Actually, phenomena, you had described as gravitational exactly aren't connected with gravity.
But DM, which GR cannot describe, is absolutely gravitational one.
Accordingly to Dynamic Gravity (DG) the gravity is a force, which appears between mass particles during their relative nearing, and it isn't something static which influences to massless particles. So, the dynamical gravity is much different thing, than GR describes.
The DG explains two real gravitational phenomena - the Dark matter, and the acceleration of cosmic rays, which wasn't predicted by GR.
When, after number of years, the scientists will not find dark matter particles, they will have to reinspect the GR.
I'm suggesting to do it right now.
Thanks. I'll do it right now.
IMO, it's a main mistake that scientists consider GR as a gravity theory. Accordingly to DG, the GR isn't a gravity theory, because it doesn't describe the Gravity as a force (which, actually, is a force). The GR is, as it was defined, a relativity's theory. It describes how the mass generates the local space-time and how ST curvature (tension) defines the relativity of all interactions.