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Moths have some audio camouflage. Besides active jamming sounds, fuzzy wings can make it passively difficult for bats to find them. https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/science/researcher-receives-grant-to-study-echolocation-in-moths/1 point
Aha! It's the straight branch! https://wpi.digication.com/honey-stealing-moths-BB2050-D20/home The death's head hawkmoth doesn't just look like bees; it smells like a bee. I just saw it today in a beautiful documentary (middle-school level) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10JTbfSecC41 point
I have not, but it seems to be a hexagon cut in half. Bottom half used as a tray to receive a full hexagon slice inserted into it for the hive activity.1 point
1 point
I agree. I'm surprised to learn that anyone has even done a study showing that giving a tiny house to an addict won't work.1 point
That 'maybe' true for the severely mentally ill, but for the addicted, how can it be true? An addict is trying to make their life more comfortable and a tiny house is way more comfortable than the street, to have a drink.1 point
1 point
Ah, ok thanks for clearing that up. Much appreciated.1 point
You guys were right it was the lighting, I ended up changing some light bulbs in some lamps from 13w led bulbs to 60w incandescent bulbs, immediately better. I really didn't realize how dim it was I always thought it seemed pretty bright in my apartment, but I guess it wasn't.1 point
Smacking the face means board feel matters here. After sanding to 220 or 300, I’d apply some satin sheen hard wax oil. If, however, it was a very porous wood, I’d first do a skim coat with Timbermate to close the textured pores. Once done, a French style polish with paste wax. That should feel like butter when smacking the nose/forehead and all without making it look plastic-ey 🪵 😍1 point
1 point
A very reasonable question. Have you thought about possible tests ? Interestingly this is made possible because of the finite speed of light. We can look back over much longer timescales than our own lifetimes or even our civilisations'. So we can compare the configurations of matter over very long timescales and we find that the further back in time we look the smaller the gaps are and the average density is diminishing, when directly comparing one with the other so we can say with confidence that the correct interpretation is expansion not contraction.1 point
In C# it is the same: using System; class Test { static void Main( string [] args ) { int x = 1; int y = 3; Console.WriteLine("pre x={0} y={1}", x, y ); Console.WriteLine(x == (x = y)); // false Console.WriteLine("post x={0} y={1}", x, y ); x = 1; // reset Console.WriteLine("pre x={0} y={1}", x, y ); Console.WriteLine((x = y) == x); // true Console.WriteLine("post x={0} y={1}", x, y ); } } In languages that allow overloading of operators, you can try to create your own class with overloaded assignment and comparison operators and do logging there.1 point
I understand that in evaluating == the LS gets evaluated first, then the RS, then they get compared. Let's say in the beginning x is 1 and y is 2. So, in x == (x=y): 1) the LS evaluates to 1 2) x=y gets executed; x is now 2 3) the RS evaluates to 2 4) 1 == 2 returns false. In (x=y) == x: 1) the LS gets executed; x is 2 2) the LS evaluates to 2 3) the RS evaluates to 2 4) 2 == 2 returns true1 point
On another note, folic acid seems to reduce the risk of suicide. https://neurosciencenews.com/folic-acid-suicide-21568/1 point
WOW! Maybe that is why i crave spicy foods and put sriracha sauce on everything I eat.1 point
Yes, this in my own experience is something that you often see. Years ago, I was having many physical issues and went to see my GP. I was diagnosed with deep depression and the GP put me on mild medication and arranged counselling. I hadn't realised how low I was and that I was sinking further each day, I certainly never considered myself depressed!. The counselling really helped, by giving me a new perspective. But what I find helps me most these days, is setting myself goals, ones that are achievable but take time to get there with effort and commitment. This gives me something to focus on and some sense of purpose and stops me sliding back into the hole I was heading down years ago. A good friend of mine's wife is severely depressed and has attempted suicide. She is on strong medication and has regular counselling but this only keeps her head above water. I wouldn't have any idea what would help her. Though many techniques work to a degree, each case is individual and it's therefore difficult to find the right formula for everyone. The last thing a depressed person needs to hear is people saying "what are you depressed about, you have all these lovely things and you are still not happy..." They also don't appreciate being patronised with over sensitive comments either " you are such a wonderful person, you have all this going for you"... etc, this just seems to fuel the guilt they feel for being so low in the first place. I think depression is very sad and a deep concern, many people suffer silently!1 point
As a sufferer of deep depression I have been seeking out the magic mushroom treatment, medications do not appear to help. Getting out in nature might help but some depressed people are not open to that sort of thing. Since being out in nature is my thing... or was, It's weird to know you are depressed and not be able to rise out of like most people seem to think you should. I am not sure what to do either, if I find anything i'll share it for sure.1 point
If you want to see bias in action, try declaring yourself a socialist in certain parts of America... But I conform to the constitution... I'm not saying that I'm better than you, I'm saying that we're the same; I'm just lucky enough to see the path first; but if you consider me a "mad man in a parable", consider this, it may just mean you can't see the path.-1 points