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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/23 in all areas

  1. Why is everyone focusing on this one outspoken child? Because she got attention - by pointing. They were reasonable. They laid out arguments backed by meticulous research, published scientific papers in respected journals, held conferences, advised governments, NGO's, international agencies and the UN. They were heard, nodded-at, and ignored. They didn't point fingers. Or get arrested on mass media. They were not sufficiently desperate.
    2 points
  2. Hardly. Ports are located on these flooded coasts, and a lot of people. These areas that would be “opened up” have little infrastructure, which would have to be built up, and so are hardly a replacement.
    1 point
  3. I'm thinking not quite a Gish gallop, since Moontan is not (unlike the infamous Duane Gish) trying to advance one specific theory here. I don't mind if he throws out an array of anomalous events - it is helpful to get a handle on the range of observational data that is out there, good, bad, and muddy. I would like to see photos that didn't have chain-of-custody problems like the Tustin photos (the highway maintenance guy in California, with the polaroids that disappeared for several years). My impression (as a former photographer) of the Ground Effect in that one photo is that there was some kind of pale cylindrical object in there amidst the pale "dust" cloud, and the amount of grain from that ASA 3000 emulsion makes it pretty ambiguous as to what that pale patch really is. There is also minimal information about Rex Heflin, the photographer, which could speak to any possible penchant for hoaxing. The fact that a Polaroid eliminates darkroom fakery is not really helpful, in that it eliminates only one of many paths to creating a fake picture. There is a later photo analysis done in the 1990s, which has to be ordered from the authors, which I've ordered through ResearchGate, and I'll be interested in what they found, if anything. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237243956_Reanalysis_of_the_1965_Heflin_UFO_Photos
    1 point
  4. Since that is NewsGuard's mission, I hope they have done similar investigations of Faux News et al. Rather than banning all these miscreant companies, however, I think laws should be passed that impose severe penalties for fake news, laws that can't be loopholed by claiming "it's just entertainment!" Lie about news events, pay a huge fine or even do jail time. No white collar crime wrist-slaps. For Tucker Carlson, I can happily envision public flogging, perhaps combined with vultures arriving each day to chew on his liver.
    1 point
  5. LOL, beat me to it, but there's some lovely filth over here: God damn it, now I've got to watch again, which is a sort of recycling...😇
    1 point
  6. I am not aware that there is any law requiring individual companies to be net zero by any deadline. What industry is this, in what country, and what pressure is there for it to achieve net zero unilaterally? Yes that went through my mind too. As did Spike Milligan's remonstration: "Look, I died in the war for people like you."
    1 point
  7. Hard to disagree with these sentiments in general. There is undoubtedly a big element of 20:20 hindsight in a lot of criticism of previous generations. We simply knew much less then. This is normal: society learns as science advances. But to be fair to Thunberg (and to my 19yr old son) it is people one or two generations older than them who are today's decision-makers. There have been inexcusable levels of complacency, and blank refusal to face facts, from a lot of people of our generation, which the coming generation understandably finds very frustrating, especially as they are the ones who will be saddled with the consequences of dilatory action by our generation. Finger-pointing is on the whole not a constructive exercise, as it makes the pointer angry and the pointee defensive. The thing to do is recognise the issue and cooperate in solving it. Thunberg has been great at raising the profile of the subject but, being autistic, is no diplomat. That should not be surprising.
    1 point
  8. Sure, why not? I I'll throw in antibiotics resistance for free.
    1 point
  9. I see splodge was banned as sockpuppet of JustJoe, but this mention opens up a line for investigation. The Moon and the Magnetotail, NASA.gov: emphasis added.
    1 point
  10. Another potentially interesting path to pursue here is how TikTok also seems to put our brains into a more hypnotic state. I seem to recall studies coming out showing how (maybe?) delta waves and general flow states change in the brain depending on how the algorithm feeds videos to us, and we’re enormously prone to suggestion and influence when in those states… our normal defenses are far less effective. I’ve read it and heard it in enough different places and from enough different sources now that I find it compelling. Meta and Twitter and Fox News et.al obviously try to achieve the same thing, but they’re like preschool flag football players compared to TikTok’s NFL brutes.
    1 point
  11. And I'm still not convinced that poor individuals prioritize climate change over their, and their families', well being. Their Governments certainly might, because foreign aid will be tied to mitigation efforts, but for some poor people, survival is a day to day effort. Just my opinion; I guess we'll see how it turns out, but judging by the last 30 years, where most affluent nations promised the sky, but delivered a hole in the ground, I don't have favorable expectations.
    1 point
  12. And the fact that you can find people who agree with you does not change the fact that poor people are not only disproportionately affected by climate change, but also bu efforts to mitigate climate change. I have never said climate change is not real and efforts to combat it shouldn't have started years ago; I am making an observation as to who will suffer most due to these efforts. And maybe other efforts should be in place to help these people which we are throwing 'under the bus' in order to save our beachfront vacation homes. A John Cuthber pointed out yesterday, Canada took in over 1 Million immigrants last year. What are the US and other developed countries doing for poor, displaced ( due to war, drought, lack of fishing resources ... ) peoples ?
    1 point
  13. Any subtropical tide pool. Maybe more than one.
    1 point
  14. Help us understand what information you feel is lacking here. You seem to have established that life began in seawater, so where would you expect to find seawater? Are you trying to narrow it down from "the sea"? Are there cellular contents that would point towards a particular sort of place in or around the sea? In terms of certain chemicals and mineral concentrations, are there differences between open ocean and shorelines, estuaries, basins, lagoons, tidal zones...other areas?
    1 point
  15. Take one of such numbers, say, ABCABC. The next one is AB(C+1)AB(C+1). Take a difference: AB(C+1)AB(C+1) - ABCABC = AB(C+1)*1000 + AB(C+1) - ABC*1000 - ABC = 1000 + 1 = 1001 So, they appear every 1001 numbers regardless of being smaller or larger.
    1 point
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