I think we can all agree that for the purpose of reproduction of the species ( human, that is ), only two sexes are needed. One is not enough, and three ( or more ) are superfluous.
That doesn't mean that there are not people who don't fully fit into the male, or female, grouping; but for the criteria of reproduction, there is no third ( or 4th, or 5th ) category to place them in.
One has to ask, then, what is the purpose ( or agenda, if you will ) for having more than the male and female sex classifications.
Please explain.
Thank God he's not Mexican, or you'd imply he was lazy.
Or Oriental and a bad driver.
Or Italian and a mobster.
Can you see what is wrong with that line of thinking, Stringy ?
I had hoped this thread had died, because I really don't like having people I consider friends call each other 'dicks', or make thinly veiled implications of transphobia, homophobia or racism, so this will be my only post on this thread.
But I would like an answer ( I will still read ) as to WHY a third sex is needed, and what is the PURPOSE of the differentiation.
Is more 'separation' really desirable to more 'inclusion' ?
Is this just another social engineering exercise ?
Is it to make some people, who feel 'different', feel better about themselves ?
What am I not seeing ?