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And here we were just discussing, over in political humor, what lines can be crossed in joking. I'm pretty sure you didn't intend the mindbendingly racist aspect of referring to black people as apes. In the United States, this particular slur has a long and terrible history, and a person of color visiting this thread (or anyone, really) might well decide this forum is not worth their time. I won't DV you, but respectfully request you be aware of why this post is offensive.3 points
So do I. But I don't support their right to occupy a stolen land, which is what Israel is. Would the USA allow a religious takeover of Utah? Not a chance. Would they allow an independent Jewish state in Montana? Of course not. It's ok for Arabs, but not Americans. No country would allow it. Not even a peaceful takeover, let alone sanction the existing population to be put in squalid little refugee camps inside their own country. Americans did it to their own indigenous people and support it in Israel, because Indians and Arabs didn't fully count as people. It's Christian Europeans vs heathen indians and infidel arabs. There's no way they would have done it to a white people. How long after something is stolen before it becomes the rightful property of the thief? Paintings stolen from Jews in WW2 are expected to be returned. The same therefore applies in reverse. They should return the stolen land and pay compensation.2 points
1 point
The F-35 is a very good interdictor/strike aircraft, but its networking capabilities give it great situational awareness and make it a good BVR ( beyond visual range ) figter also. Shooting a sidewinder, or any other type of missile, from well below, will destroy the suspended payload, yielding no intelligence. Better to attck it at similar altitude and taget the balloon.1 point
I think Lincoln is saying the motion of the electrons creates a secondary oscillating electric field (a forced oscillation, actually), moving slower than that of the incoming light and that the resultant speed of light in the medium arises from the superposition of the two electric field waves. I am unable to say for sure whether this classical-sounding explanation is the equivalent of the QM explanation that I think I recall. But it sounds as if it may be. This is actually quite an interesting and tricky subject.1 point
Here is one I just copied and pasted from iNow's other site A charro, with his big hat, his boots and his gun hanging on his waist went to a bar and approaching approaching the counter asked for a double shot of tequila. While the bartender was filling the glass, a beautiful woman took a seat on his right. The charro took another shot and started to flirt with the woman. She didn't show any interest on him. So, he presented himself as Juan. -Hey, bonita, mi nombre es Juan, do you see? I have my hat, my boots, my gun, I'm a mero mero charro. And you, what is your name? The woman had a beer and answered him with total indifferece. -My name is Albert. -Albert?! -replied the charro, but... I think that is a male name. -I will explain to you -said the woman- I'm a lesbian. -A lesbian?! -asked again the charro - and, what is to be a lesbian? -I will tell you this way: I love women, I always look for having a date with a woman, I dream with women. My deeper wishes are to have a different woman having sex with me every night. - She ended her beer, left a tip over the counter and left the place. The charro had some more double shots of tequilas. A group of young men who just came into the bar at that moment and saw him and approached him. - Hey! Look at here! A charro! Look at his hat... his boots... his gun... -said one of the young men. With great curiosity they asked: - Sir, excuse us please, but... are you a charro?... a real charro? -I'm not sure anymore- replied the other very pensive- I think... I think I'm a lesbian.1 point
I suggested that, but I tried not to be too factual or authoritative about it. Dr. Lincoln said there's a light wave moving at c and a standing electron wave (i.e. not moving at all). Although he does say (at 7:05) that they produce a more slowly moving wave as a "result", whatever that's intended to mean.1 point
1 point
Just a thought. If I really wanted to make black people look stupid, I'd post that video clip without mentioning that it's fake. I'd let people think that it illustrates a real incident where a group of people did something monumentally stupid. (Rather than it being an advert for a film.) 83,048,009 views 6 Jul 2011 In theaters now! Purchase tickets online @ http://www.fandango.com/riseoftheplan... ---------------- http://www.facebook.com/apeswillrise - For the latest 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' news & updates ------ http://itun.es/igb4Ky - --- Soldiers give monkey a loaded gun From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhxqIITtTtU In broad terms, do you think that video clip is more likely to be quoted out of context by racists or non racists? Which group do you want to be seen as part of? In broad terms, does the video that purportedly shows a group of black guys being really really stupid (without making it clear that they are paid actors) play in favour of, or against, racism? So, OK I apologise. I was too subtle in pointing out that (without context) the video is "too wrong to be funny". That video is deeply offensive. I really think that the best thing to do is either clarify that the video is deliberately fake or take it down. (Not everyone will realise that a chimp wouldn't be able to handle the recoil of a real gun; nor would they calmly ignore the noise it made) I also apologise for not realising the full extent to which people would be offended by the way I did that. OK I really am sorry about that. I'm also sorry for any offence I caused.1 point
