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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/22 in all areas

  1. How many late-term fetal abortions are there in the US? ..I would be surprised if women/girl show up who have spent 5,6...9 months pregnant and ask for an abortion, just like that, without a good reason... there must be a very good reason to ask for such a thing after investing so much time and energy... that requires a cesarean section anyway.. so child can be alive after it.. if it he/she is able to.. For example: a seriously ill or terminally ill fetus that would not have survived anyway.... a potential danger to the woman.. In many posts you push "late term abortion".... while it is a meaningless minority...
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. FYI https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/fact-sheet/abortions-later-in-pregnancy/ The more that fish is dragged across the trail, the worse it smells.
    1 point
  4. Your objection is silly. Lawmakers, not medical personnel, get to choose the guidelines of whether the rights of a fetus take precedence over that of the mother, or vice versa. If that was not the case, why would the Parties even attempt legislation on it? Now, the federal lawmakers could make laws to allow to allow medical professionals to abort with impunity, or some reasonable compromise so that your whole nation has access to abortions the way the majority think they should. But they haven't, and they haven't.
    1 point
  5. And that is why your analogy is silly. The medical associations determine when abortions are medically indicated. You can make laws that contravene medical indications, but clearly it would be to the detriment of the patient. Likewise, you can make laws to build bridges where engineers tell you not to, but that would be stupid. Organ trade is a bit of a grey area and it is regulated as unfettered trade could be unsafe to patients.
    1 point
  6. Trained engineers don't get to build bridges wherever they like, and medical associations can't grant themselves the right to allow abortions in any circumstances they choose. The rules should be left to lawmakers, scrutinized by the Judiciary, and the procedures executed by the medical or Engineering professionals based on their guidelines. They can't just do what they like, even as a professional group, just because they think they know best. Is this not obvious? If you can recognize this for restrictions on trade of organs, how can you not see that the same principle would apply for abortions? The federal lawmakers, with their all or none partisan positions, are the problem here, but just because they lack the competence to get the job done does not mean the medical associations get to determine the rules. That falls to the State lawmakers. Sucks that many of them will do no better, but that doesn't change the above.
    1 point
  7. Some of the justices seem to be looking to God for guidance rather than the Constitution.
    1 point
  8. I think it was some paddling event: It's actually the topic
    1 point
  9. There are also optical illusions, due to some unusual interaction of light and dark, fog and reflection, nerves and synapses... We often see and hear things that either are not there or are in reality something other than they appear: the human sensory equipment is not yet perfected to an evolutionary absolute, and our imagination has always been very good at filling in blanks in a pattern, providing a narrative for experience. When two people see the same unlikely thing, it's more likely the physical world providing unaccustomed phenomena (like those weird cloud formations earlier in this thread) than pure imagination, but the imagination still adds its own commentary, especially if another person provides a clue. I've seen a lot of very strange things on night roads, most of which I could not be sure I seeing. Once, in broad daylight, in countryside, I very briefly saw a monkey the size of a small child, washing something at the edge of a little pond. No way! This is cold Canada; we have raccoons and bears, not monkeys. But the next time we drove that way, I saw it again: a perfectly normal macaque, perched on top of a rock, scratching its belly, contemplating life. Sometimes the weird things we see are just weird things other people do.
    1 point
  10. I had a similar experience at a similar age, though it was a strange smell rather than a sound. When I was around 7 my youngest sister was born. A couple of years later my parents decided that we would swap around bedrooms so that my 2 sisters could share the larger bedroom leaving me with my own smaller room. Shortly after I had moved in I started to experience a rather unpleasant but faint fishy smell. I noticed that the smell would only be there at certain times, mostly from early evenings and then through the night, often, but not always, disappearing by morning. We searched high and low to find the source of the smell, deep cleaned the room top to bottom, added air fresheners etc.. but to no avail. Me and my sisters decided that it must be a ghost and named it "Mr Fishy". Oddly I was never frightened by it even though I was convinced it must be paranormal. 15 years later I decided to do a full re-vamp of the room. On swapping out the electrical accessories I found a single socket outlet that was thermally damaged, looking at it close up I could distinctly, though faint, smell "Mr Fishy". Turns out that the fishy smell was indeed the socket outlet that when used for my bedside lamp and tv would get warm and material it was made from would give off the fishy smell. I have had a number of experiences that some would consider to be psychic, but to be clear I don't believe in such. For some unknown (to me) I have had a number of premonitions of people's deaths which sounds all rather grim but its true. I have had 5 very clear and distinct experiences where I have "felt" (for want of a better word) the imminent death of a person. 3 of the 5 were people close to me and the other 2 people I had met but only had very brief encounters with. Sadly all 5 deaths came as a surprise to everyone, either caused by accidents or previously undetected ill health. I would have the "feeling" 2-3 days prior, it would just come over me with no apparent trigger or reason, I would not necessarily have been thinking about them or had any encounters with them recently beforehand. The only way I can describe the feeling is that it was this overwhelming wave of sadness for the person that would then make me think of their death. To give you an idea, there was one chap who I had met only once who was the father of a friend I competed against in my chosen sport. For some unknown reason, just out of the blue, I had the "feeling". A few days later I was told the sad news that he had suffered a massive heart attack at the wheel of his car and had died on the scene. This accident occurred 2 days after I had the "feeling" and thoughts of such. Now I don't believe in the paranormal of any kind, and I don't claim to have any special abilities!!!! I believe that these premonitions can be explained by science. A couple of possible theories I have is that time is not as linear as we imagine. Another is that maybe there are multiverses existing simultaneously that though not directly physically connected have some field connections of some sort be it EM or similar. Another is that I just coincidently for no apparent or special reason just happened to think about it.
    1 point
  11. We are able to measure the passage of time. Many things exist that we really don't or nerver experience. I have never been to China. Does that mean China does not exist? "Philosophy consists very largely of one philosopher arguing that all others are jackasses. He usually proves it, and I should add that he also usually proves that he is one himself." Henry Louis Mencken.
    1 point
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