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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/21 in all areas

  1. Torture dehumanizes both torturer and torturee. What kind of society do we become if we ask people to perform such a brutalizing (and likely psychologically damaging) occupation on our supposed behalf? This is aside from the obvious hypocrisy -- hello, we're going to teach the wrongness of harming others by, um, harming someone. The idea is cruel, sadistic, and I know of no evidence that it would actually deter those most likely to commit crimes of serious harm.
    2 points
  2. Waves on a string can be also longitudinal, so long as the string is held taut by something elastic at either end, which it is in the setup we are talking about. Why not get 2 empty yoghourt pots, make a hole in the centre of the base of each, pass a string through with a knot at each end to stop it going through the hole and pull the whole thing tight between you and someone else? You will find that, with a string 10m or so long, the person at the far end can speak in a low voice into their pot and, if you hold your pot to your ear, you will hear them quite clearly - through the string. You can prove it by then letting the string go slack and trying again. I did this as a child.
    1 point
  3. Some of it is. But some (perhaps most) is not.
    1 point
  4. I guess you finally realized the unfairness of the situation, INow. The US national Women's Team got trounced, and could not compete, against the Canadian National Women's Team, at the Olympics, because we have a transgender, non-binary player named Quinn ( not their full birth name ). They are the first transgendered, non-binary person to medal at the Olympics. Where are the American transgendered, non-binary athletes ? Don't ever accuse Canadians like JC, or I, of being non-inclusive, or transphobic. 😄 😄 😄
    1 point
  5. Seems to be another potential for positive feedback from recent thaws in Siberia.... https://www.pnas.org/content/118/32/e2107632118 The Washington Post has summarized the findings here.... https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2021/08/02/climate-change-heat-wave-unleashes-methane-from-prehistoric-siberian-rock/ This really needs watching because of methane being such a potent GHG compared to others.
    1 point
  6. Thank you for clarifying. Of course analogies are limited, and that's part of why I reject the premise that transgendered humans are triangles, that cis-gendered females are circles, and that cis-gendered males are squares (1950s poodle skirt and leather jacket jokes about boring nerds aside). People are NOT pegs. We are not cogs or widgets. Athletic rules also don't mandate that all pegs be exactly the same... whether round, square, or otherwise... and that's the point. Even within the round pegs, there's tremendous variability in shape, scale, size, height, weight, physical makeup, etc. As I think is obvious, that variability is a huge part of what makes sports so interesting in the first place... there are MAJOR differences in innate ability and learned expertise and capability, and that's the entire point! The rules of sports in no way imply that only ONE peg type can or should fit. The rules for ALL sports are 100% invented and arbitrary, yet are being used now to exclude a class of humans who are already facing exclusionary and violent pressures everywhere else throughout their lives. Yes, TheVat... We're often repeating ourselves, but that doesn't mean should just shutup and stop. There's a chance people reading from the sidelines might just be convinced by a post today that says the same thing a post a week ago said, even though the week old post had no impact on their thinking.
    1 point
  7. Re-Enthalpy. Where do you think they obtained the knowledge to do that , certainly not solely from Darwin . I believe hole hearted that there had to have been an outside influence ( extraterrestrials ) there is no other explanation for our advancements to date.
    -1 points
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