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  1. Was using experience in an epistemically neutral sense. And was talking about AGI at the level of a machine that can learn, modify its own programming, exhibit functional plasticity, and (why am I needing to repeat this) replicate at least some of the causal powers of a brain. Please stop caricaturing this as spreadsheets or thermostats or whatever. While one may reasonably dismiss simple programmed devices as incapable of subjective states (aka "qualia"), there is as yet no definitive disproof that an advanced AGI could not have them. That's not being mystical, that's just keeping an open mind, since we don't yet know all the causal features of human cognition or if they could be implemented in some other substrate than protein-lipid pudding.
    3 points
  2. The title at least seems to be designed to facilitate ragebait clicks. Will have to read it later. But I have noticed natural scientists venturing out into the realm of social sciences without a lit of knowledge (though there is also a fair bit of questionable methodology among social scientists). Generally the more certain folks are (on either side of an issue) the more likely they are uninformed).
    1 point
  3. OTOH, I don't mind some over-sensitivity when it comes to racism. There are so many words and phrases that have inherent biases in them, or have racist origins, or help perpetuate stereotypes. Should you use white paper to blacklist someone for being the black sheep of the physics journal? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6148600/#b39-jmla-106-527 I thought folks were being overly sensitive by correcting my use of the term "master bedroom" until I thought about how gender and racially offensive it was. It took me about three tries to learn to use "main" instead of "master".
    1 point
  4. It's great that you recognize and appreciate the differences in people's personalities. You make a good point that in a collective sense, the variety of personalities can create synergy and lead to better outcomes. I agree that humility can make us more understanding, while pride can motivate us to be cooperative and achieve our goals. However, as you rightly pointed out, rudeness and condescension are never acceptable. I concur with you that there is no one ideal type of personality and that people can vary according on the situation. It's critical to be conscious of our own qualities and areas for improvement, but not to the point of acting insincere. Finding a balance that works for each person is key. We appreciate you taking the time to comment on this. To hear other viewpoints is always intriguing.
    1 point
  5. Yes, it is a conjecture, of course. As long as we have not succeeded, we cannot be sure. But as TheVat already said, it is important to keep an open mind. We do not know what belongs to the essential properties of neurons and how they must be connected to generate consciousness. And I also think that @Genady is right, that an 'AGI' must have its own means of observing and moving. TheVat already answered it for me: Deep Learning is modeled after how neurons are working. The output that ChatGPT is not generated by rules implemented by humans. From Genady's linked article: If these simplified models of neurons suffice to replicate our mental capabilities, and can lead to consciousness, is an open question. But the output can definitely surprise the programmers. This is not Eliza, or SHRLDU. In these AI-programs, the rules were explicitly programmed. That is why your examples of your python program, thermostats, elevator software, etc simply are a dishonest comparison. Yep, and you are made of chemicals, that you can buy at the Chemist's. I let ChatGPT write a small bash-script for me. It did it in a nearly human way: the first version was wrong, I wrote what was wrong, and it came with a better version, but still not quite correct. In the end, the 5th version did exactly what I wanted. Yesterday I tried it with an elevator, but it did not succeed. So I think I have to call elevator-repair-man...
