Thank you for your posting, I fear it will not be long before the moderators remove your attachment as being against the rules here and against what they have already told you.
I see from the attachment that you wish to discuss two and a half thousand year old mathematics.
Do you not think we have moved on at least a little bit since then ?
You have introduced some more modern terms manifold, group, order but tried to use them in non mathematical ways.
The 5 platonic solids you mention form what we now call a 'homotopy group' and it is by this means that we can prove that there are only these 5 regular solids in 3 dimensions. They actually enjoy no particular order (in the mathematical sense). Groups are not, as you suggest, series in mathematics, they have a very special definition.
Unfortunately the rest of your article starts to wander off into mystic woo, for instance trying to introduce the so called golden ratio, instead of finding out just how much more modern mathematics in general and geometry in particular has to offer.
You may wish some entertaining light reading about geometry.
Try perusing The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry by David Wells.
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The Self Made Tapestry - Pattern formation in nature by Phillip Ball
I think you will find many suprises in it especially as it has a similar theme to yours, but with the benefit of modern scientific observations so it represents the best of our knowledge.
I suggest avoiding entering a slanging match about Einstein.
Although he may well have been the world's greatest Physicist, he was no a Mathematician and had to rely on support form for competent mathematicians.
Od course many other scientists have done great things in many other areas of science, both before, at the same time and after.
One thing I picked up from your earlier postings was concsrned 'the continuum';
The theoretical nature of the continuum has, as you say, been a subject of investigation since before Greek times and has still not been settled today.
But for all current practical purposes the continuum we live in behaves observably like the one you will find in any standard textbook of continuum mechanics.
It is only the pure mathematicians that are still arguing over Cantor's 'Continuum Hypothesis' and the practical result will be the same whichever one is eventually proved correct, - if that ever happns.