One of the problems regarding capitalism is the pressure it puts on people to pursue material wealth. I see this primarily as a cultural problem. If you don't earn enough money in a capitalist system, you will become homeless and starve. Such pressure is counterproductive for several reasons.
First: it locks people into jobs they don't want to do, jobs that are generally unnecessary for the advancement of society. Society becomes full of people selling useless junk to each other or doing services that in no way benefit mankind: an endless procession of scam artists.
Second: it corrupts those disciplines that are truly beneficial for mankind, twisting them in the direction of self-interested profit.
Third: money, and not true individual talent, become the end goal of all creative action. In my view this is the most regrettable consequence. Because of the aforementioned reasons: extreme pressure to earn a living and an incentive to work in a job that is superficial in nature, most people never really tap into their true creative ability, whatever that may be. Yes, there are a few who break the mold and actualize their creative potential, but in the vast majority this talent is suppressed, leading to a society where most people are not contributing their talents to the betterment of human civilization. For this, we all suffer. "Creative potential" is an aptitude in any discipline: engineering, mathematics, writing, - whatever discipline a person is naturally good at and interested in.