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  1. 1 point
  2. Forgive me. I’m pretty slow. A bit of a dotard, really. Gonna need someone to speak slowly and softly to explain this to me like I’m in kindergarten. I suggested that not accepting trans people for who they are… continuing to call them he when they identify as she or making rude insinuations about castration, for example… itself might legitimately be considered a form of prejudice. You then jumped tracks and suggested that I’m accusing people of being phobic for rejecting a sexual advance in a night club. What point are you trying to convince me and others of with this line of reasoning? Because not only are they personal in nature, but they’re also an irrelevant distraction with no worth. I prefer to make my dating and sexing decisions based on the individual qualities and characteristics of the individual before me. Who cares how they identify if I find them attractive and wish to act on it? You sure as shit shouldn’t since it’s my cock and not yours.
    1 point
  3. A review on metronidazole: an old warhorse in antimicrobial chemotherapy (2019) No, it's not insane and yes, you are missing something. Nobody takes metronidazole for more than about 2 weeks in a course of treatment. It tends to be used to treat serious protozoan or bacterial infections that would otherwise be very debilitating or ultimately lethal, and then stopped. Nobody takes this stuff prophylactically. I've used it twice, in both cases to treat giardiasis I picked up on travels in the Far East. One was a 3 day course and the other 7 days. There is no drug on Earth that has no risks attached to it. The evidence for metronidazole being carcinogenic in practice is very weak, whereas its benefits are great. Taking it out of the medical arsenal would certainly result in more deaths, and would thus be counterproductive.
    1 point
  4. A humorous folk song by Burl Ives, which has the woman swallowing successively larger creatures, until she swallowed a horse....she died, of course. No one knows why she swallowed the fly. 😀
    1 point
  5. The article you later posted doesn't support your assertion of "most straight people...." All the article does is reflect someone's opinion that present rape statutes could be interpreted to pin "rape by deception" on a sexual act with a trans person. I don't see either polling, or expert legal opinion, or actual incidents reported, on this. Given the facial bone structure (and ghost of 5 o'clock shadow) of the opining tv personality, I feel confident that her sexual partners will be quite aware that she is trans.
    1 point
  6. It should be noted that failure to accept trans individuals as they identify can legitimately be viewed as a type of prejudice. In fairness, your comments suggest a lack of acceptance and empathy for this community, even outside the narrow boundaries of elite athleticism.
    1 point
  7. My apologies, it was intended as an ironic joke ("grow a pair" tits or bollocks, "The song/joke remains the same"), which I assumed JC got, given his reply. I had a friend like you, a real man's man (no homo😣), then karma gifted him a gay son, that taught him; would it teach you?
    1 point
  8. Sometimes it takes people being too sentimental about mental health and suicide to disprove the idea that all mentally ill and suicidal people are sentimental or romantic about their situation. Suicidal might not be very beautiful when they're ill but they'll be more beautiful when they recover! Suicidal people can spiritually weak but that doesn't always mean their mentally weak when they can still be strong in their physicality. Christina Aguilera's song might be a well-intentioned lesser evil to contrast with the neutrality of many mentally ill people. Christina Aguilera - Beautiful:
    1 point
  9. I just LOL’d. Thanks for that, at least. “Nuh uh, YOU are!” 😂
    0 points
  10. I think we need to add a new emoji just for "Citation?" so we don't have to type it so many times.
    -1 points
  11. The law in the UK says I'm right. I don't know about the US, but I think our courts have it right. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/trans-people-could-face-rape-charges-if-they-don-t-declare-sexual-history-warns-trans-activist-a7076546.html By we, I think you are talking about yourself. Parroting "Citation" is your usual substitute for any kind of thought-out comment.
    -2 points
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