Trump who is only marginally literate apparently disliked reading anything much at all. He was said to be particularly averse to reading PDF documents on a laptop, or any sort of Kindle type reader - which is relevant here, because the PDB or ‘Presidential Daily Brief’ was delivered as an encrypted electronic ‘black book’ from 2014 onwards.
CIA and DNI staff apparently resorted to putting pictures and flattering references to the POTUS into the PDB to try and draw his interest. They also reportedly followed a proforma of - ‘No longer than one page and a maximum of 8 bullet points’.
Trump always preferred to have paper documents that he could scribble on with a sharpie, or rip up if they displeased him. As John Bolton who was his NSA recently recounted, the POTUS was also prone to simply walk out of briefings clutching whatever document he had just been given.
A Wikipedia article suggests that president G.W.Bush attended to 86% of his PDBs, Obama attended 43.8% of his PDBs, and Trump typically read his PDB about once a week.'s_Daily_Brief