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  1. You mean whether coronavirus are known to jump species? If so yes. The most notable cases before SARS-CoV-2 are obviously SARS and MERS. But the viruses are present in many mammals and there are many signatures indicating mixtures and exchanges between species. I.e. spillover to humans are not unexpected.
    2 points
  2. There are solutions to the black hole that postulate a ring shaped singularity at the center which give a possible portal to another universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerr–Newman_metric#:~:text=In 1965%2C Ezra "Ted",called the Kerr–Newman metric. I know everyone hates videos but this video explains the idea of a rotating black hole in quite interesting ways.
    1 point
  3. I agree Mathematics is indispensible to Physics in its descriptions. I do not think that the approach to their topics seperately should be construed as antithetical. I think this comes from the conception that mathematics in its development has not always needed to correlate its constructions with any tangible reality, whereas physics is concerned with precisely trying to describe what can be observed as reality. However, I think there have been many times where mathematical developments that seemingy had no physical reality came to be found to be useful in descriptions of the natural sciences. Perhaps you're saying that mathematics is more akin to logic in requiring self consistent axioms, whereas physics has to account for contradictory (i.e. not necessarily self consistent) phenomena? I do not necessarily agree that mathematics is or would like to be axiom based, but rather that it is constrained under axiomatic sets in some formulations (like physics is in some of its specific formulations) to maintain self-consistency, remain coherent and logical and thus create a system that can express ideas with mathematical rigor. I do not think that setting axioms (mathematics) vs. establishing principles (physics) can be said to be truly antithetical approaches.
    1 point
  4. Edit: I missed the double-negative and only now see I'm agreeing with you, but I can't find where/if the statement you're quoting was resolved in this thread... How can you one possibly think that it follows, when you can do experiments in the kitchen sink with water and glasses that show that it's complete nonsense? You're Others are forgetting (but it looks like mistermack pointed it out long ago) that the space displaced by the mass that you're floating, does not need to be filled with mercury! So for example, say you have 700 kg of mercury in a container, filled right to the top, and you put in a 600 kg weight and it floats, displacing 600 kg of mercury. This is acceptable, agreed? However, the 600 kg of mercury has spilled over the top, so now you have a 600 kg weight floating on 100 kg of mercury, in the space that can hold 700 kg of mercury. Having tight seals or an "already floating" mass doesn't matter. If you have a stone sitting in a container that is just a little larger than the stone, you can float it using as little mercury as it takes to fill up the space not taken up by the stone.
    1 point
  5. IMO pet infections(and infections from pets) suggest natural zoonosis explanation is correct. Suggest a fairly lengthy period of prior interaction.
    1 point
  6. Fundamentally the article does not highlight anything that we did not know before. I.e. I do not see a smoking gun there. All the things the authors mentioned have been discussed in literature elsewhere and while one cannot unequivocally prove that it has not been manipulated in any form (which would only be possible if there was something really unique), wildlife is still remains the most likely origin. While deeper probes are fine (though it has some practical implications for researchers and research) I fear that this line of thinking feeds into something that I think of as a Hollywood narrative of catastrophes. In movies catastrophes just don't happen, there are always good, simple and identifiable reasons, and there is almost always a simple and clear solution. The COVID-19 pandemic does not conform to such narratives. Things the way they did for many reasons (including, behavioural, economic and societal ones) and simple heroes (perfect vaccines) simply do not exist. Even if it turned out to be a lab-strain, it would at best give us a false sense of security, as the next inevitable pandemic is likely coming from elsewhere, anyway. I know that this is not the point, but the virus is SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 is the disease. It just annoys me that even in microbiology classes students keep mixing it up and we are already years in this particular pandemic.
