required by the speculations rules, this is closed. Do not re-introduce this discussion.1 point
! Moderator Note On the contrary, you haven't supported your ideas, nor have you adequately addressed the questions and concerns you've amassed in the last four pages, so you're still pushing against mainstream physics without evidence. You ignore the posts that refute or challenge your thinking, and you keep repeating points that were covered in the posts you ignored. That's not discussion, that's soapboxing, and it's not conducive to meaningful discussion. This thread is closed, and since you can't support the ideas within the boundaries of our rules, please don't bring it up again.1 point
Your analysis so clearly demonstrates the dangers of simply playing about with algebra and symbols without properly understanding what those symbols mean. +11 point
Well, yes but: (my emphasis) Also: (my emphasis) Also: This recurring point is what I mean by off-shell. Can you address any of these questions? You can get all kinds of weird things by adding 4-vectors, one pointing to the past light-cone, and another pointing to the future light-cone. You can obviously get the 4-vector, \[\left(u^{0},\boldsymbol{u}\right)+\left(-u^{0},\boldsymbol{u}\right)=\left(0,2\boldsymbol{u}\right)\] But that's unphysical. That's what we're trying to tell you.1 point
1 point
No, there is no shortage. But in science we are constrained by what nature allows to work, and people untrained in science often ignore or are unaware of these constraints.1 point
Just my opinion: There is no shortage of ideas. Artist's frequently have the most incredible ideas and sometimes novelist's have an idea that changes the way an entire society see the world. Surely, ideas are their primary currency but even in those fields people are initially recruited into the profession based on other skills they have. Artists must be able to express their ideas in an artistic way, novellist's must be proficient in a language and then demonstrate an ability to communicate emotively despite the syntactic limits of that language. Most of the time a Scientist is not required to come up with fantastic new ideas, so it is reasonably natural to recruit people into the profession based on other skills they have. It is still not difficult for most people to come up with new ideas when the need arises. The difficulty lies in coming up with ideas that remain consistent with existing well-established principles across the field or at-least knowing when such principles must be in conflict and need challenging. We are not born with the knowledge of Science so coming up with relevant good ideas absolutely demands that we have spent time studying the existing body of knowledge first. Finally, few scientists are actually famous just for an idea they had, this is just a romantic view that we like to have and popular media propagates. It is extremely likely that someone else realised that being in an accelerated box was similar to being in a gravitational field long before Einstein. However, it was only Einstein that developed the idea with sufficient mathematical formalism. Einstein is not famous just for the idea, he is famous for the development of that idea. As for the second part of your sentence, should scientists be people most likely to make new discoveries - that is more sensible then just searching for creative, imaginative people but is still not essential. A person who can communicate scientific ideas to non-specialists, like some popular science documentary presenters I could mention, is still a valuable scientist. A school Chemistry teacher, who motivates an interest in their pupils is still a valuable scientist. An engineer who applies only existing theory to develop a zero-emission vehicle is a valuable scientist. The scientists and technicians who developed and manufactured a vaccine for Covid-19 are remarkable (by comparison, developing a new theory of gravity seems less remarkable, if I'm quite honest with you). I think it just depends on your idea of what science is. It almost certainly isn't the romantic view of theoretical physicists coming up with new fantastic ideas anymore then most experiences of a real-life spy are like the tales told of James Bond by the novelist Ian Fleming. Science is an expression of human curiosity and sometimes a tool to help mankind influence the environment in which they find themselves. It is made possible by the hard work of farmers and factory workers that sustain the scientists while they develop ideas or apply existing theory. Recruiting new scientists on the basis of identifying who can feed-back the most benefit to the rest of society is as sensible a recruitment criteria as any. There is no shortage of new, fantastic ideas at the current time.1 point
! Moderator Note It's the only way where your assumptions are tested against experiment and observation in a methodical way. You assume your idea is consistent with many current approaches, yet you admit it's not correct. There's really no other way to keep you honest in your intellectual pursuit here. There are plenty of sites that will encourage WAGs and conclusion-jumping, but we aren't one of them. Rigor isn't impossible, just... hard. Thread closed.1 point
0 points
Palpable entitlement and privilege. You also use "logically" impossible/possible incorrectly. Which is ironic considering the mention of Math. Seriously moderators can we have a logic section already so people can stop misusing the tool of logic like this? I can't even engage with this seriously due to this complete misunderstanding of what logic is. Basic logic skills are in serious need of overhaul in this post.-1 points
! Moderator Note You have a limited grasp of language, obviously. iNow asked for the meaning of a phrase you used, which he quoted. You perverted that request into a definition for a single word. You display a LOT of intellectually dishonest behavior that's inconsistent with the purpose of this science discussion forum. Please take a 3 day break (we need it!) and decide if you wish to come back with a less dishonest attitude.-1 points
Source screens. Source links. 1) Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video) 2) Curiosity Drops in on Mars in High-Res 3) Mars Curiosity Descent - Ultra HD 30fps Smooth-Motion Link to this topic (thread) on NASA forum: Curiosity/Perseverance landing scale comparison contradiction.-1 points
Because , Very Dear Studiot Supernerd , any concept of Being/Existence is in fact dependent upon human Beings themselves. A Self would otherwise have no reliable grounds of existence. Imagination is thus Carnal ( Corporeal , so to speak ). As a psychological conflict with the opposition of my own body against the self-distancing objectifications by its own Imaginative FACULTY, the Other as a collective confrontation between bodies has been made simultaneously—but incommensurably— intelligible by an isolated and rational reaction on the one hand AND by a sense of mutual and subjective obligation on the other; these two instances foreground the superiority of the simply observable and a consequent impoverishment of Creativity in contemporary post-industrial digital society. This is notwithstanding the fact that these incidents of Entities arising from a posteriori IMAGINATION may appear worlds apart and definitely are not reducible one to the other. 🙃 🙃 Because , Very Dear Studiot Supernerd , any concept of Being/Existence is in fact dependent upon human Beings themselves. A Self would otherwise have no reliable grounds of existence. Imagination is thus Carnal ( Corporeal , so to speak ). As a psychological conflict with the opposition of my own body against the self-distancing objectifications by its own Imaginative FACULTY, the Other as a collective confrontation between bodies has been made simultaneously—but incommensurably— intelligible by an isolated and rational reaction on the one hand AND by a sense of mutual and subjective obligation on the other; these two instances foreground the superiority of the simply observable and a consequent impoverishment of Creativity in contemporary post-industrial digital society. This is notwithstanding the fact that these incidents of Entities arising from a posteriori IMAGINATION may appear worlds apart and definitely are not reducible one to the other. 🙃 🙃-1 points
Viruses that have been inactive since the formation of the earth can occur in 4 ways. I explained this in the topic below. I have said that the most primitive viruses in the world transmitted from soil to oceans, seas and waters. The cause of the coronavirus: Oil and natural gas exploration works in the seas and Deep earthquake cracks in the sea bottom layer. Viruses that interfere with seawater infect sea creatures. It is also transmitted to humans from sea creatures. It is especially transmitted by sea creatures that are eaten without cooking. Like sushi. WHO will explain the cause of the coronavirus soon. We will wait together.-1 points