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Please let's not pretend that a RTS game has any valid relevance to this. There is no moral factor in blowing up images on a computer screen, and no risk to your person for doing anything. If you mess up you might not win the game. That really doesn't merit any discussion whatsoever. I've played a turn-based (rather than real-time) strategy game and the decision to go to war and the details of how you go about that has is in no way preparation for the real thing for any rational adult. I'm really disappointed this has to be explained to anyone. And points to the earlier comment about how nobody would waste ammo blowing up a kindergarten. It is barbaric and demoralizing. There are reasons why the Russians are engaging in such tactics, but it's also one reason why (most of) the rest of the world is united against them. In WWII you didn't have the ability to do precision bombing and avoid hitting civilian targets. Everybody was doing it. That's not the case today.3 points
How can you have 125% seawater? But, to give you a clue about what may be going on, it is common to see burst earthworms after heavy rain. Why do you think that might be?1 point
1 point
That's the only common factor between a scripted scenario and real life. In real life situations, this is the only thing you know for sure at the time the decision must be made. You cannot be 100% sure you have the right captive; you can't be sure of his guilt, of whether he knows what you need to find out, what interrogation method will elicit the information he does have, whether and for how long the information you get will be useful, whether all less bad options have been exhausted, which kind of torture - if any - will produce results most quickly, what repercussions, consequences and long-term effects will result - for the the victim(s), the suspect, yourself, your agency, the justice system and society. You cannot know. You have to rely on your own judgment and instinct. If the rules are strict and your training is sound, more mature judgment than primal instinct. If not, more hunch and gut reaction. In our safe and comfortable chairs, secure in the belief that we will never participate, either as agent or as suspect, it's an easy decision. And that's wrong. It should never be easy.1 point
1 point
This is all one can only hope for and what I believe we all agree on. There have been some very good points made and some convincing arguments on both sides I feel. However, I'm struggling with the notion when someone admits they would consider the use of torture at the same time refute the use of torture under any circumstances. No one is questioning the morality of torture, we all agree it is wrong. We all agree that all other methods should be employed in an attempt to save lives. But the question remains - Is it ever right to torture someone? Well, morally/ethically no it is never right to torture someone. But it may be the right thing/only option left to do in certain extreme situations, hence the lesser of the 2 evils. I find these types of threads often frustrating but at the same time enlightening. They help me to question and/or affirm my own beliefs and also educate me. I hated education as a child and as a young student. These days I use these forums to educate and entertain myself, both which work really well hand in hand.1 point
In fact many ways may prevail. We can only hope for the best outcome, ie the saving of innocent lives. If the terrorist fails to confess and the bomb goes off, thousands are killed, but things then are made much harder for terrorists, perhaps even bordering on the removal of what some may see as normal rights for normal citizens. Makes it harder for everyone. Convicted paedophiles are on a name list in my country also, and other exclusions as to their life styles are automatically invoked if convicted.1 point
also @joigus I have been looking round the net for information about Arieh Ben-naim and he seems to be a bit aside from the mainstream. I downloaded this pdf of one of his aticles where he seems to spend a lot of effort attacking the works of others, rather than developing his own stuff, especially when it contains some rather suspect statements. https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/21/12/1170 I would consider the book disappointing if that was all or the bulk of it's contents. Back to the subject of entropy. Ask yourself which group of people are most concerned with entropy ? Answer those who have compiled very extensive tables of values and use them in their every day work. Chemical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and other Engineers directly concerned with Themodynamic processes. The forerunners of these people were those who originally introduced and defined entropy for very practical purposes, a hundred years before Shannon. One thing those steam engineers invented was called an indicator, which was a device to 'indicate' steam pressure. This led to the birth of the 'indicator diagram which is a plot showing the energies involved in a particular process. Originally these were P - V diagrams, the area under which indicates work. It was desired to introduce a variable that coupled with temperature to indicate energy and that is why entropy was conceived and introduced and what you will find on modern day's entropy tables. In modern times we have found quite a few pairs of variables that yield the dimensions of work or energy when multiplied together and also that it is useful to prepare 'indicator diagrams' for each of these.1 point
Sensei, get a life 🙂 . Don't do your banking, or other sensitive activities on your phone, or computer. Go down to your local bank and greet the lovely tellers working there. More importantly, don't invade another country using cell phones as communication/command.1 point
Thanks, I'm feeling a bit better already. By all means come back here if you are still stuck.1 point
Isn't it? Or is that an avoidance of a revealing aspect of your philosophy? Or more likely when focusing on the scenarios at hand.... (1) Crime is commited. (2) Paedohpile/terrorist caught with irrefutable, evidence of beyond reasonable doubt of guilt. (3) All means possible are undertaken to reveal the whereabouts of bomb and/or vicitms to no avail. (4) The morality of the situation/s with innocent lives sitting in the balance, sees a decision to use more forceful means, and torture. (5) Criminal in the ideal situation reveals the information. (6)Potential Innocent victims removed from dangerous situation and/or dangerous situation averted. (7) Criminal undergoes trial after being charged. (justice must be seen to be done) (8)Criminal is convicted beyond reasonable doubt and the extraordinary situation taken into account. (9) Criminal is sentenced. (10) Charges are brought with regards to torture by police/authorities, but the extraordinary situation, sees those charges summarily dismissed. (11) Further laws and prohibitions are innacted to lessen and prevent the actions of terrorism and/or paedophiles such as removal of parole chances, wearing ankle bracelets etc. (12) Government and law agencies are praised commended, and re-elected for their common sense and reasonable approach to the incident/s and the saving of innocent lives. Conclusion: The resultant laws and actions to reduce terrorism, mean some incoveneince with stricter control/s and access to airlines etc, for society in general, but it is appreciated and accepted considering the times we live in. Kidnappers, criminals, and paedophiles now have their names on permanent files, and may be forced to wear ankle bracelets and have their movement tracked. They are also forced to not live within certain distances of schools, kindagartens and family oriented suburbs. It's an example of a real life 100% guilty situation.0 points
Not where I come from....Getting arrested wrongfully is rare. Yes you did. You said you would consider it. And now you are attempting to cover your tracks by being philsophically controversial. 🥱 The evidence is here over many pages. If you live in a society where evil is more prevalent then good, you need to do something practical about it, instead of rhetorical rants. But in reality I don't believe you do. And please, if you don't like insults and are offended and put off by them, then cease your childish condescending posts. No limitations of power necessary, simply jail the bad guys. They (the police) of couse do have ethical standards to uphold, which the majority do, but like everything, there will always be exceptions and bad eggs, just as we have moral exceptions for considering torture. Why make it harder for that which you would cry out to for protection tomorrow, if you had a violent home invasion or an assault on your person. If everyone was law abiding, we would not need them. Again I certainly question your unworkable philsophy.-1 points
It was shown to me use h3 and o3 to create he3 using a spining method to seperate h3 and o3 to create he3 and the shape matters of the disk for seperation hope this helps and use a high quality alunimum for the chamber. Also this will create a weightless enviornment and using the left over o will create perpulsion.-1 points