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3 points
Being your own judge is VERY convenient, but highly subjective and can't be counted as evidential support. So what? It's one thing to recount experiences, but something else completely to claim some of those are more valid than others based on nothing but how believable you think their doctors are. Tell me how you or this doctor is assigning importance to the experiences, and I can tell you more about how subjective you're being. How does it give meaning to life if it's a subjective hallucination, except randomly? I think your "fear of change" argument is garbage. Change is required for improvement, but jumping at NDEs without more objective reasoning has NOTHING to do with being afraid. It's about reason, and critical thinking, not fear.1 point
I ask because sacking someone for writing a fanciful book sounds illegal. Either there's been a miscarriage of justice, which i would have thought the author would have addresses, or something else is going on. It's not mentioned on his wikipedia entry either. Phi addressed this point. Obviously you've still not followed the link i gave regarding DMT - while admonishing others for doing the same for yours - otherwise you'd know that DMT elves have also been well documented by many medical doctors researching this drug. I know of one doctor, personally, who believes in DMT elves. Psychiatrists are a weird bunch. I've nursed maybe hundreds of people through and from death, so i'm well aware of the value of these experiences. I agree the experience of death is something most societies avoid thinking and talking about to their detriment. But the issue you have raised is using them as evidence of an afterlife, which is a different question to value. There's so much wonder and beauty in this universe, yet people still want to make up something even more wondrous, like they can't see what's before them. The Wood Sprite doesn't need to literally exist for it to imbue our world with magic.1 point
That's a strawman, because Prometheus didn't say anything about belief. The question is, why is YOUR version/Moody's version of NDEs more valid than the versions where people saw elves?1 point
I think we need a citation for this. Unless of course the brain was hallucinating. Citation please. Citation please. Again, citation please. Citation please, you keep making sweeping statements with nothing but your own assertions as evidence.1 point
- First paragraph Ok, then its just like stacking a bunch of N magnets onto a single S magnet, the atom loses the electron affinity, simply because its electric field becomes more balanced with the new electron. E.g. the Ca++ has higher energy than a Ca+ because its electric field is even more unbalanced, and an O- has more trouble accepting an electron than a neutral O, because... well, it is even more electronegative. Simple. - Second paragraph (first half) But wouldn't the Ca++ actually compete with the O-- for the electrons to reduce themselves? - Second paragraph (second half) You taught me something rather interesting, thank you very much - Third paragraph Sure, I realized too late, how easy that question was 🤪 . Thanks for taking the time to clarify anyhow - Fourth paragraph Yes, it does pick up 2 alkaline metals. E.g. 2Na+: https://www.google.com/search?q=sodium+carbonate+molecule&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwixjbOsopjxAhUJTqwKHRw7CSIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=sodium+carbonate+molecule&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjoECAAQQzoGCAAQBRAeUJtiWLFsYM1taABwAHgAgAGRBIgB3RKSAQswLjEuNS4wLjEuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=-OTHYLGxDomcsQWc9qSQAg&bih=798&biw=1600&client=-b-d Well, I'm aware of the melting and boiling point difference between covalent bonds, which have low melting and boiling points, because the energy that binds the molecules is low, and ionic ones, which bind their molecules far more strongly, that's why, huge temperatures are needed to even begin to have them behave as fluids. And about the molecular weight, I was kinda aware of that, but it'll be a whole different topic to talk about more complex molecules such as aromatic compounds (I mean, cellulose is a huge polymer and it'll decompose way before even melting). Finally, I'm definitely gonna study that last part, thanks for sharing it The dover white cliffs are an entirely different creature, they're made mostly of chalk (calcite minerals), product of ancient coccolithophores and other microorganisms, their shells are made of calcium carbonate (most sea shells are made of it), a metal carbonate that is NOT soluble (the very part of hardwood ashes that won't dissolve with water).1 point
If two machines, each having 90% efficiency, work together the result will be (0.9)(0.9)= 0.81 or 81% efficiency. The result will be less efficient, not more.1 point
Sounds like Netanyahu, sounds like Bolsonaro, sounds like Trump, sounds like Modi, sounds like Putin, sounds like Orban, sounds like the other commanders leading places where nationalism, racism, and capitalism get blended and bent in extreme ways. The problem is extremism and the people who push for it above all else. We have to start filtering for smart instead of loud when it comes to our leadership, imo. These fascists use megaphones instead of reason, and the noise scares thinking humans and just attracts the animals. I've just had a small taste of fascist leadership, so I've learned my "druthers" have nothing to do with living under such a regime. Extremism allows crazy people to say crazy things, which sanctions other people to say them until people start actually doing crazy things. I could stay in Cyprus, but the region is overrun with extremists, including the Israeli leadership at the moment. It's not really a matter of choosing which of the Abrahamic religious states is best for me.1 point
While the efficiency of the combined pair would be the result of the combined efficiency of the two devices, it wouldn't combine to improve the overall efficiency but to decrease it. If you compound a 99% efficient device onto a another 99% efficient device, you end up with less than 99% end efficiency for the combination. It is the loses inherent in each device that add up.1 point
Thank you. I know it took courage to do it. The theory of brain electrical activity I read years ago. There are several reasons why this does not explain the NDE. Medical science says the brain can live about 11 seconds after the heart stops. Pam was clinically dead for an hour. She was looking down upon her dead body watching the doctors work, this is fairly common in NDEs. The brain would have to live for an hour and take a position above the body which is not possible. We are first Spiritual (intelligent energy) and second Human. When we die all of us return into the spiritual world. The are no God judgments or punishments waiting. It is a pleasant experience. The NDE started to become a factor when Medical Science advanced to the point of taking a dead body from an ambulance and bringing it back to life. An estimated 10 million Americans have had the experience over the years. There is much, much more to learn, but I will leave it as this for now.-1 points
I did expected push-back. Dr. Raymond Moody worked in a large hospital. Some of the surgery patients were telling about these strange experiences. Dr. Moody asked, and got permission, to study these experiences which he labeled "Near Death Experiences". After a year or more Moody published his first book "Life After Life." When the hospital senior management found out about the book,they fired Dr. Moody. There is documentation in his book. I can understand the reluctance, having a hard time understanding the hostility. There is nothing to fear from reading and learning about NDEs. Whether you wish to consider or reject them it's OK. While the information does damage religious doctrine and rituals it does not change much of scientific study. Science has been very good for us Humans over the years and I read a lot of science news. I think you are seeing it all in the video, there are more videos of Pam, and Dannion Brinkley is another NDE standout experiencer.-1 points
" is nothing to do with the autopilot.", hahahhahahha-2 points
Dr. moody published and was fired in 1975, over 40 years ago. I can't think of a reason that would be documented for all time. If you wish to believe in elves seen during drug trips that is fine with me. If you really believe NDEs are just "made up" then they have nothing to offer you. Just pass them bye. I am confident that truth will always come out eventually. I am not lessened by others disbelief. "Ye shall know truth by its peace and calm" "I saw a Wood Sprite dancing on a leaf. The more I looked at her She looked right back at me. She danced up and down the leaf a dance I’d never seen. Then quickly as she came she disappeared again."-2 points