    1 point
  7. Rocks were much newer back then. A new ton could readily be moved with 102 gram force.
    1 point
  8. It is my opinion (SPECULATION ) that the electromagnetic fields that permeate the whole of the universe at both the macro and micro levels were around at the same time as the many many big bangs and big crunches that happen in the universe all the time.I speculate that BB and BC’s can’t happen without these electromagnetic fields.Why do scientists guess that these electromagnetic fields came after an assumed single big bang? Mainstream scientific observations are now providing firm evidence that the universe is not expanding uniformly and so the single Big Bang theory is now being put into question.What about the gravity theory then….uummm…it would be good if scientist knew what it was in the first instance. Things spin in electromagnetic fields creating electromagnets which produce push/pull magnetic forces between other electromagnets.The spin speed ; tilt angle and distance between all these electromagnets would determine their interactions.As all things spin at the macro/micro levels then we have a universe full of interacting electro magnets.Electromagnets produce electricity.Electricity produces sinusoidal waveforms which interact with electromagnetic sinusoidal waveforms.Electrical and Electromagnetic waveforms although different cannot exist without each other.It’s the chicken and egg scenario. As all sciences are interconnected then in my opinion there is a direct connection between the functioning of the universe (which utilises electromechanical systems in its operation) and the human brain which utilises exactly the same systems in its operation. I speculate that there is a direct connection between the electrical and electromagnetic sinusoidal waveforms and the 2 consciousness states i.e. manual and autopilot. These two separate and different waveforms each toggle between a + and - forming the sinusoidal wave pattern.I speculate that the electrical and electromagnetic waveforms interact with each other in a specific way either being in synch or out of synch.It being this in synch or out of synch interaction that is experienced by the individual in the form of manual and autopilot consciousness. Incidentally,,and on a separate note, as there are push/pull magnetic forces in nature I speculate that the neutral part of all matter will vibrate between these two push/pull magnetic forces hence matter is held together.
    1 point
  9. ! Moderator Note Copy that. Thread locked.
    1 point
  10. The event horizon is a mathematical construct, which indicates a radius ( or radii ) after which certain effects manifest. Te rules and laws of GR continue to hold until infinities arise, close to the singularity; IOW no faster than light tavel. Te Shwazschild solution is a special case where infinities aise at the event horizon due to choice of co-ordinates. You may have misunderstood the fact that inside the event horizon, the only direction available is forward in time ( due to GR's geodesics, or geometry, terminating at the singularity, with no paths out of the EH ). A Big Bang arising from a 'white' hole connected to a Black Hole in an alternate universe is also a non-starter, as it would have observable differences to our universe, like a discernible center, or a 'rotation'.
    1 point
  11. Have you got a link for that, or did you dream it? I've just done some looking up, lacking a link, and the biggest megaliths seem to have been the obelisks, and they did run to hundreds of tons. The Romans moved several of them to Rome on specially made ships. There is no mention of mercury so the good old sleds and winches and levers seem to have done the job. It must have been a phenomenal undertaking to see. such a shame all that work was done for no useful purpose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obelisk
    1 point
  12. You certainly need to know how a computer works to improve on it. Like all life all science is individual. Individuals invent hypothesis and experiment and interpret results. Individuals build models and then science changes one funeral at a time. https://www.uky.edu/~eushe2/Pajares/Kuhn.html Without understanding consciousness the mechanisms of this interpretation are unknown. The effects of interpretations on humans and other science are unknown. Only individuals are conscious.
    1 point
  13. OK but why seize on mathematics, when @Jasper10's comment was to do with science and philosophy, rather than mathematics? Philosophy obviously does have a connection to science, since science relies on a certain approach to understanding the world which implicitly makes philosophical choices, e.g. reliance on methodological naturalism, the role of observation in developing and testing theories, and so forth. Regarding mathematics, I'm not sure what you mean by antithesis. I'd have though the true antithesis of mathematics would be something that was not quantitative and did not employ logic. Poetry, perhaps?
