The history here seems relevant. Certain classes of people are considered “protected,” not privileged, and there’s good reason this had to be.
For decades / centuries they were discriminated against merely for how they were born.
It’s as if someone goes to the doctor for a broken arm and the doctor says, “All bones matter!” Well… yeah. Thx, Dr Einstein. Nobody disagrees with that lovely bumper sticker fitting platitude, but maybe we could focus right now on this broken one since that’s why I’m here?
We agree all people deserve to be treated well and respectfully, but since so many of our fellow citizens can’t seem to get on board with that simple agreement, we need to take extra steps and actively ensure the protection is afforded.
As noted earlier, some white men are mostly noticing the loss off their asymmetric privilege RELATIVE to the privilege thankfully now being experienced by their non-white non-male peers. That doesn’t however, mean that white men are actually losing any rights or facing any discrimination. They’re just enjoying less unearned benefit than before and relative to peers and noticing the difference.
Many are mad that they can’t keep a job if they fail to perform or are angry that society now calls them out for saying nigger and faggot and retard and related epithets. Well boo fucking hoo, snowflake. Grow a pair and quit whining.
(not directed at you, just commenting on society more broadly).