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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/23 in all areas

  1. In addition to swansot's comment, putting a spy satellite that high would make it pretty useless as its image resolution would not be very good. Generally, they would be put into much lower polar orbits. So the Earth rotates under it, allowing it to observe pretty much any point on the surface over time. The particular orbit in the image is a Sun synchronous one. This means that as the satellite passes over a particular point of the Earth's surface, it is being lit the same by the Sun. This assures that differences in images between successive passes aren't due to different lighting angles from the Sun.
    1 point
  2. Neurons and their connections are not the whole story of the brain. Quantum computers are macro, too. They operate on quantum, nevertheless.
    1 point
  3. Not all cinema is worth saving. It's exactly that splashy, glitzy, overpriced and overhyped mass-produced movie that's making the industry unsustainable. It can continue - on a much reduced scale - less location shooting, smaller cast, fewer sequels, more quality than quantity and size (and, fps, less obtrusive soundtrack!). Yes, film is a valuable art form, like boats are a valuable form of transport, but not this!
    1 point
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/13/trump-admission-election-aides-january-6-panel Even if he won't say "lost" where the public can hear, he's admitted to not winning. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-finally-admits-defeat-i-didnt-win-election-1695339
    1 point
  5. Might it not be that we die and are reborn on a continuous basis every moment of our lives but that these events are too short and numerous for us to be aware of them. In the case you describe ,the theoretical passage between the two entities might be indistinguishable from a normal life. Edit:I think I can see now that death/rebirths occurring on an ongoing basis at micro locations in a system (the brain /nervous system) is different from a total universal death followed by the birth of a near identical system . So my question is not really relevant, perhaps I am also interested in @Genady 's assertion that our minds' calculations may run on quantum principles. Is this speculation or is there any direct evidence to support it?
    1 point
  6. Here are a couple of articles on the topic “Testing quantum gravity has long been thought to be out of reach of experiments, based on estimates that show it would take a collider the size of the Milky Way to accelerate protons enough to produce a measurable amount of gravitons (the quanta of the gravitational field), or that we would need a detector the size of planet Jupiter to measure a graviton produced elsewhere. Not impossible, but clearly not something that will happen in my lifetime.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2016/04/13/how-well-finally-wind-up-testing-quantum-gravity/?sh=6fff3015529e “The key place to look for gravitons — or a signature of the “particle” part of the nature of these gravitational waves that we’ve demonstrated exist — would be where quantum gravitational effects are anticipated to be strongest and most pronounced: at the shortest distance scales and where gravitational fields are strongest. There’s no better place in the Universe to probe this regime than where two black holes merge, as close to their singularities as you can conceivably get.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/11/20/ask-ethan-can-we-find-out-if-gravitons-exist/?sh=5bfb19ab1c85
    1 point
  7. Face book is a sufficient source of all kinds of faces.. and they will do it for free.. Studios, as well as ordinary artists, since it can be downloaded for free, have access to the motion capture database with bone or face movements. Once recorded, the movement of an actor/stuntman in a special suit can be reused millions of times at any time. https://www.google.com/search?q=motion+capture ..which, of course, reduced the need for real paid experienced stuntmen.. George Lucas started shooting Star Wars in the middle of the series, due to the inability to pay stuntmen or generate so many "clones" in the first 3 episodes.
    1 point
  8. We still do sometimes; it's very effective.
    1 point
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