    1 point
  14. But what does your conscience say?
    1 point
  15. How does a bird (especially a flightless one) get up after it falls down?
    1 point
  16. I have similar theory explaining dinosaurs' extinction by gravity change. But I explain it by other way. I have hypothesis that gravity of planets has a relativity to solar gravity. Thus, when gravity of Sun changes on the planet's orbit, it affects to planet's gravity function. Gravity potential doesn't change because planet's mass doesn't change. But the superposition of gravity function changes while the local gravity system of the planets changes its size. When gravity system change its size, but planet's size is constant, the gravity on the planet's surface changes its value. For examle, if gravity of Sun on the Earth orbit will change with factor 2, the size of Earth's gravity system enlages by factor 1/2. The gravity correlate with orbit as function of 1/R^2. Therefore the gravity value on the planet's surface changes with factor 1/2^2 or 1/4. I don't know exactly what called changes of Sun's gravity function about 65 ml. years ago, but I suggest that Earth increased its orbit. The decreasing Sun's gravity on the Earth's orbit made the increasing of gravity on th Earth surface. Probably, the relativity of gravity what is cause of undefiniteness of gravitational constant. Also probably the changes of length of comets' tail are called by such relative gravitational changes happens near to the comets' surface. PS. Other possible causes made solar gravity weaker probably could be Sun's superburst with dropping its cover or similar relative changes but relatively to Galaxy's gravity when Solar system entering or exiting its sleeves.
    0 points
  17. Hydrogen bonds are also the same release of pressure, and so are electrons in their creation of orbits. Aether is much like a liquid, and is like a sea pressure, but much lower, but it is infinite, so creates infinite pressure. The pressure created the Galaxies, because the infinite pressure folds into Black Holes. The black holes cannot contain the material that falls into them, so the material is reduced in scale, and then escapes as magnetism (Dark Flow). The escaping pressure creates the bubble around the Galaxy. The pressure on the bubble then creates pounding waves. The pounding waves then create more pressure inside the bubble. The black hole spins the material out as a disc spiral. The spinning material creates more holes in the aether. The holes then allow more material inside, and creates suns, and planets. All of the atoms etc. The escaping materials create more bubbles. The bubbles now counteract more pressure. This ends up as a bubble wrap to protect us from the huge pressures of infinite Aether. The bubbles however are slightly unstable. A meteor, or comet for example can break through them. If something big happened to a bubble it would alter Gravity. The dinosaurs must have experience a break in the bubble chain, and the pressure must have suddenly dropped on them, and killed them. The bone density must have been filled over time by high pressure which gives them the appearance of normal density as they have become filled by new material internally, and externally. Take a look at the creatures around us.. birds (light) have three toes. Camels (Heavy) have two pressurized toes. Elephants (very heavy) have compressed toes. Fish (Under pressure of the sea) have toes that have squeezed out as fins. Humans (in the middle) have the toes of Dinosaurs, but with the extra digits squeezed out.
    -1 points
  18. My theory predicts that Gravity is a pressure from the Universe, not an attractive force. And for a few years now I have been deciding if that pressure has changed over time. Since I was a child I have often wondered how T-Rex managed to get up off the floor if it fell over. It has those reduced arms, and a heavy back end. It looks like it would be hard work to get up. And since my gravity theory is channeled through bubbles like bubble-wrap which protects us from a huge pressure from the Universe I had been thinking that pressure on the dinosaurs may have been less. This would account for their huge size, and predict their downfall. But apart from their size I had little to go on. But this... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110809104301.htm ... picture reminded me that they had three toes. Now my theory also predicts that pressure creates off-springs that are forced out of the Aether. Snowflakes for example are the 6 sided shapes produced by Aether pressure in cold conditions, and Aether pressure is Gravity, which is counter acted by magnetism (which is also Dark Flow). Another theory this week... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110810085501.htm ... shows how alternating pressure from holes produces such crystals. And from all of my information put together, and the three toes of the dinosaurs which would fit inside our hand print. I can conclude that our extra two digits are a force pressure from extra gravity.
    -1 points
  19. Hey….there is no such thing as black holes……you can’t define a hole by a colour….it’s just a hole with darkness and light within it. If you knew anything about consciousness then you would be AWARE of this.
    -1 points
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