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  1. All gauge bosons are their own anti-particles. Think about it, if you will, as if they are themselves the product of annihilation. They cannot annihilate any further. Think about it as all particle-antiparticle pairs that mutually annihilate do so by offering each other opposite quantum numbers "to annihilate with". Gauge bosons have no non-zero quantum numbers to "annihilate with" in a manner of speaking. Gravitons are gauge bosons.
    2 points
  2. The previous post didn't answer properly you @swansont pointing out: This observation comes from me saying that one strategy of the T Rex hunting would be staying hiding underwater waiting for preys at the shore and jumping to catch them. I must admit that due to his enormous size this strategy seems to not be possible for him in the wetland environments as I originally thought. Is a strong cornerstone in my proposition and may be this is one of the main reasons that the T Rex isn't considered so aquatic as I was thinking. I will think more about for if there would be another possibility for the T Rex hunting at the shores. This would be essential in my proposition. Ok, I must admit that my proposition seems inviable in several ways. It was just an idea on my head that I needed to resolve...
    2 points
  3. Interesting. Usually hydrogen isn’t found by itself as a gas, so one needs to use energy to separate it. In such cases it’s a storage medium, not an energy source, and it’s only as “green” as the source of electricity But hydrogen gas deposits (aka white or gold hydrogen) have been found https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/29/climate/white-hydrogen-fossil-fuels-climate/index.html “[the probe] indicated the presence of a large reservoir of hydrogen beneath. They ran calculations and estimated the deposit could contain between 6 million and 250 million metric tons of hydrogen”
    1 point
  4. What? What does any of that have to do with restaurants and food? Or anything I said?
    1 point
  5. I think these equations of Hamas and ordinary Palestinians are typical of political rhetoric where the purpose is to draw attention away from Geneva Convention violations, as in this case the indiscriminate killing of civilians, starvation tactics, and destruction of non military targets like homes. The same rhetoric was used in WW2 to justify Dresden and Hiroshima. Nazis bad, we can kill Germans with impunity. Japanese bad, we can nuke a whole city or two. It's interesting how most people can look back at those events and condemn them, or condemn the US brutal slaughter of indigenous tribal peoples, but somehow Israel gets a special pass and anyone who questions their conduct of war or occupation is pelted with ad hominems like being an antisemite. It doesn't take a moral philosopher to understand two wrongs don't make a right. If someone had stolen my house and plowed the olive groves that five generations of my family had farmed, and did that to thousands of others around me, and drove me into a fetid slum I could not leave and which is subjected to mass murder attacks every decade or so, I might be easy prey to a political party that promised to get tough with my attackers and get my land back, and would probably not really grasp I was voting for a gang full of vicious sociopaths with a very stupid approach to negotiation . So tired of nuance-free discussions around the web where people seem to think Hamas just popped in out of nowhere and announced with a gleeful cackle, "Let's be evil and kill some innocent Jews!" Hamas and PIJ were created by the series of forcings and swindles that started with a letter written by Arthur Balfour. Was Balfour naive or foolishly optimistic or just having a feel-good moment with Britain's Jewish community? Maybe someone more knowledgeable of that history could say.
    1 point
  6. I find this nearly unintelligible. What is your goal? If you want health and fitness, don't obsess over food. Set a few boundaries and walk on. Minimize sugar and ultraprocessed foods whose ingredients list looks like a list of chemicals you don't have in your kitchen. Embrace fiber. Avoid foods that contain the word "isolate." (eating an isolate is like taking vitamin A pills instead of having a carrot or sweet potato)
    1 point
  7. The Nakba of 1947 should be spoken of with the same contempt as the Holocaust. The Palestinians are ultimately innocent, and are historical casualties of the machinations between the west and the Zionists to impose a new Torahnic culture on their land. Is this an unreasonable interpretation?
    1 point
  8. I wonder if people engaged in this know what the death tolls on each side look like. This may clarify it (It obviously only includes civilians) https://countingthekids.org/?fbclid=IwAR0rsRw5R5C0yBNhvKy7_eHdasFiJpkJ0J1L85h8BIKvkKgHyhzLgI2py-4
    1 point
  9. I meant to say +1 for reaching this conclusion for yourself and admitting it online. Remember that a T Rex needs a lot of food so will either have to hunt a lot of small game or some very big game. So it will hang about well stocked places. That is places that are also good for other creatures, perhaps plant eaters. So the lush areas of the planet.
    1 point
  10. Oh it doesn't work on so many levels... What about starting with animals generally died in the strata where they lived. Plus T-Rex is one of the most abundant fossils out there. Swamps and marshes leave abundant organic residues easy to recognise. Not the case. Unlikely... unless they all went en masse to Utah to embrace Mormonism in a retroactive mass conversion.
    1 point
  11. And you can see how deep the water would have to be. No chance to get in close to the shore to nab an animal taking a sip of water. More of the head protruding above the nostrils, too, so not really hiding like a croc.
    1 point
  12. Following on from my concept on Time, certain things "fall out" from the theory. For example early humans would have existed in time, evolving from the apes which I agree with. But I propose the evolution was quick helped along by a "substance" not yet discovered by scientists. This would explain why we have not been able to find fossils showing the GRADUAL changes which is absurd. My theory also tries to understand the present and takes a guess at humankind's future. For example, will we ever be able to conquer outer space??? The distances are just too far. Are people hoping for travel at light speed or teleportation???
    -1 points
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