People have been saying this for millenia and have been wrong every single time, but I'm SURE you're the exception!!
A distinction without a difference. The human mind imposes patterns even where they don't actually exist. You're here arguing that the shape in the clouds is a real animal, and then further calling us the childish ones.
You are free to believe any stupid silly thing you want, and we will support your freedom to do so, but when you boil all this down the ONLY thing you have to support your belief is faith, and that's not good enough for a critically thinking mind.
The funny part is that you agree with me when it comes to all of the other gods invented by humans and laying dead in the graveyard of our mythologies. You agree with me when it comes to silly claims about tooth fairies and dragons and purple unicorns... but in a stroke of special pleading, hypocrisy, and (YES) confirmation bias, you seem to think your own personally preferred flavor of deity is somehow exempt and unique from equal criticisms.
If your faith were truly so strong, you wouldn't care whether others share it with you. Instead, your faith is weak and you're overcompensating by trying to evangelize to us. Good luck with that.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.