    1 point
  6. Why he paints in the nude, I have no idea. Perhaps it saves on his laundry bills?
    1 point
  7. Who is this Rorschach guy and why does he paint so many pictures of my mother in the nude?
    1 point
  8. Why are covens of sixteen witches so dangerous? Because they hex a decimal system.
    1 point
  9. Why do engineers confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because Oct. 31 = Dec. 25
    1 point
  10. After a lifetime of watching human interactions, I feel that the same conclusion applies equally to us.
    1 point
  11. @Mordred You edited that post so many times, its amazing Because of that I will go my way. I build a system and it is not the 1960-2023. I build a concept of this -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langlands_program The link means nothing to you, it is another attack from Prime mechanics as I stated in last page, call Prime Land. I am not going the traditional approach in how you like it. And because of this it is the impossibility theory. My answer: ∫d^11x, represents an 11-dimensional integral over all spacetime coordinates, including additional spatial dimensions beyond the standard (t,x,y,z) coordinates. It requires more than the four dimensions of spacetime in order to provide a consistent mathematical framework. The principle of least action, applies equally well in higher-dimensional spacetimes as in four-dimensional spacetime, which determine the curvature of spacetime in the presence of matter and energy. In a higher-dimensional spacetime, metric tensor would take on a more complex form, and the transformations between different coordinate systems would be more involved than in Euclidean space. The Lorentz transformation you mentioned applies specifically to four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, and would not apply in a higher-dimensional spacetime. As for the inverse of an 11-dimensional tensor, its inverse would generally be an 11-dimensional tensor as well, rather than a 3-dimensional tensor. The inverse of a tensor is a mathematical concept that applies regardless of the dimensionality of the underlying space, and does not necessarily require any particular transformation laws. Pg 12 S = ∫d^4x√g [Λ(g) - 1/2κ^2(R + m^2(z)h) + L_m] where Λ(g) is a scalar function of the metric g that determines the cosmological constant, κ^2 = 8πG_N is the gravitational constant, R is the Ricci scalar, h is a transverse traceless tensor field that describes gravitational fluctuations, and L_m is the Lagrangian for matter fields. The function m(z) is a running mass parameter that depends on the energy scale z, and is chosen such that all energies are bounded between 0 and 1. The equation is well-behaved and does not have blow-ups or singularities due to the property of asymptotic safety, which ensures that the action remains finite at all energy scales. This property also resolves the hierarchy problem and the problem of ultraviolet (UV) divergences. The inclusion of a running mass parameter is a common feature and is included. However, the specific form of the function and its implications for the behavior of Gravity at high energies may depend on the particular approach taken. The use of regularization techniques such as zeta regularization to renormalize the equation is also included in this framework. Overall, the equation is designed to be finite at all energy scales, and prevents blow-ups, singularities, and infinities. The equation provided is a form of the gravitational action that unifies Gravity with matter and could potentially describe physics at energies up to or beyond 10^16 GeV, making it an example of a UV-complete of Gravity. more details on it This is the action for a gravitational theory with a cosmological constant, a scalar field h, and matter fields described by L_m. Here are some explanations of the different terms in the action: S is the action, which is a functional that describes the behavior of the system. ∫d^4x is a four-dimensional integral over spacetime. √g is the square root of the determinant of the metric tensor g, which is a measure of the curvature of spacetime. Λ(g) is the cosmological constant term, which describes the energy density of empty space. κ is a coupling constant that relates the strength of the gravitational interaction to the energy density of matter. R is the Ricci scalar, which is a measure of the curvature of spacetime. m(z) is a function that describes the mass of the scalar field h as a function of its position in the extra dimensions. h is a scalar field that describes fluctuations in the curvature of spacetime. L_m is the Lagrangian density that describes the matter fields in the theory. The action describes how the system evolves in time. The equations of motion for the fields are obtained by varying the action with respect to each field and setting the variation to zero. The resulting equations of motion describe the behavior of the system. Note that this particular action does not specify a specific gravitational theory, but rather a general class of theories that includes the cosmological constant, a scalar field, and matter