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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/23 in all areas

  1. Sure, but sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough by themselves to be healthy. Sometimes you also need medicine, antibiotics, a change in bandages, a warm place to sleep… yet y’all keep suggesting anyone who thinks we likely need more than just proper diet and good exercise to help heal centuries of oppression are… what, exactly? Trying to do too much? Being foolish? Paternalistic? Trying to assuage guilt? Being too woke? Missing some point? No. For me, I’m just being realistic about what constitutes a workable and feasibly implementable improvement in the lives of many millions of people who are part of families that haven’t been given a fair shake across multiple generations.
    2 points
  2. I have read it, without preconceptions. It is very confused. Maybe you should read Cantor's proof without your preconceptions. From the pdf: "He [Cantor] concludes E0 differs from D for all v in the set M" No, he concludes that E0 differs from Eu for all u in the list that E0 was derived from. Neither "v" nor "u" are in the set M, they are natural numbers not binary sequences (rows). What Hudson calls "D" is the diagonal that is negated to get Cantor's E0. Both are in M, by the definition of M. And nothing described as "all <whatever> in M" are referenced in this part of the proof. The rest of the paper refers to constructions that have nothing to do with this conclusion, so they are irrelevant. Whether or not "A different random list could contain E0" is irrelevant, since any list you can produce can be used to construct a different E0 that is not in that list. And the point is really quite simple: The actual diagonal argument does not prove that M is uncountable, it proves: IF you have a list of sequences from M, THEN we can construct a sequence that is in M, but not in this list. In "analyzing" this proposition, there is no reason to refer to "all M," or any other sequences besides 00 derived from the list in hand. But once you have the truth of this proposition, it "follows immediately" that M itself is uncountable.
    1 point
  3. Yes, they just go through each other. No, they don't interact.
    1 point
  4. Hi all, just wanted to let you all know that I’m temporarily away from the forum, since I’m currently staying at a place without any Internet access. Will return once circumstances permit 👍
    1 point
  5. Isn't that sort of a straw man? I find most people who favor reparations to Blacks also favor them to Native Americans and other groups like Japanese-Americans whose families were placed in internment camps during WW2 or the Latinos who were displaced from Chavez Ravine in LA. I've never seen reparations as solely for Blacks. For sure, politics operates by the pressure of special interest groups, and they will by their very nature be focused on a particular group. If I join a group to support returning the Black Hills to the Lakota tribe, it doesn't mean I'm not also in favor of compensating Blacks, Latinos displaced from Chavez Ravine, et al.
    1 point
  6. In German it usually means original or proto-. Like the earliest or most primitive form of something. E.g. schrei means scream, so urschrei means primal scream. Ich hoffe das hilft.
    1 point
  7. A factor you need to consider is that the Moon does not orbit over the Equator, and it's orbital plane is ~ 5 degrees from the ecliptic. This video gives an idea of the Moon's path over the Earth. The camera tracks wit the Moon, and the Red dot shows where the "Earth-Moon joining line intersects the Earth's surface. It not ~100% accurate as I made the Moon's orbit exactly 28 sidereal days long to keep it simple. The path starts North of the Equator, drifts South and then back again.
    1 point
  8. Depends on how you define language. Apes, wolves, whales, elephants, squirrels, birds, even ants and bees have active communication systems.
    1 point
  9. Although some explanation is not comprehensively accepted by physics community today, it is currently accepted by at least a group of scientists and also this 'throwing rubbish into reality' trend is more and more popular in the future development of science. If this behavior is not corrected, the whole reality would be interpreted as a rubbish can and the rubbish inside is full of various magic physical properties. So why dark matter is the exception. The principle of methodology behind either adding extra dimension in the string theory (not mainstream but partially accepted) or adding non-inertia system into reality (quite mainstream) is the same in nature. alternate reality refers to the many-worlds interpretation (MWI), which is the second mainstream viewpoint to explain the wave function. The first mainstream viewpoint is Copenhagen interpretation.
    1 point
  10. Are you saying that since the 60 numbers arranged around a circle resemble a clock, your mind made the jump to a connection with time, and 'waves of time ? That is way beyond numerology. It is 'seeing' non-existent connections with no basis in evidence or observation. IOW, NOT science.
    1 point
  11. I know this is the Lounge, but you're making a LOT of assumptions here that deserve to be challenged. I'm not really interested in how you arrived at "honey is an amoral food source", I just know that it's not something that should be posted on a science discussion forum as if it's a fact. If you don't have a link to a study, or at least some reason to link bee-thanking to ethics, statements like this are anecdotal at best. Are you trying to link insect intelligence to the taste of honey? Are you playing with ChatGPT, or are you using some kind of translation software?
    1 point
  12. Jeff; After a few failed attempts, Cantor's error is exposed. Keep in mind the nature/properties of a random list, a 1-dimensional sequence, and a 2-dimensional sequence. Read the pdf without any preconceived notions. Cantor diagonal argument resolution.pdf
    -1 points
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