Wow. Please please read your reply over in Jokes, explaining this delicate matter. This is embarrassing.1 point
See post prior to yours. Hope it's helpful in your future interactions here, and especially with Americans. The DV is not from me. Again, must be something less understandable to folks in UK.1 point
It can be both, can’t it? There are a number of comedians who do political satire.1 point
I guess if Israel has a God given right to the land they occupy and they have the right to round up the previous inhabitants and push them into what amounts to a concentration camp then by extension Native Americans, by the authority of the Great Spirit, should have the right to take back all our lands the Europeans took and round them up into concentration camps (reservations) and starve them out. Maybe Native Americans can get the support of Russia and China to help us enforce our claims? Israel is the bad guy in this and their claims are based on nothing but religion, the Palestinians have just as much right to exist on that land, I see no way to get around this logically. I can honestly say I have nothing against the Jewish people individually or as a people but they get no magical pass either. And the whataboutism of saying other countries have no room to talk is a very sad excuse.1 point
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1 point
I offered those earlier, but we don't know if Dim is wired for mains. Also it may not be as easy as that as through the mains has to be on the same mains subcircuit. I used to keep a bunch of these and say to farmers, the only way to see if it works in your barn, cowshed etc is to try it and see. If I plug these in and they work, it is the easiest and cheapest way, otherwise we can do something else. But you don't have to buy them, just use my test modules. Someimes it would would sweetly, sometimes it would stubbornly refues to jump from one subcircuit to another.1 point
This would be a good course textbook for you. The Foundations of Mathematics Paperback (2015) Stewart and Tall.1 point
Yes indeed, yet you have never actively discussed that topic. Just added a few sentences here and there pouring scorn on the idea. Just as you poured scorn on my diagram. So let me ask you this. Suppose you actually had a perfect Carnot engine and and a second engine that was more efficient that the Carnot one. What would happen if you thermally connected both engines between the same pair of heat sinks with the more efficient one generating a mechanical work output from the available heat. But with the Carnot engine reversed (remember that the fundamental principle of a Carnot engine is that it is fully reversible) so that work generated by the efficient engine was used to drive the reversed Carnot engine to move heat from the cold sink to the hot sink ?1 point
1 point
The electrons of the material can oscillate at certain resonant frequencies that cause them to move between different energy states. This is how absorption and emission of light take place. If the frequency of the radiation is close to one of these frequencies but does not match, it can only cause the electrons to move temporarily to the higher state and then return. (If the frequency matches exactly, the electron can absorb a photon and move permanently to the higher energy state.) N.B. The light is not absorbed and re-emitted, as it is something said to be in bad explanations. It is just that the electron "borrows" energy from the wave it and gives it back. The effect is a bit like if you try to run on a trampoline: it absorbs and then releases energy from the wave. This slows down the phase velocity of the light. The closer to the absorption frequency the light is, the more it gets slowed down. In the limiting case, when the frequency matches exactly, it is absorbed, i.e. it is stopped! This is why glass is a dispersive medium, i.e. the refractive index depends on the frequency. The absorption frequency is in the UV, so as light frequency goes from red to blue, it is getting closer to the absorption frequency and thus the refractive index for blue light is greater than for red light. But refractive index is quite a complex phenomenon and really needs QM to explain it properly. It is related to polarisability - the ease with which a material can be polarised by an electric field. P.S. I actually watched most of your linked YouTube video, something I rarely do. I thought his explanation was good, avoiding the usual pitfalls of non-mathematical analogies.1 point
