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  1. The job has some real power. Appointing members to committees for example.
    2 points
  2. Here is a maths free resource for those looking for Maths Tutorials, from the Centre for Innovation in Maths Learning. The two links give the centre's home page, a topic list. https://www.cimt.org.uk/ https://www.cimt.org.uk/projects/mepres/alevel/ These are first class resources available for download in pdf.
    2 points
  3. You keep reflexively referring to them as "male identifying as female." They're just "female." Why is this such a struggle for you? You misspelled female again Unless your concern extends to female teachers as well, then it's unclear why this is a problem. Why can we not just all agree as I suggested earlier that rules for teachers in children changing areas should be applied consistently regardless of gender, whether that gender is cis or otherwise? You'll get no disagreement from me here. I think pretty much everyone here agrees with this. However, you seem to be arguing that your daughter is at some extra risk because some teachers are transgendered. That doesn't make sense unless you fear transgendered people, and you don't strike me as the fearful type... not over pretend and invented enemies, anyway.
    2 points
  4. Rumor has it that they’re going to nominate Mike Lindell to be Myspeaker.
    2 points
  5. As did his speaking out against Trump after the January 6 insurrection only to then very shortly thereafter fly to Maralago and beg forgives, kiss the ring, lick Donald’s hiney hole, etc.
    1 point
  6. "The concept of a galactic habitable zone analyzes various factors, such as metallicity (the presence of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) and the rate and density of major catastrophes such as supernovae, and uses these to calculate which regions of a galaxy are more likely to form terrestrial planets, initially develop simple life, and provide a suitable environment for this life to evolve and advance." Galactic habitable zone - Wikipedia The Goldilocks Zone is where there are enough supernovae to create heavy elements that life needs, BUT not too many supernovae because they also destroy life on planets. Generally, there are more supernovae, and therefore deadly radiation, near the center of the Milky Way, and in the densely-packed spiral arms. In sparsely populated regions there are not enough supernovae.
    1 point
  7. Yes, and this is true for all clocks - including the distant stationary one! Now think about this - if the distant stationary clock measures purely its own time (“behaviour”), as you correctly say, then why do you expect it to be able to accurately measure any process that does not, in fact, take place within its own frame? Can you see the issue? The reverse situation is just as true - the in-falling clock cannot, based on its own readings, expect a distant stationary clock to tick out the same amount of time. Exactly! This is just the basic principle in GR - the laws of physics are covariant, so all observers agree on them. In this case, all observers agree that the in-fall world line does in fact intersect the horizon, including the distant Schwarzschild observer. He just doesn’t physically measure this on his own clocks and rulers, because those are inextricably linked to his distant, stationary frame, and thus unable to measure anything about the in-falling particle. They can only measure things in their own local frame. There are two entirely separate concepts to consider here - there is the manifold, which is spacetime itself, ie the set of all points in space at all instances of time (“events”); and then there is the coordinate chart that covers the manifold, which is simply a map that assigns a unique label to each event. The manifold is like the physical set of streets that makes up a city, whereas the chart is the choice of names we assign to those streets. It should be obvious straight away that the choice of street names is entirely arbitrary (so long as they are unique) - we can erase and re-write all street names, without affecting any of the physical layout and geometry of our city. You can also have different people employing different names for the same street; there’s potential for confusion when you do this, but so long as both sets of names are unique, there will be no problems or contradictions; you can map them into each other 1-on-1 in a unique way. The time it takes you to drive from one address within the city to another is not affected by the way the streets are named in any way. Essentially, the street names have no physical significance so far as the layout of the city is concerned. And so it is with spacetime - you’ve got the spacetime manifold and its geometry, which is given by the distribution of gravitational sources (“the city). This is entirely separate from the coordinate chart which you choose to label each event on that manifold (“the street names”). How long it takes to inertially free-fall from one event to another as measured on a co-moving clock is likewise not affected in any way by what kind of coordinate chart you choose to use. Just as is the case for the city, the choice of coordinate chart has no physical significance whatever so far as the geometry of spacetime is concerned. What happens at the event horizon is that the Schwarzschild coordinate chart becomes singular, in the same way as spherical coordinates become singular at the poles on Earth. So the question then becomes whether this is purely a coordinate singularity, where only the coordinate chart fails due to the way it is defined, but the manifold itself remains perfectly regular; or whether this is a curvature singularity, where both the coordinate chart fails and the manifold ceases to be smooth and regular. The former has no physical significance, it’s just an artefact of the way we choose to label our events; whereas the latter means that the manifold is geodesically incomplete, ie we cannot physically extend free-fall geodesics past that region. The simplest way to distinguish between them is to try and cover our spacetime with a different coordinate chart (remember that this choice is arbitrary and has no physical significance!), and see what happens at the horizon. Instead of Schwarzschild coordinates we can use (e.g.) Gullstrand-Painleve coordinates, Novikov coordinates, Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, Kruszkal-Szekeres coordinates, or any other convenient choice. If we can find even only one coordinate chart that remains smooth and regular at the horizon, then we know that the original singularity was of the coordinate kind, and thus has no physical significance so far as the manifold is concerned. And that’s indeed the case here - in Schwarzschild spacetime, there are many coordinate choices that remain smooth and continuous even at the horizon. To be absolutely sure, we can also check in a more direct way, by considering a covariant quantity that does not depend on coordinate choices, such as the curvature tensors. More specifically, one looks at the principle invariants of the Riemann tensor and the Weyl tensor, which indicates how the curvature of spacetime behaves at the region in question. There are altogether five of such invariants. When we calculate them at the horizon (using any coordinate chart of our choice), we find that they are all finite and well defined, indicating that spacetime is smooth and regular there. This is in contrast to the central singularity - no matter what coordinate chart we choose, the central singularity is always singular; we cannot eliminate this by choosing different coordinates. Also, the curvature invariants all diverge there. This indicates that the central singularity is a physical one - a region of true geodesic incompleteness. There are other ways to distinguish these singularity types, but you get the idea - the event horizon is a coordinate singularity (no physical significance), whereas the central one is physical.
