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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/23 in all areas

  1. Modern research suggests the most likely phenomenon is unconscious processing occurs and we only then later “apply” a narrative on top of that to explain it once it enters our conscious awareness. More remains to be learned, but the most supportable concepts imply that the paraventricular thalamus, claustrum, and the posterior cortex (the occipital and temporal lobe) are core to this integration activity. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncel.2019.00302/full#h2 You may well be correct. The core idea has merit, though. Despite being activated chemically, the nervous system is a global collection of local individual EM events (each with their own polarization and thresholds) all combined by a sort of biological forrier analysis. I compare it to multiple streams and rivers flowing into a single data lake. The shape of that lake is forever changing since so too are the aforementioned flowing inputs from the streams.
    1 point
  2. Hello Jamss, and welcome. The equations need to be worked as ratios in the problem since you don't know the actual values of the masses. You obtain this from the ratio of two applications of the equation: heat input = mass times specific heat times temperature rise = constant power times time. This ratio can then be used in similar equations to find the latent heat ratio.
    1 point
  3. If you ae doing what you say you are doing then kudos to you. You have done what I would say was impossible. You should distribute this to reef sites where there are people more in the know than I am. I have been out of the reef trade for more than 20 years, probably longer. It would be interesting to see how your ideas were critiqued on reefer sites. This guy was very forthcoming about his 3 gallon tank and it does contain filtration and powerheads. He describes his tank and upkeep in detail.
    1 point
  4. Sorry, I need to clarify. This answer assumes that the density is the same throughout the planet depth. In reality it is not so, of course. The answer depends on how the density changes with depth and might be different at different depths.
    1 point
  5. If the planet is spherically symmetric then only the planet mass between the body and the planet center attracts the body. Outer part of the planet cancels. So, the short answer, less gravity. * "between the body and the planet center" means a sphere centered in the planet center
    1 point
  6. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen shared today that unless the House (the one who took 16 tries to elect a Speaker) votes to raise the debt ceiling (i.e. agrees to pay for spending they’ve already done and put on the credit card) by Thursday (6 days away), the US will default.
    1 point
  7. Pretty much all research into the neurological basis of consciousness finds it to be emergent rather than fundamental. One molecule of water isn't wet. A billion are, at sea level between 0 and 100 C. As for theories, those are generated by minds. It doesn't mean what the theory is about is also generated by minds.
    1 point
  8. I think it boils down to this: 3a+2b=1 a2>b Show that a3>1/64
    1 point
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