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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/21 in all areas

  1. Truly amazing, what will they think of to redefine next ? +1 I had not heard of 'topological solitons' , which are quite different phenomena from solitons. I se there is a Wiki article about them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_defect You will need to hope that someone else here has met them to discuss them as it will take me some time to catch up. But I will watch the development of this thread with interest. Thank you for introducing the subject.
    2 points
  2. This is a serious question. I'd like to know how you would answer this in a few words. My answer to the question is the purpose of life is to get better, in a few words. "To get better" is evolution, adaption, and survival. If you get sick, your purpose is to get better. If you do well in anything, the purpose is to get better.
    1 point
  3. Mmmm... To make do. To do. To make. To make love. To love. To love making. To do better. To make better. To make love better. To love making better. All of that in order to make do better.
    1 point
  4. The terminology has changed quite a bit over the years. Look at this for an appetiser: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soliton_(disambiguation) (I think there are more.) The bone of contention to me is: What about quantum mechanics? Bell-Clauser-Horne-Shimony, Bell-Kochen-Specker and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-Mermin theorems --and their experimental confirmations-- tell us that it is not consistent to assume on the basis of classical logic alone a particular orientation of the particle.
    1 point
  5. Elon gave SN10 a 60% chance of surviving, so the magic was just in landing. They likely would have just dismantled it had it survived, but they had a rapid unscheduled disassembly. Instead it's a great opportunity to explain SpaceX's development model - rapid prototype production and testing, push it to its limits (including blowing it up), learn as much as possible, build the next prototype, repeat until it works. It'll be interesting to see if starship makes it to the moon before NASA's SLS (both aiming for 2023). P.S. I was watching a live feed - they mentioned that NASA had a chopper outside an 8 mile exclusion zone to take video.
    1 point
  6. No, there isn't because those are just three numbers. The product of two primes is always a semiprime, because that's the definition of semiprime. Is that what you're on to? "Some denominator"? Oh, that' clear!!! Will you just state clearly what you're trying to get at? I don't get it. And I don't seem to be alone in this. "The graph is what's important" just doesn't cut it. Make a statement. If you don't make a statement there can't be "any thoughts". Except: "what's this all about?" Something like "the distance (or the quotient, etc.) between consecutive semiprimes goes like such and such". It can be a conjecture, (a guess, an intuition). It all sounds to me like mathematical innuendo. And it's very annoying.
    1 point
  7. With that knowledge, a late 1970s 8bit design like the MosTek 6502 is easy to 'understand'. ( I was partial to the Zilog z80 ) The evolution to 16/32/64 bit designs with MMU/FPU/pipelines/out-of-order-execution/RISC/cache/etc is quite a bit more difficult, and almost impossible for an amateur to implement with discrete logic. If, on the other hand, you just wish to understand these architectures, one source I was fond of using in the 90s, and which is available in most University libraries, is Microprocessor Report. ( not sure if back issues are available online )
    1 point
  8. Good. And at a hundred times the intensity... the plastic melts- which doesn't happen with sunlight, no matter how long you leave it. Accelerated aging tests (often relying on Arrhenius plots) are great, but not infallible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrhenius_plot
    1 point
  9. There is great book about topological solitons: http://www.lmpt.univ-tours.fr/~volkov/Manton-Sutcliffe.pdf Lots of talks: http://solitonsatwork.net/?display=archive
    1 point
  10. I am interested in solitons models of particles for more than a decade, some slides: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aj6tu93n04rcgra/soliton.pdf As particles, topological solitons can stay in place or travel - getting SR effects while approaching propagation speed, like Lorentz contraction, time dilation (e.g. for breathers), mass/momentum scaling. For example resting and traveling kink of this mechanical realization of sine-Gordon model:
    1 point
  11. @Abhirao456 You may be interested in this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokal_affair It's very much related to what @iNow's point.
    1 point
  12. I will no longer post on your forum for the following reasons. 1-) Forum rules that vary by person 2-) Moderators scolding members like children 3-) Excessively prejudiced attitudes 4-) Hostile collective attack on different ideas 5-) Members afraid to support new ideas 6-) Members who can't comment without using words like bullshit and stupid thoughts, trash can. 7-) Other theories and assumptions are directly accepted as correct and science. My theory is expected to be proven immediately. Someday you will realize the accuracy of the Biological Combination Theory.
    -1 points
  13. Your choice is yours dear ! I'm OK You're OK Personally I would like the Casket sent into Space, but can not afford it ! Think Big and not Small as only Thinking is Faster than the Speed of Light ! If you do the small things perfect Big Success in life you can expect Enjoy every effort you make Reaching Goal with steps you take Never a dull moment in life Full of struggles and strife Stretch your hands to reach the Crown Minding the steps up and down Thank God for being born With both parents alive During Childhood and for Siblings For Survival and Education For Jobs Careers and Money For Neighbours Friends and Society For Health Peace and Tranquillity For a great Nation and Motherland For Tamil English and Languages For other Nations and Migrations For Earth Continents and Oceans For Intelligence and Brilliance All Credits to the Creator Who WAS IS AND WILL BE Our Hope Trust and Saviour Of all our Ventures in Future
    -1 points
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