    1 point
  8. This is too much for Marj Green, which surprises me, given that she is part of Freedom Caucus. Matt Gaetz put this up on her Twitter: Gives one an insight where the rebels are coming from... trolling Congress. Does it presage the future? Do you think McConnell will try and mitigate the Caucus's efforts by working more across the aisle with Biden? Looks like the creme de la creme of shit shows coming to the House this session..
    1 point
  9. Another theorem that's a good study is density wave theorem this will cover the flattening effect due to mass rotation. it also covers metallicity distributions as it applies to star formations. as well as how the spiral arms come about. The theory also applies to the rings of Saturn, as the momentum terms apply the same in both cases.
    1 point
  10. These shapes and the rotation are a natural result of gravitational collapse of the cloud of dust and gas which had a higher density of matter than surrounding space. No. You can find an overview of these processes and related ideas here: Galaxy formation and evolution - Wikipedia
    1 point
  11. You might want to brush up on the Electrochemical Series. That tells you which metals are expected to react with acids to liberate hydrogen (basically anything with an electrode potential that is -ve relative to hydrogen, which is set at zero by convention.) An example here: https://chemguide.co.uk/physical/redoxeqia/ecs.html According to this, Mg is expected to react, and Cu is not. Zn however is slightly -ve, so would be expected to react, but not as vigorously as Mg. But there may be a protective oxide layer that interferes - I can't remember. The reaction product with Mg should indeed be MgAc. If the Mg strip has an oxide layer, I should think rubbing with wire wool (i.e. a scouring pad without soap impregnation) would be one way to get that off. Other, less ancient, chemists may be able to add to this or correct it......
    1 point
  12. An overview here is very interesting (but doesn't include the encounter described in OP): North Sentinel Island: a timeline of the world’s most isolated tribe | Atlas & Boots (atlasandboots.com) PS. Perhaps a good model for humanity if we are ever visited by aliens.
    1 point
  13. Fascinating story. Their brethren, the Onge people and the Jarawa, weren't that lucky. The Onge were the first to fall, and were relocated. The Jarawa resisted a bit longer. They complain bitterly of contact with the world now. The North Sentinelese still stand. There was only one sucessful contact from what I know, by a delegation from India. But they remain isolated. Apparently the Indian government has given up on all attempts to contact them.
    1 point
  14. There is a Galactic Habitable Zone or at least such a zone is hypothesised to exist. I see no reason an intergalactic star couldn't have planets that support life.
    1 point
  15. Ok, thanks for your insight, I find this an interesting view point. So in essence lets not make any advancements because we can't verify the true outcome, and that there maybe adverse consequences that could potentially occur in the future. I would say that this is, if not more fallacious. I'll be sure to tell my friends that we are not going to potentially save their child with medical advancements just in case when she becomes an adult she might become a dictator and kill loads of people. If you invent a time machine and happen to go back to our primordial ancestors be sure to tell them to stick to the tree tops foraging for food in the forests. Better still, head right back to our single celled ancestors and convince them to stay singled celled because if not all hell will let loose. Why wouldn't they? Who decides when it is morally or otherwise ok to allow a male identifying as a female to use female facilities such as school girls changing areas? The male in question could argue that they identify as a female at any point they choose and should then instantly have the same rights as a female. Or is there a cooling off period where the person has to prove themselves or their intent. I have a problem with a male teacher, regardless of how they identify themselves being present in my daughter's changing area. I respect my daughter's privacy at home so why should I not expect that same respect from her teachers?
    -1 points
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