He says at 7:05 that the sum of two waves moving at different speeds is a wave moving at some intermediate speed. Electrons can't escape the glass, so their wave is a standing wave, like the vibration of a guitar string. Its speed is zero. You can think of it as a combination of two waves that move in opposite directions and keep getting reflected internally at the surface of the glass. I'm not sure what the speed of those electron waves is. Offhand, I would guess that it should be less than c because of the mass of the electrons, but don't quote me on that. Come to think of it, maybe the speed of the "electron" waves is just c/n, where n is the medium's index of refraction. That's the speed of "light" in the medium. Physically speaking, the best way to think about it may be that there isn't a pure "light wave" going through the glass, but a combined light+electron wave that has its own properties. So the overall wave is still the sum of two waves moving in opposite directions at speed c/n (or at least it can be broken down that way mathematically), but the one going in the direction of the incident light has a larger amplitude than the one going the other way.1 point
This discussion has led me to recall the following: //“Nazis use satire, humour or “lolz” as partial immunity for their hate, allowing them tolerance from those who would (or should) otherwise repudiate it. As the guide states: “Packing our message inside of … humour can be viewed as a delivery method. Something like adding cherry flavour to children’s medicine.” <...> When white people wield the conch of humour, people of colour are supposed to just endure the racism that comes out and laugh at the humour encasing it. This is the model neo-Nazis view as fertile ground for spreading hate. <...> Here’s a hint: if your view aligns with a neo-Nazi writing guide, it’s probably wrong. It’s too easy not to care about words, jokes and actions when you’re not the one affected by it. While I’m glad most white people seem to passionately oppose Nazis, that’s not a particularly high moral bar to pass. If you believe that Nazi ideology should be opposed, you can’t just ignore the way this ideology is spread. And normalisation through humour is a key part of that.”\\ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/dec/19/neo-nazis-hatred-comedy-racist-daily-stormer Decades, even! /rimshot For years, political jokes were being shared in the Official Jokes section thread. It was decided that not all science minded members here wanted political barbs and jokes in their otherwise apolitical jokes thread (and it also looked bad to newly minted site members) so my post made over there in that thread got split into its new home over here in the Politics section along with several that followed (I.e. I didn’t technically create this thread even though I’m displayed as its OP). See also: Humans are complex. Thank you mod team for splitting this, btw. ✌🏼1 point
Well... "interpretations of QM", or, what sort of "spin" are they putting on it? My own bête noire in physics, I'd thought it a mere phantasm, I've found still lurks in the math. I recommend this introductory paper on Geometric Algebra(GA): Oersted Medal Lecture 2002: Reforming the Mathematical Language of Physics, by David Hestenes, Department of Physics and Astronomy Arizona State University (.pdf, attached) In the Schrödinger wave equation, in developing the operator formalism I couldn't understand the treatment of the -iħ term; I still don't. I'd seen i was treated differently in matrix mechanics, and read it was regarded as the phase angle of the wave. After Hestenes's initial math work-up, he goes on to demonstrate that -iħ is actually encoding spin. The GA formalism builds up vector multiplication differently as the geometric product: a sum of a symmetric inner product and an antisymmetric outer product. There is an absence of commutative rule, but left and right distributivity are given seperately, and there is a contraction rule peculiar to GA. The outer, "wedge", product is related to the traditional cross product by a ∧ b = i a × b, and so the geometric product of vectors a and b can be stated as ab = a ·b + i a × b . The multivector form, M = α + a + ib + iβ (30), is comprised of a scalar, vector, bivector, and pseudoscalar, so "the Geometric Algebra G3 is a linear space of dimension 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 23 = 8. The expansion (30) has the formal algebraic structure of a “complex scalar” α + iβ added to a “complex vector” a + ib, but any physical interpretation attributed to this structure hinges on the geometric meaning of i...". He develops some natural facility for reflections and rotations, which given a normal basis are co-ordinate free, and develops "rotors", which are equatable to quaternions. From my basic understand, a Clifford algebra is a combination of the Grassman algebra and Hamilton's quaternion algebra; Clifford had called it geometric algebra and Hestenes seems to have been devoted to developing this math formalism that Grassman had started. There is also the paper Spacetime Physics with Geometric Algebra (.pdf attached), the sequel to the Ørsted medal lecture paper, with Section VIII: Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. OerstedMedalLecture.pdf SpacetimePhysics.pdf1 point
This extender will just plug straight into your existing router. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/173919330648?hash=item287e666158:g:6p0AAOSwrEJc8STP&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoAcaFsJHFMaFuitGRQAHOJ4U9srulyV2VDbOi%2FNHjp7CclMFWGSH5pG%2B9VmvpMzliSrs74XKUaiSpYlu3nC8CFVb%2Fb9IcHhhArl%2FV9P2ldI9NsE79psc0INwQhLtTXeIAznksBep5%2FoYv4Wq4UAmG%2B8a2BUb5Sy8tJwJnqCXDKJK0P8R0h432MNiJy1QjzrqZ9vxG%2BSLscWWrfKuFWYLNpw%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7jBoo_GYQ1 point