fields. Different choices of the functions Λ(g), m(z), and L_m can give rise to different gravitational theories with different properties. scalar field phi interacts with gravity in a spacetime with extra dimensions. S = ∫ d^11x √|g| [(1/2) g^{ij} ∂_i phi ∂_j phi - V(phi) + Λ(g) - 1/2κ^2(R + m^2(z)h) + L_m] This action includes both the scalar field phi and the gravitational terms, as well as the cosmological constant term and the matter fields. The scalar field phi can interact with the extra dimensions, and the mass of the scalar field can depend on its position in the extra dimensions. Breakdown: S: This is the action functional, which describes the dynamics of the system. ∫ d^11x: This represents an 11-dimensional integral over all spacetime coordinates. √|g|: This is the square root of the determinant of the metric tensor g, which is a measure of the curvature of spacetime. (1/2) g^{ij} ∂_i phi ∂_j phi: This term describes the kinetic energy of the scalar field phi. The index i and j run over all 11 dimensions of spacetime, and the g^{ij} factor is the inverse of the metric tensor g. V(phi): This term represents the potential energy density of the scalar field phi. It depends on the value of phi at each point in spacetime. Λ(g): This is the cosmological constant, which represents the energy density of empty space. It is a constant value that is added to the action. 1/2κ^2(R + m^2(z)h): This term describes the gravitational action, which depends on the curvature of spacetime and the presence of matter fields. κ is a constant that depends on the units used, and R is the Ricci scalar, which measures the curvature of spacetime. The term m^2(z)h represents the presence of additional dimensions, where m^2(z) is a function that depends on the position in the extra dimensions and h is a metric tensor that describes the geometry of the extra dimensions. L_m: This term represents the matter fields that interact with the scalar field and the gravitational field. It can include a variety of fields, such as electromagnetic fields, fermions, or other scalar fields. The combined action describes the dynamics of the scalar field, the curvature of spacetime, and the matter fields in a spacetime with extra dimensions. The resulting equations of motion describe how the different fields interact and evolve in time. With coordinates and determinant, we will apply it to be constant and equal to 1. With this we need to perform a coordinate transformation and rescale the metric tensor appropriately. Let's denote the original coordinates as x^μ, where μ = 0, 1, ..., 10. We can then introduce a new set of coordinates y^μ such that: y^μ = c^μ + a^μν x^ν where a^μν is a constant matrix and c^μ is a constant vector. This is a linear transformation that preserves the flatness of the spacetime, meaning the metric tensor in the new coordinates is the same as the Minkowski metric tensor: ημν = diag(-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) To make the determinant equal to 1, we can rescale the metric tensor by a constant factor: g'μν = (det a)^(-1/2) gμν where gμν is the original metric tensor and g'μν is the rescaled metric tensor. Using these transformations, we can write the original action as: S = ∫ d^11x √|g| [(1/2) g'^μν ∂_μ φ ∂_ν φ - V(φ) + Λ(g') - 1/2κ^2(R' + m^2(z)h') + L_m'] where R' and h' are the Ricci scalar and metric tensor in the new coordinates, and L_m' is the matter Lagrangian in the new coordinates. The new coordinates y^μ and metric tensor g'μν are chosen such that det(g'μν) = 1 and g'μν = ημν
    -1 points
  12. Wow.... finally.... brings back memories. You should deserve a star 🌟 Why? I read all the moderators comments and silly lurkers and useless comments here and they still have no clue what a mathematical proof is. My math is 100%, just deadly correct. But it's doesn't matter! As long if the observation evidence prove it and back it up. I published Pime mechanics, March 14 2023, you know saying over the top stuff, gravity created everything, light ech..... 3 weeks later, "physicist discover that gravity created light." ...and I'm like, ..... seriously... what the heck, where's my noble prize. So, now I'm like okay, Prime Mechanics has showcase a appetizer. Let's see 👀 Earliest reports is first week of April. I haven't seen any reports earlier on Google.
    -2 points
  13. @Ghideon Obviously Prime mechanics wasn't written in 5 days. Worked on it from 2007 to 2023. Another reason if you read my post I absurdly state my position with authority because people in the science community love stealing other people work! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_scientific_misconduct_incidents Because of this, scientists and people in academia are crooks, sadly. So let it be known, Prime Mechanics is published, stated and posted. Don't worry, I wrote the theory of everything. There are way more discoveries in gravity alone that is shocking, just re-read my post only, everyone else is pointless and you see I am predicting, claim, stating over 100 things. Light from gravity is 1 out of 💯
    -2 points
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