Do you have SSH access to your VPS? Which distro on VPS? What storage?
Do you have a local Linux installed on some physical disk? Which distro?
Do you have a Linux Live pendrive?
If none, then get 4 GB-16 GB fresh pendrive (it will be erased). $4 in the shop here for 32 GB, the smallest one is enough. Only 4GB will be used anyway.
Download the latest Kali Linux Live from:
wget -c
wget -c
(verify checksum!)
On Windows you can use Rufus
to erase pendrive and write ISO on pendrive.
On Linux you can use dd command.
Once you have terminal running use
ssh login@domain
(you don't have to have domain registered - VPS have public IPv6 reverse domain and perhaps public IPv4, some companies sell IPv4 for additional money per month)
enter your SSH password to VPS (should be in the e-mail after purchase, or web control panel)
Once you're logged on your VPS:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apache2
service apache2 start (eventually "systemctl start apache2")
nmap localhost should show you that TCP port 80 is open.
Then use http://domain or http://vps-domain-name to see if HTTP server is working
(the website HTML is in /var/www/html the most likely. ls -l /var/www/html to list files. You need sudo to edit the file e.g. sudo nano /var/www/html/index.html )
sudo apt install tor proxychains4
service tor start (eventually "systemctl start tor")
nmap localhost should show you that TCP port 9050 is open
(but it is open LOCALLY on VPS, not globally!)
(edit settings to open it globally, but then somebody can abuse it for you)
From home you can get something like that:
└─$ nmap domain
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2023-04-08 07:10 UTC
Nmap scan report for DOMAIN (IP)
Host is up (0.13s latency).
rDNS record for IP: DOMAIN
Not shown: 997 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp filtered smtp
80/tcp open http
Now, when you want invisible access to Tor network on a remote server from home, you use:
ssh -L :1234:localhost:9050 login@domain
Then in Firefox > Settings > Network Settings, Proxy, set SOCKS Host to localhost and port 1234
From now on, when you go to Firefox, it will try to connect to localhost at port 1234,
ssh will tunnel it through encrypted SSH port 22 to VPS server, which will then use Tor network for further world..
You can use apache2 as proxy server too.
It won't be as safe as SSH+Tor, but Google and other services should work.
(Google and other social medias hate Tor, Proxy, VPN and want to steal your identity.. therefor all these "verify by text message", "verify by phone".. etc. etc.)
If you want to go this route, you will need some sort of SSL certificate..
(Let's Encrypt is free, so it is most likely very insecure )
You can make SSH tunnel between home and VPS to your Apache-Proxy-Server:
ssh -L :80:localhost:80 login@domain
Then in Firefox > Settings > Network Settings, Proxy, set HTTP Proxy Host to localhost and port 80
It won't need SSL certificate and will be much more secure.
(and going that route, you don't need to have exposed HTTP proxy server for other people, sooner or later some bot will find open proxy-server and everybody will use it, better if you connect to it through encrypted SSH by localhost address and local port)
Verify if you have some random IP address on
or similar stuff:
Check your VPS traffic daily..
For people with money, there is Skylink from Musk.. It is damn expensive TBH..
To configure it for you? Or to teach you entire Linux?