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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/23 in all areas

  1. What are advantages of using Latex vs MS Word for math expressions in the posts? At least visually, IMO, the latter is better than the former. Compare Latex: MS Word: Plus, the latter gives more presentation choices such as font, size, etc.
    1 point
  2. At the instant you posted the OP, it is more than arguable that the universe of the current instant didn't exist. It had no mass, possessed no energy, occupied no space. In short, it was the absolute nothing you referred to in your OP. Yet now the present exists in all its spacious, energetic enormity. How did it arise from absolutely nothing? If absolute Now has a perfect inverse Now such that Now + Now = 0, then perhaps they can and do arise spontaneously in a manner consistent with all our expectations of conservation of funamental properties, and separating as Now tracks its property gradients in one time direction while Now tracks its own back into the past. Hence Now deevolves back into Then. at exactly the right time to meet the instant you posted the OP whereupon Then + Then = 0. Hence the past also vanishes for eternity into absolutely nothing. And so on until the first Dawn where there was no Then to annihilate with. So Dawn and Dawn evolved in perfect mirror symmetry. For a better explanation of this inverse universe idea see Advanced Waves Detected (John G. Cramer) on which my amateur musings borrow heavily.
    1 point
  3. Here at Penrose Tile Co. our goal is to cover the Earth's surface with aperiodic tilings, consisting of our two types of cement rhombi: kites and darts. Interviewee: When I saw your advert, I knew immediately that my deep hatred of biological groundcover, advocacy of universal paving, and love of aperiodic tesselation would be a perfect fit with PTC! How soon can I start?
    1 point
  4. "Plus ça charge, plus c'est la même chose !"
    1 point
  5. You are applying for a job in a company, and you don't know why?
    1 point
  6. I think part of the problem with trying to conceptualise this, is the issue of trying to imagine "pre" space-time. Even the idea of before makes no sense because this infers a time pre time, which in itself is paradoxical. It could be that space and possibly time had no beginning and that both are infinite. Our idea that the observable universe had a beginning at the "big bang" on relativity and observations gave rise to the notion of - "pre" space-time or what we commonly call the primordial singularity. Though recent observations made by JWT of large distant galaxies may question the accuracy of the big bang model.
    1 point
  7. @wtf: You have to account for the simple fact, that we are also 'machines': wet, biological machines. From a naturalistic view, the meaning of expressions we experience must have a natural explanation. So the logical and/or chemical mechanism of neurons somehow generate meaning and consciousness. I put the 'flipping' in quotes, while neurons are not flip-flops. But all neurons will behave according to laws of nature. As long as we do not understand how these billions of neurons give rise to meaning and consciousness, it is premature to state that a huge system of flip-flops will not be able to experience meaning. Having said that, I think ChatGPT is still far from that point. And I wonder why you ask me to explain myself, but did not react iNow's remarks: So where your descriptions of the workings of ChatGPT might be perfectly correct, you fail to account how meaning and consciousness arise, evolutionary, and individually, in humans.
    1 point
  8. The pre-Planck Universe was not a space to be filled. Until you put objects in it spatial distance didn't exist probably nor did time.
    1 point
  9. I've stopped taking your posting seriously. You post false facts, make up stuff at will and never show where it comes from. And as you just ignore it, when errors are pointed out, I'm not wasting any more time on your posts. I don't mind disagreement, but just throwing out junk and not responding to specific points makes it not worthwhile engaging.
    -1 points
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