Sometimes themselves, but there are many things to protect people from, it can be very complex.
Bias is a good one and thinking about my own replies/opinions that I have posted on this forum makes me question my own biases. In that my own opinions even though not intentionally so, or obvious to me, can be and have been bias.
This is one of the beauties of forums like these where I can express my opinions, stand by what I believe in, but then reconsider those beliefs, especially when I receive differing perspectives.
I participate on these types of forums for a number of reasons:
I learn new vocabulary
I learn to better present my thoughts and ideas
I learn about new perspectives
I learn about different cultures and societies and what is important or at the forefront within each
I learn new science and gain a better understanding of the areas I'm mostly interested in
I learn about new science that i wasn't previously aware of
They provide me with the opportunity to look in the mirror and consider my own thoughts, feelings and reflection
I get to state my opinions for peer review and reflect on how they make others feel and how they sit within each culture
This is just a short list off the top of my head, I'm sure there will be hidden benefits. A quick one which as just entered my mind is the benefit of escaping from the environment/society in which I live, and the people I interact with close up on a daily basis. Certainly helping with my mental wellbeing is an added benefit.
But yeah awareness of bias and the resulting oppression is definitely up there.