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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/22 in all areas

  1. Zelenskyy is a man of courage, leadership, and grace under pressure. I don't say such things about politicians very often. I predict people will be quoting "I need ammunition, I don't need a ride," for many years to come. Хай живе Зеленський!
    3 points
  2. To elaborate, mitochondrial "Eve" and Y chromosome "Adam" aren't individuals, but hypothetical genetic alleles determined by the application of coalescent Bayesian statistics to observed human genetic diversity. These alleles were likely to be carried by multiple individuals, and they swept to fixation over generations - so were not the only genetic variants present at the time they arose. Take the following image. The purple allele at the base of the tree is the common ancestor of all extant individuals. However, other genetic lineages exist simultaneously alongside the presently fixed allele, and "Adam" and "Eve" are simply the genetic lineages that, through a combination of stochasticity and selection, give rise to the genetic diversity observed at present. Re skin color - the melanin content of skin is a highly labile trait, that evolutionarily trades off between skin cancer risk and vitamin D synthesis. Chimpanzees and Bonobos have light skin under dark hair, ancestral human populations had dark skin 1.2 million years ago, and there have been multiple independent lineages of humans that have subsequently evolved lighter pigmentation. Babies born to parents of different skin tones have variable skin pigmentation. The following photograph is of fraternal twins. As you might deduce, melanin content of skin is a poor indicator of genetic lineage in humans - and generally, no, the same individual does not have "multicolored" skin.
    3 points
  3. The ancient Greeks, in some city-states, forbade the sale of figs without permission. If a farmer/landlord/merchant disobeyed this law and was spotted by some sycophant, informed the rest of the public and denounced. The sycophant received a portion of the confiscated property. Sycophant is denouncer.
    2 points
  4. Adam was made from dust, so we all have dust dna. Eve was cloned from Adam's rib, so they were genetically identical. So Adam had sex with his own identical twin, who was also his son, and begat the rest of us. So all humans are descended from a gay incestuous pedophile. Luckily, there have been some spontaneous mutational changes to the genome since then.
    2 points
  5. Tactically, I would use plastic milk bottles rather than tupperware. You get a better seal in the lid. And only fill them 7/8 full to allow for expansion when they freeze. Also, I would add a little salt to the water, and allow it to dissolve. That will bring the melting point down below 0 degrees, giving you a better chill effect. And fill every empty space in the freezer with these bottles, so that you have plenty available to replace the used ones as they melt in the fridge.
    2 points
  6. (studiot) Let us stop right there, because there is your problem in a nutshell. Why is it 20 times ? Why not 20.000000001 or 19.99999999999 ? How does any observer determine when it is 20 times ?, because according to your hypothersis, this factor is continually changing. ...I am not sure what you are going for, and this answer may be outside of what you are asking. I don't know what kind of other change, process or mechanism could change the space vessel such a way that it has 20 times faster time relative the time in the park and on the surface of earth. I only describe how it would look in the viewpoint of outside observer- the man in the park - if the time would run faster in the vessel and if it would have shorter lengths and other changes i described before. But if the hypothesis is true that matter is changing over time and its time is accelerating in a way i described it, the following scenario would do it: Lets keep the space vessel far away in space away from the sun's and earth's gravitation field. Then its time runs slightly faster than time of a clock on the surface of earth. Lets keep it there for a very long time. If matter is shrinking in the way i described it and the time is accelerating, it would eventually gain 'transformation difference' relative to the matter on earth L = 1/20. It would have 20 times faster time rate and it would have all lengths 20 times shorter and other changes i described above. If the hypothesis is right, the transformation difference would be 1+2.20*10^-18 1/s * time difference - that is just a fit to Hubble's law and this factor 2.20*10^-18 is a number that is close to Hubble constant, maybe it should be slightly more because gravity pulls matter together. This time difference may be hard to calculate if the space vessel has had more complex history. In order to know what is the transformation difference of the matter in space vessel and how fast the time in the matter of the vessel runs relative to surrounding, the man in the park could just do measurement. could for example take a proton out of the vessel and weigth its mass. He could find out that the mass of that proton is 20 times greater than mass of the protons in the matter on the surface of earth. He could then conclude that the time of the space vessel must run 20 times faster than the time on the surrounding, on the surface of earth. He could measure also some characteristic time, like half-life of neutron in the matter of the space vessel and measure that this half-life is 20 times shorter than the half-life of neutron -He could pick and measure for example 100 000 neutrons in order to get their half-life. I dont know, it may be that i start to write out of the point here.