Firstly you don't actually need a router you need a switch most folks cant tell the difference, but switches are cheaper and better for your purposes. I assume you already have a router in your house internet ? So if you have a spare ethernet connector in the back of your incoming internet then you would connect a PoE switch to it and take the output of the switch 100m to a repeater This would then boost the signal for the next 100m and finally end up in another switch at the cabin. A second switch there is a good idea as it would allow for future expansion. The used to do 2 port switches but the main makes seem only have 5 port these days - I will keep looking There is PoE and PoE + which gives greater electrical power. Another way to reach 300+m is to use fibre. This and PoE repeaters (extenders) are discussed here https://intellinetsolutions.com/pages/poe-extenders-repeaters1 point
Sika Technology AG Comprehensive understanding of grinding aids It doesn't sound like you're sintering to clinker, which is the focus of the above paper. From there, Reference [16] Sohoni, S., Sridhar, R., Mandal, G.: The effect of grinding aids on the fine grinding of limestone, quartz and Portland cement clinker, Powder Technology 67 (1991), pp. 277–286 Science Direct.com Pubchem Triethanolamine BP 335-350°C1 point
0 points
I'm genuinely trying to find the resolution to what I perceive as a conundrum, I thought the wise people here might be able to help. Why are you so cynical? I'll try to clarify the scenario more with a diagram in a little while. So far, one person said 1.732 seconds and another said half that. I'll try to see if either works in a diagram. Thanks to all who replied so far, even if cynical.-1 points
What question. And how is what I illustrated "irrelevant" You folks seem to have no comprehension of heat distribution in a Stirling engine. Don't know what more I could do to make it any clearer. The heat from the bolts is heating the top plate as well as the air inside the engine below it. The cold expanded air is forced upward directly impacting those hot zones around the perimeter every cycle. That would not be "replicating" your experiment, which is crap. I've already done experiments of that sort, with nylon bolts.-1 points
What is "the engine"? Carnot limit says "IMPOSSIBLE" for ANY engine to get better than Carnot efficiency (calculated from the ∆T) "rejecting" no less than the reciprocal. So a little model Stirling on a 20% efficiency supposedly MUST "reject" the other 80% to the cold side or could not complete a single revolution or a single cycle. I've done some common sense modifications to reduce heat loss like replacing the heat conducting bolts, changing the throw of the piston in some cases, adjusting the timing/advance, maybe incorporate a small regenerator and so forth, and have had engines run for long durations with no measurable heat transferring to the cold sink side whatsoever. Supposedly that should NOT be possible. Some kits give a lot of leeway as far as how the engine is assembled, so sometimes you see these engine behave in strange ways. Experienced model builders know how to build an engine from scratch, turning the cylinders on a metal lathe so I'm basically talking about customized engines constructed by experienced machinists not some imported piece of junk that can barely run no matter what you do to it. To put it bluntly: your engine is garbage and your experiment is garbage. You are in no way an experienced and knowledgeable engine mechanic or machinist capable of building or putting together a machine that would display any of the unusual characteristics observed in any of my experiments. If you would like to see at least some hit of the possibilities you would have to get out a screwdriver and pair of pliers and maybe a hand drill and go to the hardware store and make some modifications on that silly little engine. I've tried to be encouraging but you have been rude, arrogant, pompous, disrespectful, insulting, and you name it. You and your little band of hecklers. So "the engine" no, not "the" engine, not just any engine you happen to pick up on Amazon. A properly built and/or if necessary, modified engine. You are not going to see the phenomenon I've been writing about and video recording if you refuse to make some minor modifications to your piece of crap engine. Or you could watch my videos, but you don't like videos. If you won't listen and are just intentionally avoiding everything I say should be or needs to be done just in an effort to try to prove me wrong with your so-called crap, straw man experiment I don't see much point in wasting much more time here debating your pile of horse shit so-called experiment.-1 points
Would whoever marked that down like to explain why? In particular, do they realise that people are apes?-1 points
What slur? Are you saying the individuals with guns are not people or are you saying that people are not apes? If it's the second you are factually incorrect. If it's the first then ... I'm not the problem round here.-1 points
Sorry; I thought this was a science site. We spend enough time explaining to the God-Squad that people are apes that I thought it was acceptable. OK, I stand by my observation, but have clarified it.-1 points
That video shows at least 4 apes with guns. Just to clarify things. Guns were invented by apes and are almost exclusively used by apes. I'm more worried about people who refuse to believe that people are apes than I am about a chimp with an AK.-3 points