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  1. If you were more specific our answers could also be more specific and this discussion might then progress.
    1 point
  2. Yes, please!! If it's not too personal a question, can you make it more wind-resistant?
    1 point
  3. There are intermolecular forces acting between the molecules in the liquid, which have to be overcome in order for molecules to slide past one another. At higher temperatures, a greater proportion of the molecules have enough kinetic energy to overcome at least some of these forces, reducing the resistance to them moving relative to one another.
    1 point
  4. We use these for our German Angora rabbits. https://www.chewy.com/frisco-fold-carry-single-door/dp/239206?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12613349483&utm_content=Frisco&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyMOPlvP0-gIV04ZbCh00kQCYEAQYASABEgKbXvD_BwE We built an elevated floor out of 1/2" hardware cloth (so the poop drops through but their feet don't) and also covered the cage in 1/2" hardware cloth to keep the raccoons from trying to reach in and grab the bunnies.
    -1 points
  5. No but we had previous related experience with our alpaca fiber. 😀 Yes, but mainly because we already had the crates. Not sure what our solution would have been if we started from scratch. We had a broody chicken and had her hatch a dozen guineafowl chicks as guinaefowl are notoriously bad mothers. Sat on the eggs for 21 (?) days, took care of chicks and every night two or three would actually sleep on top of the chicken with the rest trying to get under her wings. The night before we were going to give the chicks to a friend as they were old enough, a raccoon killed 10 of the chicks by reaching through the 1" hardware cloth. That's why the rabbits got 1/2" hardware cloth, and why we subsequently modified the chicken coop. Did they have the run of the house or just the run of the storage room?
    -1 points
  6. I took the test years ago and don't remember the results for me, but I do remember that I thought they correctly identified me. I thought it was a great exercise as we took the test as a team and learned the personality types of each other which made for much better communications amongst the team members. I also remember I was kind of shocked that people looked at the same situations in such different ways. Here I thought everyone would think sort of like me. 😳
    -1 points
  7. So you don't think they do a good job of identifying personality types? Why do you think that?
    -1 points
  8. After reading the Vox article and how MB is outlined I think perhaps I misremembered which personality test I took. My test included endless questions asking how you feel about or would respond to certain situations. Similar questions came up again and again, worded differently or with slightly different scenarios. At the end of the test you were given a chart showing where you fit into the different 'personalities'. Some of us were more or less evenly distributed across all personality types (perhaps as much an empathetic person as a logical person as a rule following personality), or you could be heavily focused in one area. The benefit as I saw it was that sitting in the room, you saw that while you might be a rule follower and data driven ("Of course we'll just change how we do everything tomorrow because management says that is the new way!"), your co-worker might be highly empathetic and a visual learner ("You can't just throw out how things are done without asking for feedback, allowing people to first express their concerns, etc.!"). Once you knew how you and your co-worker viewed the world differently, you understood that to influence others, you had to speak in terms that they understood and communicate more in their preferred learning manner.
    -1 points
  9. Sure, sort of like a medical test that gives you a snapshot of their health at the time of testing and maybe that will hold up for a while. People's personalities will change just as their health does. And while a 30 minute personality test may be a blunt instrument, so is a medical test that simply screens for cancer cells; it doesn't tell you anything about pre-cancerous cells present or genetic disposition. I understand that many personality tests may be no better than a horoscope (like a lot of medical tests it turns out), but I believe one well done can be a very useful tool. So while I now know more about the weaknesses of personality tests than I did before I read this thread, I still think they have value.
    -1 points
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