That’s surely part of it, but as I said Trumpism will remain even if Trump disappears. The grievance politics are as old as time.
Fearing the woke mob taking away freedoms or guns, believing others want them to apologize for being white, refusing to accept transgenderism, election results, or feeling that the system is rigged and they haven’t been given a fair shake. “It’s YOUR fault that MY life’s not better!!”
Trump may have amplified a previously quiet set of militias and KKK membership, but those folks have always been there and don’t ever seem to go away. They just used to be quieter. Now, they’ve have been given a permission structure to say whatever they really think openly, out loud in public, and without shame.
None of that ends when Trump is gone, and in fact it’ll probably be worse moving forward with all of the bubbled and closed off information ecosystems and disinformation lattices.