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  1. "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world." is a quote from Percy Shelley (a poet, an apparently politically active one), so "unacknowledged legislator" is a poetry reference to poets, and impeachment is part of the removal from office, which is what you say the article was about.
    2 points
  2. The GOP's response is a little strange. I thought their very vocal position was that anyone who mishandles classified documents must be locked up.
    2 points
  3. Here’s an article about this paper - it’s actually more about angular momentum (which is just as ambiguous as mass), but the problems are closely related: https://www.quantamagazine.org/mass-and-angular-momentum-left-ambiguous-by-einstein-get-defined-20220713/ I can’t offer any real details yet, since I haven’t studied the paper itself.
    2 points
  4. ">" I think this was one of the first "mathematics-related" things I grasped* before counting, numbers, addition or other mathematics. That there could be more (or fewer) of something and more or fewer of different things. Understanding for instance "there are more apples than there are oranges in this picture" came before counting items in the picture. I have no formal or mathematical argument, this is more of a personal reflection. I note that @iNow's argument probably could be used here to put divison "/" before comparison ">"; first one realises that there are apples and oranges rather than one singe pile of fruit. Then comparisons (or other operations) can take place. edit (just saw Studiot's post): I note that my example above starts with this, I did not think of that as an operation. *) This was early in life so my recollection may be incorrect. I did of course not know or understand the specific notation or the mathematical implications at that time.
    1 point
  5. I like to think I make up in quantity, what I lack in quality.
    1 point
  6. The farts of purple unicorns cause erections in leprechauns. See, I can make up anything I want, too!
    1 point
  7. That’s certainly a factor, but I suspect it’s mostly because a lot of people simply don’t have the ability to step outside the paradigm of what their sensory apparatus tells them about the world - which is essentially Newtonian. Thus, relativity and QM get rejected wholesale, because they “don’t make sense”. Also, believing that you are smarter than a larger than life figure such as Einstein props up people’s egos.
    1 point
  8. So far the situation in the waters around Taiwan is all bluster. The number of intrusions into Taiwan's territorial waters and warning zones are worrying, however, as there is no way to distinguish an actual attack from just another intrusion. I sure hope that Taiwan's missile defense systems are 'locking on' to every single intrusion into their airspace and territorial waters, as an indication to the PLA that they could, if they so choose, take their assets out. I remember in the run up to the 1996 Taiwan Presidential elections, the PRC similarly got their panties in a knot, and started firing missiles into Taiwan's waters. President Clinton sent the 7th carrier group ( Nimitz ) to sail through the strait of Taiwan, along with the 5th carrier group ( Independence ) as back up. I don't think anything of the sort will be tried this time as China has grown much more bold, if not more powerful militarily. But I'm sure a couple of US carrier battle groups are on their way to the area, and US Air Bases in Okinawa and others in the west pacific are on alert.
    1 point
  9. The history here seems relevant. Certain classes of people are considered “protected,” not privileged, and there’s good reason this had to be. For decades / centuries they were discriminated against merely for how they were born. It’s as if someone goes to the doctor for a broken arm and the doctor says, “All bones matter!” Well… yeah. Thx, Dr Einstein. Nobody disagrees with that lovely bumper sticker fitting platitude, but maybe we could focus right now on this broken one since that’s why I’m here? We agree all people deserve to be treated well and respectfully, but since so many of our fellow citizens can’t seem to get on board with that simple agreement, we need to take extra steps and actively ensure the protection is afforded. As noted earlier, some white men are mostly noticing the loss off their asymmetric privilege RELATIVE to the privilege thankfully now being experienced by their non-white non-male peers. That doesn’t however, mean that white men are actually losing any rights or facing any discrimination. They’re just enjoying less unearned benefit than before and relative to peers and noticing the difference. Many are mad that they can’t keep a job if they fail to perform or are angry that society now calls them out for saying nigger and faggot and retard and related epithets. Well boo fucking hoo, snowflake. Grow a pair and quit whining. (not directed at you, just commenting on society more broadly).
    1 point
  10. It doesn't really work that way though. It might not prevent you from successfully having offspring, but if it prevents one in ten, then it's a factor in evolution. It's really a numbers game at population level, which is where evolution happens.
    1 point
  11. What if the men are getting kicked out of their marriages because they're abusive, ignorant, malicious SOBs who hurt their wives and children? That seems to be the trend. Why are you boohooing over them getting the treatment they deserve? Or do you think a woman is just supposed to stay quiet and take it when they get beat up by their man? What if a man loses his job because a woman came along who was better at it? Isn't that what the standard hierarchy says, best person for the job gets it? Do you believe men are always best for every job except raising children, cleaning, or cooking? I hate to assume you know anything, so it would help if you answered some of these questions. Your stances seem to ignore a great deal of reality in favor of some kind of Tucker Carlson spin-vomit engineered for those whose education left them in a steep deficit.
    1 point
  12. Ah I see. The Klein-Gordon equation is the quantum version of the energy-momentum relation (not the tensor though), and is generally used to describe relativistic fields/particles without spin - scalar particles.
    1 point
  13. Show me the experiment that supports your incredibly dubious claim. And don't tell me any superstring theory bologna, because all that baloney is made up.
    -1 points
  14. Conservation of energy refers to any kind of energy, not just mechanical. Your knowledge of physics is corrupted. If you put a mathematical theory based on elements with no experimental reality (strings, LQG, MWI) then you should get a CAT scan. Or even better, you should go find some source of Common Sense, maybe a book about common sense, and read it.
    -1 points
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