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  1. And space is what stops everything from happening to you.
    2 points
  2. I have a tshirt that says that!
    1 point
  3. Would not matter. Cell can have small mutations due to errors in DNA replication or some aging effects. So if you take a few million cells from anywhere in your body, you will have quite a few cells that have an error here or there. Sometimes they lead to distinct phenotype. E.g. cancer cells usually carry quite a few mutations that makes them cancerous, but most will likely do nothing. There are different techniques to sequence DNA, but most basically rely on reading out the sequences from a pool of DNA that you have isolated. This pool usually is derived from a mass of cells (e.g. bit of tissue). I.e. in most techniques you do not sequence a whole DNA molecule but bits and fragments derived from this pool. Say you got in your sample one cell that has one mutation at a specific site, but in addition a million cells that do not carry this mutation, the likelihood of finding specific that mutated sequence is very low.
    1 point
  4. Sometimes themselves, but there are many things to protect people from, it can be very complex. Bias is a good one and thinking about my own replies/opinions that I have posted on this forum makes me question my own biases. In that my own opinions even though not intentionally so, or obvious to me, can be and have been bias. This is one of the beauties of forums like these where I can express my opinions, stand by what I believe in, but then reconsider those beliefs, especially when I receive differing perspectives. I participate on these types of forums for a number of reasons: I learn new vocabulary I learn to better present my thoughts and ideas I learn about new perspectives I learn about different cultures and societies and what is important or at the forefront within each I learn new science and gain a better understanding of the areas I'm mostly interested in I learn about new science that i wasn't previously aware of They provide me with the opportunity to look in the mirror and consider my own thoughts, feelings and reflection I get to state my opinions for peer review and reflect on how they make others feel and how they sit within each culture This is just a short list off the top of my head, I'm sure there will be hidden benefits. A quick one which as just entered my mind is the benefit of escaping from the environment/society in which I live, and the people I interact with close up on a daily basis. Certainly helping with my mental wellbeing is an added benefit. But yeah awareness of bias and the resulting oppression is definitely up there.
    1 point
  5. yes this is precisely the direction I wanted you to take, these equations are ideally suited. Good find key note on equation 5.5.4 in regards to specific acoustic impedance involving a linear, lossless wave equation.
    1 point
  6. You don’t directly sense it as you do with the dimensions of space (which are sensed with vision)
    1 point
  7. Sodium bicarbonate is a very weak alkali - a saturated solution of it only has a pH of 8-9 or so. But I imagine some of the dyes may eventually oxidise over time and cease to function, so it may be better to replace it. Universal indicator contains several dyes that change colour at different pH values. There is a Wiki article that is quite helpful:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_indicator
    1 point
  8. “Time is not frozen from light's perspective, because light does not have a perspective.” So one can’t provide an answer to “As far as light is concerned, how long does it take for light to travel from A to B ?”
    1 point
  9. It isn't the 'ultimate theory, but it is the one best supported by observational evidence. Do I need to go through the 100 years of evidence accumulated in support of GR ? Theories don't explain why, they explain how. And IIRC, your 'theory' did neither, other than conjecture, and had no supporting observational evidence.
    1 point
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