    1 point
  7. Some would presumably be worried about being given the "off ramp" if they voiced anything less than 100% approval ,especially now. As an aside ,didn't sycophants originally have food tasting for the tyrant as their job? (think sykos is Greek for "fig")
    1 point
  8. ...he orders the murder of members of the non-violent opposition even in his own country..
    1 point
  9. Tanks and other tracked vehicles require fuel and dozens of people around them to protect them. They are provided by regular vehicles on wheels. Obstacles in the road slow them down and make them an easier target.
    1 point
  10. The ranking officer makes the ultimate decision, yes of course. But to get to that decision I would hope that an investigating team has worked hard to determine the facts to their best of knowledge and explored all avenues prior to. Yes, this is all open to interpretation, cultural influences and corruption. We can spend time discussing all the different scenarios, implications...etc. but there is still a possibility that in one extreme case torture is an option that could be considered and possibly effective. Reading through all the recent posts and there have been some excellent points raised, my answer to the OP still remains yes. +1
    1 point
  11. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/negative-views-russia-cold-war-levels-amid-ukraine/story?id=83108605
    1 point
  12. Lol. Quoted for truth
    1 point
  13. D Trump is an imbecile and a continuing joke. However idiots like T Carlson and T Gabbard ( who I have lost all respect for ) are taking this opportunity to attack President Biden while making excuses for V Putin. And they call themselves patriots ....
    1 point
  14. This is the first time Germany has sent offensive weapons to a country at war in more than 85 years. Even though they were implored to do so by their EU and NATO neighbors in previous conflicts such as Kosovo, they still felt the 'shame' of their 12 year ( 33 to 45 ) Nazi past. Russian leaders are calling Ukrainians Nazis, even though the Ukraine is a more democratic society than present Russia. The Russians should learn a thing or two from the Germans, as they have 45 years of cold war oppression of Eastern Europe to be ashamed of.
    1 point
  15. If the Ukrainian can get bedded into the brickwork, most of Russia's war toys will useless overkill. They'll have a 1970's Northern Ireland street war on their hands, witrh their adversary remotely assisted by well-funded and miltarized sources. This seems to be turning out as a proxy war for NATO against Russia. I wonder how Russia likes that, now the shoe is on the other foot? I sense it is going to be the greyest of grey wars.
    1 point
  16. Maybe not hosting the talks, but at least he’s hosting Ukrainian refugees… around 25-30,000 already, it seems. That’s a huge help to real people facing real danger.
    1 point
  17. How about reading your own link ... "Medical literature and newspapers in the late 1700s and early 1800s ... Reproductive care including abortion was unregulated in those days." IOW, no laws.
    -1 points
  18. This shouldn't be that difficult ... Late 1700-1800s, there are no abortion laws, so nothing to decide whether constitutional or not. Early 1970s, there is laws regarding abortion, and in 1973 ( Roe vs Wade ), the SC decided that those laws were unconstitutional in their application ( the amount of Government restriction on a woman right to choose ). The laws were not rewritten, nor was the Constitution, but the SCJs decided the applicability of those laws. That is why most of us prefer liberal leaning SCJ, who change their opinions with changing societal norms, and not SCJ who advocate beating your slaves, or going back to making abortion illegal under any circumstance. The elected representatives who make the laws are responsible to the people that elect them, SCJs, on the other hand, are appointed, yet have a large sway over how laws are interpreted and applied. You didn't use to sound like a snowflake every time you responded to me, Zap. I hope the above was more 'un-dick-like'.
    -1 points
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